Gary Johnson

Reminder that every Veeky Forumsizen is to vote for Gary Johnson on November 8.

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Get thee behind me Hillary

What's Aleppo?

Who has time for some shithole country when you could be maxing your gains?

he is a cardio faggot that doesn't understand the process of imigration

>Fake Libertarian
>Got panties in a bunch over the term "illegal"


>Homoerotic photo

checks out

I'm a libertarian so there's zero chance of me voting for that left-liberal infiltrator

He seems pretty libertarian to me.
Shoo shoo shill.

>that entire environment section
>"bake the cake"


Who is this?

>supports Black Lives Matter
>Supports open borders
Hell no, Johnson is just little bit more free market SJW

Also, his VP is anti-gun.

Something's hot about this bitch. But I'm not into fat chicks. Wtf, she looks like she's preggo.

>"Johnson does not, however, believe the government should be engaging in social and economic engineering for the purpose of creating winners and losers in what should be a robust free market. "

What about this is not libertarian?
Shillary plz go.
Alt-right wannabe storm trooper plz go.

He doesn't support open borders, just a more efficient, less costly immigration policy. Stop drinking the storm front kool-aid.

Who drinks water like that?

>american 'libertarianism'

>threw AP's gift firearm in trash bin
>open borders


I'm a Britbong ancap you nonce



I'm a libtard, and I'm dubious on Johnson. He continues the trend of being a goofy weird third party candidate; however, on the basis of policies alone, he's much better than the other two dickheads. Also, at least he fucking pays lip service to ideas like free and voluntary exchange, personal liberties, and coming down on the side of less tax \ more choice. Sure he'd make you bake a few cakes and probably wouldn't adequately steamroll BLM protesters if they blocked a highway, but he's considerably less authoritarian than the other two why the fuck am I typing this shit on a mongolian seed trading board

>Noam chomsky anarcho-marxist autism
No thanks, I'd rather not live a country that functions like Cuba.

Johnson is far from the perfect libertarian, but he is someone I would actually consider voting for and can agree with on some points, unlike the other two shills.

>fiscally conservative and socially liberal


I'm still waiting for my socially conservative and fiscally liberal politican to swoop in and save America but it'll probably never happen.


Thank me later.

Thank God for that little string. This almost went NSFW.

Ew look how chubby her fingers and wrists are

I stopped sleeping with chubbers because their hands gross me out

Were their fingers too thick when they stuck them up your ass?

>not voting for Trump
This is a right leaning conservative board faggot. Johnson is a SJW idiot who pretends to be libertarian

Prostate's not very far up there, so that really wouldn't be an issue. I actually couldn't find any sloots that were willing to, always wanted to try the dirty finger blowjob

Most sloots do that sooner or later. If they find you hot enough, they'll prolly do it. Same thing goes for rimming. They'll get horny as fuck from doing it. If they think you're really hot.

Voting for trump just proves you don't have brain cells

O boy; have the shills reached fit alrdy?

hehe ya fuck sovereign nations :D

I think I'd need to up my manscaping game, I'd be kinda self conscious about a girl going near my hairy wog hole.

Yeah do that. You might even sweat less if you shave, which wouldn't be a bad thing.

Get the sloot horny, make her lick them balls and then push her down a little. Sloots know their shit. Pun intended.

Regardless, lax immigration is death to the libertarian and conservative party.

and I guess I'm a stormfag because I want tough immigration policies?

Blow it out your ass you chode.

>fiscally liberal
>save america from $20,000,000,000,000 debt
That doesn't even make the slightest fucking sens you mongloid.


too late already voted trump and wrote my friend in for congress

allepo-let detected

>mfw I realized that the US national debt has almost doubled from 2008 to 2016
>10 trillion to 20 trillion dollars
Fucking unreal. We should have voted for Ron Paul. We are truely doomed.

>mfw I forgot my face

thanks oboonga for that

Thank Congress They're in charge of money.

I never called you a storm-FAG. You added the fag part all by yourself. Freud much?

Hey fuck you, I voted for the good Dr. both times, and did a lot of local grassroots/phonebanking for him in 2012.

Johnson isn't even a true libertarian since he's anti gun

Johnson is just a slightly upgraded hillary with


dude is a fucking hippy

Trump all day

Bush also doubled the national debt, and he only had to deal with the first 18 months or so of the crisis. Bush also signed the bank and auto bailouts which get credited to Obama because they took effect in 09. Typical "cut tax but still spend" Republican, just like Reagan and GHWB.

God you've got to be kidding me. He advertises as the normal guy candidate and he's a literal retard autist

Obongo strikes again.

Fucking cardiofag.