I'm thinking of doing situps and pushups everyday in the morning to wake up

I'm thinking of doing situps and pushups everyday in the morning to wake up.
I'll still be lifting.
Bad idea?

Sit ups are shit for core and bad for your back


All push no pull
>sit ups

Needs 100 squats and a 10 km run ;)

sit ups do literally nothing even if you get good at them

Ok, bicycles, crunches, leg raises. Just a daily core excercise.
I was also thinking about pullups added.
This isnt for strength as much, its main purpose is to wake me up as I'm really groggy when I first get up,I'm just wondering if it will slow lifting progress or increases my chances of fucking my shit up.

I do some leg raises and push-ups when I wake up
Gets the blood moving so I'm not a zombie

Have you noticed it effecting your lifts at all?

>Bad idea?

This isn't what you asked. But as soon as my alarm goes off I make myself get out of bed and only when I'm standing on both feet can I turn it off.
Do this for a week and it becomes reflex that alarm going off means your up and about.

crunches are so overrated it hurts. they give bad posture because they pull the torso forward.

best thing to wake up is doing yoga stretches.
if you still want some exercise. i do kettlebell swings and bodyweight/kettlebell squats

Why are sit ups bad exactly?

Fuck no.
It's a fucking brilliant idea.
There are so many studies that state that morning exercise is beneficial that it's ridiculous.

There are a shitton of better ab exercises

Old bodybuilding thing.
It doesn't TONE THE CORE and saying that it's a bad exercise gives them the ability to lie about having some level of greater understanding of exercise.
It's mostly about marketing.

You honestly can't find anyone who says situps are 100% ineffective or bad and can explain why.

see>they give bad posture because they pull the torso forward.

Why are sittups so common in the military then? I assume it's because they're easy and don't require any equipment.

They said crunches.

They want to work the front hinge of the body. They don't give a shit about the best exercise for a six pack.

> not knowing crunches and sit ups are the same thing

Is this bait?

militaryfag here, only been in for a year but from what I've experienced we don't do too many situps anymore.
Lots of planks though.

they counterweight a heavy backpack. see also old USmilitary exercise is retarded.

russians were much smarter with emphasis on kettlebell training. because more balanced core stability

Thought that was because the guys they were getting as new recruits were weak as fuck and couldn't do the required amount of situps.

Not sure which country you're referring to, USA? I'm Canadian.

Most of the people could go well over 100 situps on my DP1. (Infantry)

Holding the plank in full battle rattle which is what you wore most of the time during the 13 weeks is harder than doing situps.

They only just started using planks in canada this year.
