Why Did Perspective on the Irish Americans Change?


“[T]hey steal, they are cruel and bloody, full of revenge, and delighting in deadly execution, licentious, swearers and blasphemers, common ravishers of women, and murderers of children.” —Edmund Spencer

“The emigrants who land at New York, whether they remain in that city or come on in the interior, are not merely ignorant and poor—which might be their misfortune rather than their fault—but they are drunken, dirty, indolent, and riotous, so as to be the objects of dislike and fear to all in whose neighbourhood they congregate in large numbers.” —James Silk Buckingham

Because they changed

because the irish were granted conditional whiteness to prevent worker's organizing

as in, to prevent irish-black solidarity

Because the all the wh*te women wanted the big ginger bulge

They assimilated into amerimutt culture and became fully American as with all other ethnic groups except for the Jews who remained an unassimilable group until very recently when they began to intermarry at a large rate

>this is what niggers actually believe

R/anarchism you shouldn't do try this hard

Because of Irish supremacy.

theres irish catholic enclave...

jewry isnt even a nationality or race... what the FUCK are you blustering about???

epic meme, let's here your analysis
nope, you have to be at least 18 to access this board

>offered conditional whiteness
Nonsense, they were always considered white. They were just considered lowlife criminal scum, but never non-white, white race wasn't some exclusive club of good friends, that's a complete invention of 1960s academics who want to "deconstruct" the concept of a white race.

Because they stuck out. They dressed weird and spoke weird language and practiced their weird religion weirdly.

Notice how anti-Irish sentiment historically disappears pretty quick once the Irish started to wear pants and shirts and speak English and worship in churches.

but that's ahistorical. scientific racial constructions grouped "whites" into different civilizational levels (like aryans, nords, celts)- only today are all these groups considered the same level of White

not really lol
look at early irish emmigration to burgerland

You're the one being ahistorical. White people being tiered doesn't mean they weren't considered white, you literal idiot.

When do you think the white race emerged as a cohesive unit, out of curiosity?

Additionally, the tiering is significant because it has changed today, that is, they've been flattened into a monolithic whiteness rather than a diverse hierarchy. Which implies that there is a pretty large degree of social construction when it comes to defining "whiteness".

Which era of Irish would you

1. Bully the hardest

2. Want to hang out with the most

Carl Linné was one of the first to treat white race as a comprehensive biological category, and he's the guy who invented biological taxonomy to begin with.
But anyway read again. Whiteness doesn't mean "these people are of the same social rank as me and we should be friends". It means "these people happen to be the same BIOLOGICAL race as I am but they're still subhuman scum." The concept of whiteness never meant racial solidarity and ingroup nepotism despite what you stupid niggers are led to believe. You're confusing observable biological reality with some social unit with ingroup preference, stop doing that.
The Irish were called "white niggers" for example. So they were recognized as whites racially, but were called niggers because they behaved like niggers. This isn't really that hard to comprehend.

Oh, so there's really no point in continuing this conversation because you understand race as an intrinsic biological reality. Obviously, my position makes no sense in your framework, just as yours makes no sense in mine. Have a nice day.

Because it is an intrinsic biological reality. There literally wasn't a time in American history when Irish weren't considered white. At the absolute worst the Anglo consensus was "they're white, but they're scum." Which is why they were also allowed to become naturalized citizens which you could legally do only if you were white.

>1. Bully the hardest
21st century

>2. Want to hang out with the most
18th century



>“[T]hey steal, they are cruel and bloody, full of revenge, and delighting in deadly execution, licentious, swearers and blasphemers, common ravishers of women, and murderers of children.”
>“The emigrants who land at New York, whether they remain in that city or come on in the interior, are not merely ignorant and poor—which might be their misfortune rather than their fault—but they are drunken, dirty, indolent, and riotous, so as to be the objects of dislike and fear to all in whose neighbourhood they congregate in large numbers.”

Neither of those is wrong


Ugh I forgot what a retard that Garrison virgin can be

Because it was just the kind of common anti-immigrant sentiment that flares up every couple of decades. Eventually it went away as less irish came to the US and those that were already there became acculturated.
