Eat meat

>eat meat
>feel dirty afterwards
Is it the low quality of it or am I lost?

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It was either low quality, you cooked it badly, or you have a weird misguided moral system where you think eating meat is wrong. Fix whichever it is.

I most certainly don't feel guilty.

could be mercury poisoning. not even mememing. I ate 2 cans of tuna for an extended period of time and eventually any other form of meat made me feel what I can only describe as dirty, but not in the guilty way.

Could be salt

Might be you are a hindu

are you a muslim and you ate pork ?

> weird misguided moral system where you think eating meat is wrong

needlessly killing other sentient creatures isn't wrong?

It's hardly needless if it provides food

He's not going Ajax and slaughtering a flock of sheep because he feels like it, he's eating them

it's needless because you don't need that as a source of food. you choose to do it because you prefer the taste.

>murder someone and eat them
>"I had a reason for it, I was hungry and I felt like eating Gary"

Pick none.


not just a river, etc

Low quality

>Switched from giant to farmers
>Price is fucking outrageous but felt way better eating it

Real talk find a local butcher shop and be bros with owner and get meat from there.

>you don't need that as a source of food
You're damn right it tastes good
That and I'm not a trust fund kiddie who can afford a vegan protein diet, nor do I want to become a Kleinfelter mutant by eating a ton of soy.
Meat has a ton of protein in it, so why not?

>only rich people can afford beans

>beans are a source of complete protein

Enjoy shitting your pants

>beans aren't a source of complete protein

Goys when i eat too much meat my right knee hurts. Like joint pain. I've read it's the lactic acid, wut do

>comparing dumb fucking animals to human beings
>comparing eating meat to cannibalism

This is why virtually no humans take veganism seriously. It's a cult without a doubt, but most cults are smart enough to hide their more insane elements until the gullible are sufficiently brainwashed to not recoil from said insanity. If you lead immediately with your more crazy beliefs, you'll fool only the stupidest or most desperate into belief.

>slaughtering animals that have been bred for millennia specifically to provide sustenance to humans is equivalent to murdering someone to eat them
Buddy, if you actually think the life of a fucking cow or sheep is equal to even the most degenerate human, you need to remove yourself from society and live alone in the mountains.

>needlessly killing other sentient creatures isn't wrong?
No, other animals do it all the time. Humans choosing to do it does not involve a moral choice and meat is incredibly nutritious

Their brains are too primitive for sentience. Whether you're a furry with psychotic compulsions to anthropomorphize the 'otherkins' or a schizophrenic /x/tard subscribing to pre-socratic mystic shit like animism they're all equally divorced from reality and you need to keep those baseless and irrational fantasies out of Veeky Forums.

to me it depends on how degenerate the human is. im not going to kill a dog if hes biting the face off a triple rape murderer


Thats really stupid and really wierd when you start to dehumanize people like that. I don't know where the fuck you live but here in the USA we have laws that ensure you have a fair trial and to be free from excessive and unusual punishment/execution.

You must live in some third world shit hole.

Sentience is the ability to feel and perceive things. No sane person would deny that animals are sentient.

In most cases, no but not always. Populations of deer increase predator populations proportionately. That means when the wave crests, predators pick farm animals. Sheep, cow, chickens.

I've had 3 chickens killed by coyotes this year.
Moose populations are dropping but deer are strong as fuck, as are yotes, wolves, and bears.

Veeky Forums is full of ignorant vegan heart plushies. You can grow meat in pertri dishes now. Sure we don't need to kill sentient beings but hunting is more than just for food.
As for factory farming, well fuck... look at Thailand where they eat the most bugs in the world, bugs offer more protein with a incredibly more sustainable requirement to harvest. There really isn't an excuse for farm factory slaughter with the exception of readily available meats.

If you don't like meat, thats cool. A bow, foggy morning, and a fat doe in a field is worth more than money can buy.
Nothing like replenishing with some venison prosciutto after lifting.



Im not a trophy hunter. As long as she isn't with a fawn, she will taste the same as a sucky buck.

It's illegal to hunt a doe with a fawn n e way.

Eh. I just don't think it's cool. Whatever.


Belief in animistic spiritualism drivel without empirical basis is the exact opposite of sane. Just fuck off already and don't bore us with your tiresome /x/ bait.

How does animistic spiritualism apply to this?

Have you ever seen an animal frightened? Happy? React consciously to something in the environment? Then it was sentient.

>How does animistic spiritualism apply to this?
Read the thread.

>Have you ever seen an animal frightened? Happy?
Those are instinctual behavioral outputs and have nothing to do with your /x/ claims.

>React consciously to something in the environment? Then it was sentient.
They're not consciously aware of anything. They simply react like the primitive animals they are.

>Those are instinctual behavioral outputs and have nothing to do with your /x/ claims.

That's sentience. Having senses. You might be confusing sentience for sapience, which is more like wisdom. Otherwise I don't know how you think it's not an observable fact that animals are sentient.

>That's sentience.

No, it isn't. Try a dictionary next time, you silly equivocation troll.

>"having the power of perception by the senses; conscious."

What definition of sentient are you using and from where did you get it?

Exactly. Animals are not conscious. "Happy" is a physiological reaction on a level much lower than conscious awareness. A conscious being can be aware of its happiness, but not every creature which can behaviorally express happiness must be consciously aware of them.

Of course animals are conscious, Descartes, you fucking idiot

Animals are not humans. In studies they are refereed to as "individuals" or "specimen". Just go back to already.

I don't think you understand what consciousness is either

H-have we been being baited for this whole thread?

You are free to arbitrarily redefine words in your private autism language as much as you want, but don't expect anyone to understand you or to agree with you.

Do you. Really consider serial murdered and rapists as human in anything but the medical meaning?


It is dirty, all the bad things the animal ate are condensed into its flesh

> not smart enough to dodge a bullet

Their fault for not evolving to be bullet proof

Yes. In fact, it's especially important to think of them as human. They're a reminder that humans are capable of truly terrible things.

>there are animals that are sentient
>humans are the only animals that are sapient

wew that was fucking hard.

sentience, on some degree or another, is necessary for animals to distinguish threat from non-threat.

incredible source

OP maybe your proportions are off? I feel dirty if I eat too much of any one thing. Throw fiber in there. Veggies. Whatever. Make a goddamn taco.

>incredible source
And you'd see more if you read.

>tfw you will never be so legitimately triggered by what other people choose not to eat that you write not one, not two, but four separate and long blog posts about it.
I guess I'll just never know that kind of passion in my life.

Meanwhile vegans have written volumes on how triggered they are about normal omnivorous human diets.