QTDDTOT questions that don't deserve their own goddamn threads!

QTDDTOT questions that don't deserve their own goddamn threads!

Because r9k is for losers - how should I ask a girl to homecoming (I'm a senior)... She smiles at me but I just met her this month... Once I do I'm fine but faurk! Why am I always nerveous! I found that eating less in the morning helps me out socially... Should I get a couple flowers? *tips creatine scoop*

I'm cutting at a 600 cal deficit. Scooby tells me to eat 40 carb/40 prot/20 fat, I'm at 209 lb, 6'1" height. With the 1900 cal goal that means I'm eating 190g carbs/190g prot/42g fat a day.

Is this ok? I know the sticky says 1.5g of protein per pound of body fat, should I switch to that, will it even make a difference? If 40/40/20 doesn't work what distribution does?

Do face-pulls and lateral raises hit any muscles that OHP doesn't?

Not really. Chin-ups do however

My uni gave me a free $10 gift card for ebay. What should I spend it on?

Is bench press + dips enough to properly work my chest? I'm doing SS + a few other exercises and even though I'm progressing I'm not convinced I'm not gonna look like shit by the end of it.

Can be enough. Try to feel your chest with these excercises, if you don't, do some chest work.

A good book about training, meditation, knowledge or just something entertaining. Maybe a AB Roller.

Just getting started, eating better and training, but I'm constantly worried about my form, so far I haven't hurt myself but I'm afraid I won't be able to maintain form/do it wrong from the tart. Any way to avoid this?

How many proteins do you guys eat per day and how many grams of that come from protein powder?

How to activate pecs during bench? I've been managing to avoid it and now I'm used to shit form.

Scooby's calc is a little too generous, eat at 1800 cal. Personally I'd lower the carbs but that's just me.

> I know the sticky says 1.5g of protein per pound of body fat, should I switch to that, will it even make a difference?
0.8g of protein per pound of weight is usually more than enough.

6/10 old guy here. Most women are insecure as fuck. Just ask. If she says no, ask someone else. I pinched above my weight in qts by just being bold as fuck.

around 160g. 25/50 from protein powder depending on how busy i am

this, i almost never feel chest directly when i bench, i feel it more in my triceps. is my grip just too narrow? I'm about 5'9" and setup about a thumb away from the center knurling

Decline, right?

shit my bad, i mean from the smooth part on the inside of the bar, im retarded

Nope, flat bench. I'm below novice level.

Why am i not feeling anything in my chest when i do dumbbell presses, yet my shoulders feel sore after my sets?

No, I mean won't decline activate pecs? I'm not sure, always thought it did.

I would imagine all bench presses are supposed to, which is why I asked

> In a 1997 study published in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research," the decline bench press was shown to significantly increase the activation of the lower pectoralis major.

Talk with friends about it. Then you can't completly chicken out and try to smile, she will be exited as well being asked.

If she says no, she will still be happy about it

Slow-slow lifting, asking for form checks, video taping yourself, slow weight progression, reading about the lift and helpful cues, watching videos

between 60 and 140 - none. Maybe later

pushing your hands together when you have already gripped the bar. But Bench isn't so good for pec development.

I use a shit homegym bar so I don't know about circles. However what you could always try is just take some weight off and try a bunch of different grips to see what it changes for you, maybe watch some youtube tutorials to get a good idea on your arm placement etc.

Also try to really think about your chest and pressing with it while doing the exercise. Retract your scapula and try to make the power come from your chest, bringing your chest up ( but not to the point where your scapula's aren't on the bench anymore.

T. beginner

if I did high volume lifting earlier in the day and went in and worked up to a 1rm later on would I burn out/see any extra gains?

Mostly burn out, depends on your recovery and your strength.

maybe change it. FIrst working up and later do yur volume

Anyone have experience buying oats online in large quantities? Any recommendations? I figure there's a more efficient way than just buying the Quaker Oats cylinders.

What are good stretches for neck mobility/soreness relief?

1xf autofellatio

I tried 1700 cal at first but I couldn't do it properly. I'm on a 6 day workout so I really wasn't recovering/felt like shit all day everyday in general.

1900 is still a decent deficit that allows me to keep training/eat 5 meals at 300 cal each with 400 cal allowance for carrots/broccoli. I'm gonna stick with it at least for another month and see results. Might adjust downwards after 1900 if results aren't satisfying.

What % spread would you use for macros?

>Doing SL,
>on a cut,
> added some arm accessories because I was becoming a T Rex, >seeing muscle growth in arms and legs
>still have big stomach that goes down very slowly

Should I add some sort of ab workout to get rid of the gut? I also do a two mile run on off days when my leg doms aren't too bad

Regarding bench, make sure you bring the weight down to your nipples and up from there .

If you let the bar come closer to your head it will work arms and shoulders more. Directly above pec -> more chest

The only way an ab workout helps "get rid of a gut" is that your abs become tighter, so they push your guts inward.

If you mean something like "I'm working out out my abs so it's removing fat from there" that doesn't exist.

So sure add ab work, or don't, it doesn't make a big difference and your compounds are usually enough to have a good core.

Try cardio + Ab work

what if i bring the bar below my nipples directly above the first line of abs?

i'm activating more arms with that? it seems a more comfortable position than directly above my nipples

This girl i have been on a couple of dates with is seeing other guys. We have kissed, been to each other appartments and stuff, but not fucked yet. We are planning our next date.
How should i deal with her seeing other guys? She doesn't know that i know.

I do not honestly know. I just touch my nipples to the bar and go back up, making sure I squeeze my pecs.

>walk around the neighborhood at a brisk pace
>coincidentally exactly 30 minutes for 1 loop
>measure distance on google map to find speed
>get this on mfp estimator
is walking for exercise a meme? i didn't really feel anything in terms of cardiovascular exertion.

(i normally play some stupid exercise game 3x a week where i'm at 150-180bpm for 2 minutes and then rest for 1, repeat 15x for 30 minutes of exercise time.)

Can I do some curls on rest days? or will that interfere with recovery? I'm so tired after a proper workout...

In terms of cardiovascular health, running and getting your pulse beating is better.
But wether you run 5 miles or walk 5 miles, you will roughly burn the same amount of calories

It should be. You may find you want to include incline dumbbell press at 45 degree angle if the top of yuour chest isn't getting hit enough though.

The reason you aren't feeling bench in your chest is because you're weak. Bench with more volume every week and you'll start to feel it. Make sure you have proper form as well, keep your chest high throughout the movement.

>Bench isn't good for pec development
Fuck off you DYEL trip fagging waste of life and get some experience before answering questions.

Bench press allows you to recruit the largest muscle groups at the front of your torso to move the most weight. Of course it's good for pec development.

Yes, you want to approach a 1RM attempt with as little fatigue as possible. Fatigue will dissipate between 24 and 48 hours depending on muscle group and training history etc

Get rid of the gut by reducing your bf%

You're just too fat to have abs at the moment. It's that simple.

If you keep a decent arch (keep chest high) and back tightness then you should be touching below your nipples, at the bottom of your sternum for the best strength curve.

Walking is shit unless you're a fat fuck. Do something that requires trying.

Too tired to do curls? Why are your biceps that fatigued? If you literally cant do curls then you've probably done enough bicep work to induce hypertrophy.

Fuck her and then raise the issue of being exclusive if that is what you want. Be prepared for her to say she isn't ready. At this point you need to make a choice. Are you willing to make her a priority when you are just as option to her? Be honest with her and yourself.

i bench almost 225, what the fuck constitutes "not weak"

You bench 225 and feel nothing at all in your chest? This is normally something I hear from novices. What's your bench volume and programming?

So ive started getting pain from my outer upper forearms next to my wrists even though theyve been fine for the last 4 months or so i started lifting. Am i developing some kind of carpel tunnel?

Is it Ok to do dips on the floor using a pull up bar? Pic related. No gym access right now. Beginner.

They aren't the dips usually referred to. But they're better than nothing. You can just do them from a chair though

ive been on 5/3/1 for 2 months now, im on week three of my second cycle
before that i was doing a 5x5 program

Is it possible to do hammer curls with a barbell?

And you never feel anything in your chest? When you are close to failure where do you feel weakness? Do you get a chest pump?


why not? cant you just alternate the barbell between each arm?

Thanks. Now I need to work on pull ups. Its really hard to do them right now. I might need to buy some resistance bands. Any other tips to get to a level of doing pull ups? Right now I try and pull up but my chest hurts afterwards (ribs)

Whats the difference between momscience and broscience?
Is there even a difference?

Jump or otherwise assist yourself to the top and slowly lower yourself down. Like really slowly

mostly in my triceps. i always make sure to touch bar to my chest, usually around my nipples, sometimes a bit below, like an inch or so. keep my ass on the bench, shoulders pulled back and kept tight. I grab about a thumb width from the smooth part on the inside of the barbel (5'9" guy here)
my chest hurts a bit after, but mostly my triceps, i usually do pec flys and landmine press later and feel it in my chest a bit

I'm doing a PPLPPLx routine with mostly good results. Would I be shooting myself in the foot if I added light bench press (3x10) on non-push days? Would it help at all?

You can do thisOr if you can do 1 or 2 in a row, then just aim to do 35 total
2 reps, then 20 seconds pause, then 2 reps again, rinse and repeat.

Am I supposed to take creatine on rest days, or only on workout days?

I'm 80kgs (175lbs) and started lifting a couple of months ago. I failed a 74kgs (163lbs) squat today, is it normal? Or am I a weak ass pussy

How do I get labs done for blood work in order to see if I have low test/other inhibiting factors on my way to gains? I'm 28, in the US, and have been lifting since I'm 15, but you wouldn't know it from looking at me. I'm getting stronger, but feel like aesthetically spinning my wheels.

Right side of my chest is dragging behind, what are some good exercises I can do to have it catch up?

Go to a private clinic and pay
Or fake low test symptoms to your doc.

Have you tried trying?

Are these a meme or worth using? Experiencing some wrist pain with heavier lifts now, mostly on my left wrist.

If not, what can I do to alleviate some of the discomfort? I'm pretty sure my form is correct. It's not sharp pain, mostly stiffness and discomfort.

Recently started going to the gym after three years of swotching between laying on the couch or in bed. Because of this, I am very weak, and thus cannot have any extra weight on the bar when I deadlift. The problem here, is that I get a very awkward form when it comes to picking the weight up, because I am tall, aswell as fat. What should I do in order to keep a proper form?

If I lift three days a week and run on the off days, will that affect lift gains?
Or is it pointless?

These are not worth getting, unless you are competing. They will just "mask" your problem and pain. Your form is probably not correct, get someone competent to check it out.
Otherwise just remember that you have to squeeze the bar, as it helps stabilize your wrists. You have to squeeze so hard that your knuckles turn white.

Do deadlifts from boxes, and incorporate pull throughs and perhaps romanian deadlifts untill you are strong and flexible enough to deadlift properly.
Also hold your breath and begin bracing your core before you bend down to pick up the barbell.

So I broke my hand... what exercises can I still do? Because I cant think of any.

What is the correct push-up form so i don't fuck up my rotator cuffs + elbows?

Can someone please approximate my body fat level? 60kg, 177cm. Thanks.

Are thigh abductor machines a waste of time. Quads are hard but inner tighs are wobbly as fuck.

Around 18%

You need to do adduction to hit the inner thighs, not abduction.

Keep your elbows close to your body

Do bulgarian split squats instead, all the stability work required to do 1 leg squats work the inner thighs much better

I've had this small black pebble like thing under the skin of my penis for awhile. I even went to the doctors and they had said at the time that it wasn't harmful and will be fine but jus today I noticed it looked a bit bigger or swollen and when added pressure it kinda stung. To my knowledge it looked like it was trying to pop out.

What do? Is it really harmless?



Thats because you can't do any, you cant grab a barbell with your hand.
You can do legs and a bit of core work. Prepare to hit t-rex mode.

I've been running for 2 years and have recently got into sprinting shorter distances. I don't sweat enough in my opinion, but I run until my chest gets real tight. Should I stick to longer/slower runs?

i cannot overstate the accuracy of this statement.

What has insecurity to do with anything?

What's the single best calf exercise?

I have these hips and they get worse when I try to bulk. I always end up stopping my bulk early because my hips get too big and start cutting so I never end up actually making progress. My question is, should I bulk and ride it out or cut cut cut while I'm still only 180lbs?

They look worse in person and they really bother me

Why does my chest hurt right here , just above where the pec seems to attach to the shoulder, here when im benching?
I've done everything to correct my form as well as additional rotator cuff exercises and stretches to help with shoulder stability. But even after dropping the weight down and working my way back up to where i left off the pain still comes back.

I can't even squat with a bar q.q

Have you tried working out?

does anyone else start to get depressed when they haven't been to the gym for a while? its one of the only things that makes me happy and when i have to miss a day everything just starts to suck.

We don't know your routine so we cannot tell.

Also help what, endurance? Hypertrophy? How much weight are you using, what's the max weight you can bench.

...then you can't do anything.

Bulk you idiot, and if you're doing SS alternate pullups and chinups every workout to grow them lats, that's how you deal with big hips. Also delts, but hopefully you're doing SS or another non-meme beginner's routine and don't need to work them more.

I'm stalling heavily on OHP around 90 lbs. Any advice?


have to train

beats anxiety, beats depression, decreases sleep latency

how are you currently training it and what's your energy balance

I'm doing it 1 or 2 times a week (SS) 3x5. Usually after squats.

Recently my right shoulder has been making a loud cracking/popping noise when I move it in a certain direction. It doesn't hurt at all, but it's annoying me because I feel like I just need a good crack to fix noise.
Should I be concerned or no?
It almost sounds like two bones rubbing against each other.

Every time I do sit ups, my lower back cracks every time I go down. Should I not do them or am I not doing them right?

Yeah, my guess is it's testosterone/cortisol related. Lifting heavy blocks cortisol (stress hormone) and promotes test.

Try doing push presses and then negatives. Pop up on your heels to help get the weight up. Once it's locked at the top, lower it as slowly as you can. Consider switching up your load. If you do 5x5, switch to 4x12 with slightly lower weight and see if your 5x5 improves in three weeks.

well i mean if you're committed to doing SS the only answer i can give is "recover better" aka eat more and sleep more

if you want to make a small change ohp before squatting

if you want to make a big change only squat twice per week and ohp twice per week

as long as there is no pain or discomfort crepitus is not to be concerned about

does nofap mean you can't even edge?

No fap is a meme. Try noporn.

Are you doing your dips and chins? Does your form suck? Are you gaining weight?
Make sure all of these are perfect. If not
Start progressing them in a Texas method manner.
A. 5x5 of 90
B. 1x5 of 95, 5x5 of 80


Also barbell curls and skullcrushers

I've been bulking and lifting for 9 mos, gained a shitton of strength and weight. Is this a good time for an intermediate lifter to start cutting?
Stats in 1rm:
Bench 200
OHP 110
Squat 270
DL 320

What's your bodyweight? As long as your form is good