
What race are the bulgarinas?
Are they aryan,slav,mongol,turk.
Also who are the GOAT of all Europeans?
Are the Romans the best?

Bulgarians are generally Slavs who raided the area with a little mix of greek(thracian) and turkic influence due to proximity of greece and byzantium as well as being ruled by the horde and Ottomutts. Everything else is ill-perceived knowledgeable meme answer.

Doesn't mean like todays turk right?
So white ,ok thanks.
Still doesnt answer the roman question tho.

Turks are barely turkic, or at least, a different kind of Turkic. The turkic influence in Bulgars would be mostly Tatar although the horde wouldn't mix with them as much as they would govern them. And yes romans are the best.

Thanks pal.

no such thing

It is hard to say.
Don't listen to all the people saying there is a bulgarian ethnos - it is a shitpost generalisation for the sake of a unified country. In Bulgaria the population is as mixed as in America - the level of - Thracian, Bulgar, Greek, Turkish (or Turkic) and Slavic blood and genes vary by the region. Despite everyone saying that the Thracians just "disappeared" in the 2 and 3rd centuries, they still make a minority of the blood and genes of Bulgarians. A proof is that we Bulgarians can't recognise other Bulgarians outside our country, while other Slavic ethnoses recognise each other with ease. Another thing I can say for sure is that while we were on vacations around Europe, noone could guess that my parents or me were Bulgarian - they guessed we were Greeks or Spaniards, even though all of my family are Bulgarians.

t. Stewart Oluwanifemi

>A proof is that we Bulgarians can't recognise other Bulgarians outside our country
speak for yourself

>my feelings are more important than science

very little number of scientist find the concept of race valid

All of my friends who have been in foreign countries say so. I myself can say that - I was once in Italy and I recognised a bulgarian group near us just because they were speaking Bulgarian.

>What race are the bulgarinas?

It's says it in the name:

Scientific evidence is more important than the politically correctness we live under.

provide any


Nope - it is BULGAR-ians, just like BAVAR-ians, AUSTRAL-ians.

They are scythians

it's literally bulg ARYANS tho, as in *literally*

Знaм бългapитe ca cмec oт тpaки,cлaвяни,и пpa бългapи.
Damn I can write in bulgarian in this forum.
Yeah I know bulgarians are thracians ,slavs.and proto-bulgars mixed together.
When the bulgarians came here there werent really any thracians left tho.Only slavs.

Scythians are like the gayest meme desu.

It's Bulgars you retard, after the Turkic nomads.

Scythians are strongest people in history, watch your mouth

Just look around dumbass, there's a reason why you look like other people in your own family. If you don't, I have bad news for you.


I know you fucking retard, but they're the literal definition of Aryans as well since they come exactly from there - the Indo-Iranian people

Amazing,I have heard that bulgarians are aryans,Hitler called us turkomen,it was always weird for me.Oh well just so you know there ain't no pure aryan in Europe anymore ,thracians arent aryans right?

Source it

Haли знaeш чe c вcякo пpaвитeлcтвo иcтopиятa ce пpoмeня :д
Oщe нe cмe пpoмeнили oт кoмyниcтичecкo вpeмe тaзи липca нa тpaки бpaт. Кaк тoчнo щe изчeзнaт? Извънзeмнитe ли щe ги oтвeкaт хaхa
He чe твa нe e cтaвaлo пpи мaитe дe - a и дpyгo e чe тpaкитe живeят пo плaнинитe, къдeтo ни cлaвянитe ни визaнтийцитe ни бългapитe ca cтъпвaли

>bulgarians of kuber

Gascist tatar propaganda

We Macedonians are pure

Bulgars are turkic/indo-iranic. There is a theory that the Bulgarians are an old nation, which started as Bactria, whose population was thracians who migrated there under Alexander the Great and married the local women, and their migration to Bulgaria is based on tales about their old homeland, told orally from father to son.

We don't need you Macedonia lol
If our countries merge our national IQ will fall drastically lmao

They are montrels of
>Turanic Bulgars
>m*dish and dinaric natives
>Slavic Nordics
I hope I helped you :)

also Thracian Nordics, of course

Nationalist memes

Yes the iq will drop, we have albanians

Aslong as they are white im fine with that.

>wh*Te """"""people"""""" articulating anything other than cuck fetishes

Modern Bulgarians are mostly swarthy people, the Tatars who gave them their name were mostly yellow people, the Thracians and Slavs who came there before them were White people, and first inhabitants of Bulgaria ever, were Swarthy people.

Most countries in the balkan have low I.Q.
Because of gypsy and turk population.
If it wasn't for them we would be easaly pushing 100.

Who cares what race you are, this isn't /pol/ don't feed the tarded mutts. As long as your proud of your culture and find unity with your people and the cultures similar/tied to yours you shouldn't be concerned about muh genetics

Toa e бaткa, eкc кoм живoт

Tи нa кoлкo cи?
Пo вpeмe нa кoмyнизмa живял ли cи?
Aз cъм нa 18.

>wh*Te subhuman in charge of genetics
wh*Tes are subhuman insects
You're our rapebabies.

Originally a Turkic people who spoke an Oghur Turkic language (similar to modern Chuvash)
Mixed with the native Indo-Europeans aka Thracians who were mixed with the natives before them aka the Neolithic farmers (who were Caucasian like the Middle Eastern people)
Then mixed with Slavs
Of course with Greeks too who were a mix between the native Neolithic farmers and Indo-European Hellenes
And then mixed with Turks who were a mix between Oghuz Turks (aka Central Asians + Iranids which is why Azeris and Turkmens look more caucasion than Kazakhs for example) and native Anatolians aka Indo-European Hittites and Hattis (descendants of early Neolithic farmers)

Today they speak a Slavic language, but some claim to be the descendants of the Bulgars, other Thracians. Those who do wewuzzeries about the Bulgars either claim that they were an Iranid people (Which is false, but not surprising to think since they spoke a Turkic language that was fairly distinct from the other varieties that was influenced with Iranic vocabulary) or assume that they were Turkic but since Turkophobia is ingrained in their culture thanks to the Russo-Turkish wars, they try to alienate Turks from Turkic group while feeling a brotherly connection to Khazan Tatars (which I think is a bit idiotic cosidering that it would be technically more rational to regard the Chuvash people like that)

>What race are the bulgarinas?
Whatever race the rest of Europe is.
>Also who are the GOAT of all Europeans?
Scandis. They've already evolved the autism and IQ needed to be a spacer and travel on a generational spaceship without going insane.