Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

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Thanks, I sometimes forget.

Why dont you put your tulips on this dick bitch

Death to coalburners.

the racebait fud didn't work last time

Your welcome
You should support it.

Suicide is strongly encouraged


I'm convinced there's no mods here. He posts this thread everyday.

This is actually the second one today.
Dailu reminder that you need to update your psyops pic pack OP, the /pol/ racemixing one has no power here


I love this meme, since tulip mania never actually happened.
> newly discovered flowers were status symbols for the rich, a surge in price and then crash is normal for a fashion statement.
> the "bubble" was caused by wealthy people, using inconsequential amounts of money, in bars, in dead of winter, with a likely chance of being taken by the plague.
> despite contracts as written being futures, they were lobbying for, knew they would successful at, were successful at the invention of options, where they could bail out of the agreement for only 3% if their speculation failed.

Blacks constantly get BTFO'd by this kek.

On one hand, these threads are a nuisance. On the other hand, watching pol racists spaz and cry is delightful.

ooga booga and a nasty bitch that aint asian

why the fuck did those people in the 60's decide that this should be become legal


>these threads are a nuisance
No, crypto is a nuisance and a scam and should be banned from Veeky Forums.

Jews (literally, look it up. They weaken all other races so that they are easier to dominate and control with central banking, academia, and mass media propaganda).

It humiliates white men, makes white women destroy themselves, demoralizes the entire West, allows inferior subhumans to move in and act as if they deserve anything in this world. Behind all corruption, you find Jews. 180 times they've been kicked out of various countries and towns, always for corrupting and degrading the people through exploitation.

Imagine being a black dude with a small dick...

fuck off /pol/ cuck fetishes

>muh jews

back to /pol/ you poorfag

Holy shit, imagine actually believing this shit?

Poltards need to fuck off already

we are here for the crypto, go away faggot

Thats most black dudes man. It's a myth pushed by media
Mandingo etc are extreme outliers, and are only that big because of a genetic disease and extension

look at microdick here trying to damage control

I'm black and 6.5" stop with the bullshit it hurts us dude

Keep believen those fake numbers while we slay your women white boi


Tulipmania is an insidious Christian-perpetuated myth.

see you on the streets Dimon


surprised you know how to even read a chart that isnt x y or pie.

>pic related

Where the watermelons at cracka