Whats the most efficient and effective way to fix your sleep cycle?

Whats the most efficient and effective way to fix your sleep cycle?

Woke up in the afternoon today. I want to start waking up in the morning instead.

Thinking about pulling an allnighter and taking preworkout tomorrow morning then hitting the gym. Done it before and broke PBs


dont have any got phenibut though

Vit d in morning only, no caffeine after noon ( half life is pretty long).

Also, if you can, sleep with a room with a window facing East. If it's dark your body won't know when to hit reboot. They also have sunrise light alarms if you can't.

Maybe put a blue blocking filter on your screen after 8:00 pm

buy this

The only way that works for me is just waking up later and later until it becomes very early.

how many days does that take you

It becomes a problem when I wake up at 4pm. From that to waking up at 4am, usually a week, two at most.

Benefits of being NEET. Just be tired for 1 day and re adjust your sleep like a normie


Get some benzos and melatonin from your doc.

Take it same time every day for like 3 days.

Short acting benzos like oxazepine or temazepam. Maybe alprazolam at a low dose

2 weeks damn, i need a faster solution to that

Stay up all night, but do it on a rest day, as you'll probably underpeform at the gym otherwise.

so I should lift on the day before I should have slept or after?

Seems a bit pointless to lift if not gonna sleep for another 20ish hours

Take melatonin at night

There, you're fixed

wake up every day at the same hour, regardless of the time you hit the bed


why do nonwhites want to outbreed this

Get a white noise app for your phone. Atmosphere is really nice.

What do you do at night? Are you actually lying awake in bed trying to sleep or are you on your phone watching fucking YouTube or masturbating to 43 open xvideos tabs? In my experience that is the shit that's going to fucking decimate your circadian rhythm.

Unless you actually have clinically diagnosed insomia or some other disorder that affects your bodies ability to produce melatonin, then the reality is youre probably doing it to yourself.

I have a reasonably good sleep cycle, but I'm also healthy and have a very carb dense diet, so you'd better believe if I'm having a bad week for self control and I get home Saturday after work and fire up my pc instead of showering and going to bed; I'm going to be up until 5am playing solo queue like a fucking 13 year old who just got his first Gameboy.

Assess your habits before you start dumping melatonin into your bloodstream

is this directed at me, the OP. or at the melatonin abusers?

I know how to maintain a sleep cycle I just need the quickest way to fix mine cause holidays have ended.

Just in general. The fastest way is going to bed early desu, just try to start reading around six and stay off the pc. Just see a lot of these threads these days and always see people yelling "melatonin!" When the actual solution is willpower, didn't mean to sound antagonizing

Is this from the sleepy girl webm? can someone post it pls?

it's from BLACKED.com

This please

Funny, this is exactly what I told my brother but here I am at 6:30 am watching movies and waiting for my class to start.

At least I know what I'm doing and fixing it by not using drugs.


The easiest and drug free-est way is to just not sleep for a day and then go to sleep at like 9 or 10pm

bi phase sleep patterns.
or even tri.
get into the habbit of taking naps instead of sleeping in one session.
this lets you be more flexible with when you sleep
even something as simple as an hour nap can help keep your sleep on track

don't use any form of caffeine, it just fucks your sleep cycle up