Read sticky

>read sticky
>Picked routine
>Watched a bunch of youtube videos on how to lift
>about to go to the gym on Friday
>Feel nervous

Any advice Veeky Forums? It will be my first time on Friday, I feel like I wont know how to approach it. How do I properly function in the gym?

You just go and do your routine, then you leave

It's a gym you fucking aspie how do you even function

Just remember everyone is judging you

Everyone there will know you're new.

Me and my Chad friends will be waiting for you in the locker room bro
We'd love to show you proper squat form

Wear headphones and just do your routine.
If someone makes eye contact, just nod at them, don't talk.
If someone is using the weights/bench/rack you need, just wait patiently, or go do something else. Only once you've seen someone at the gym 3 or 4 times and nodded at them can you actually talk to them. And by talk, I mean pull out one earphone and ask how many sets they have left, or if they can spot you on this heavy set. That's it. No names, no small talk.
The gym is for lifting. Go lift.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to not being a skinnyfat DYEL anymore

no. wear earphones.

>just nod at them
no. if anyone makes eye contact, you've fucked up by making eye contact with them too. just look away, and stop looking at peoples faces.

>It's a gym you fucking aspie how do you even function

Where you you think we are?

That's what I meant. Earphones. I misspoke.

I love you anyways
pardon my autism

Get form down before you stack on weight that will actually be heavy for you.

Realise that most people in gyms are a sperg to some degree, and everyone was awkward at first.

Don't be afraid to ask for advice from someone that looks knowledgeable. When I was a skeletal geek starting out I asked this Chad looking mother fucker if my deadlift form was OK and instead of bullying the nerd he was perfectly nice. I'm now a Chad looking mother fucker and have helped people similarly.

Lastly, unless you ask for help, no one is gonna pay attention to you, so don't feel self conscious (easier said than done). When lifting, people are concentrating on their own lifts, and will be too tired to think about anything else. There's only so much blood in the body and my brain isn't using it then.

So I should practice with just the bar at first?

ALWAYS practice with the bar first.
In fact, even when you start doing weight, you should be doing at least 1 warm up set with the bar. Doesn't matter if you squat 1pl8, 2pl8, or 3pl8.
1 warm up set with the bar just to get in to it.

there's people like user and I that indeed have trouble """"functioning""""

I only do machines at the gym because I'm too autistic to ask for a spotter

>no names no small talk
lol kys my dude

You should focus on your form above all things, don't worry about weight.

>overthinking - the post

chill the fuck out user. you're going to work out, not defuse a bomb.

Actually he's right. When i first went i prepared for the worst, and the worst happened, the gym instructor made fun of me and i was getting obvious dirty looks from everybody.

>gym instructor

Your first mistake

This. This is more important than ANYTHING.
Also, something that is very related to this... Do NOT ego lift.
And warm up and cool down.

I'm just assuming that OP is a sperg and will screw up even that. If he could handle introducing himself and making small talk, he wouldn't be on Veeky Forums asking for advice.

Understand people will look at you funny and possibly laugh or smirk.

But most people don't give a single fuck what you do. So just do your thing and keep to yourself.

Eventually, you'll lose that nervous feeling.

Protip: it's alright to walk around the gym for a while trying to find your shit you need

>Don't be afraid to ask for advice from someone that looks knowledgeable. When I was a skeletal geek starting out I asked this Chad looking mother fucker if my deadlift form was OK and instead of bullying the nerd he was perfectly nice. I'm now a Chad looking mother fucker and have helped people similarly.
Is it me or do to many robots think that every Chad hates them for existing and is afraid that if they talk to them Chad will just bully them.