Are the gods just trips?

Are pagan/nordic/greek gods etc all just visions philosophers got while tripping on shrooms? I mean take Hindu gods for example, bright colours, mixed with animals and also multiple limbs that look like visuals. Interested to hear your responses

The gods are simply an allegories of virtues like war, love, family et cetera.

The myths you talk about are simply a products of imagination of people who were simply bored after they did what they had do during a day, something like literature, movies or pastas nowadays.

Gods are metaphors for different aspects of life and reality. Using these metaphors makes it easier to pass down knowledge to younger generations. It is only the recent mindset of the Abrahamic religions that materialized the gods into physical entities.

How is the mindset recent? First off Abrahamic religions have been around for thousands of years and if you can go back to 500 years ago and find that the world is pretty much dominated by them. Also gods were materialized into physical entities, mostly humans, by polytheistic religions as well, Greeks built statues of their gods, I doubt that could be seen as a metaphor.

Why is it so hard to believe that gods might be real?

God is very real and very alive. More than any human who lives like an ember on the earth.

Because it makes no sense


My friend claims to have met Ganesh after four tabs of acid so maybe

Who made them? Well we made them up of course but assuming they were real where did they come from? If your answer is 'idk' or that they magically appeared for no reason and from nothing you can see why it makes no sense

they arent just allegories, they are personificatios and dinamic representations of the patterns and principles of some aspect of reality, both and simultaneusly internal and external, combined with metaphisical conceptions derived from or connected with those aspects

these are basicaly things like force, domminance, violence, sex, perception, consciusnes, intelligence, speach, creative action, generation, weakness, death, etc... as well as basic emotions and constants like climate, astonomy, physics etc

all the gods of some given panteon put together in a system basicaly form the whole fundamental reality of that religious worldview, like a theory of everithing but with characters in a narative instead of mathematical formulas, the way occultists use the tarot to represent the all and everything, but at the same time this reality represents the human being at the same time, in terms of notions of selfhood, contingency, morality, all possible aspects of humanity and human tendencies and archetipes

I'd agree with you if we were talking about Siberian shamans, but now you're being too narrow-minded.

Nicely put, user.

Because they stopped interacting with us and better understanding of physical laws makes the shit they used to do seem impossible.

>physical laws
those laws have never actually measured the materials used by higher beings. And if you read their definitions, they clearly state words that confine the concept within boxes of ontology, that do not -creep- into the realm of theology. Whose laws are absolute.

>First off Abrahamic religions have been around for thousands of years and if you can go back to 500 years ago and find that the world is pretty much dominated by them.
I know that is why all of the scribes and monks who wrote down the stories materialized them because that is what they knew. The statues and temples would only represent what it is that the god represents and would be paying homage to that rather then the literal worship of a physical entity.

Degenerates like you belong on a spike

Jews like you belong on a stick.

I prefer to give credit to the psychoactive plants / fungi / chemicals themselves.
I think they should count as symbiotic forms of intelligent life that only do their thinking in the context of a primate's nervous system.

how I get shrooms?
(not a cop btw)

Start something you godless fuck

So you're saying the legends of Olympus are all metaphors, not stories describing physical entities (the gods)? And they built statues to humans...humans that looked good enough to represent...metaphors? Your theory here requires a lot of mental gymnastics user.

Explain the incorruptible bodies of saints then.

>Your theory here requires a lot of mental gymnastics user.
To the Christianized mind maybe.
Nature is my god. It provided everything I need and the perfect habitat that we have existed in since the dawn of time. But I am also a part of nature therefor I am my own god.

>the perfect habitat
move To California so you can burn to ashes degenerate

>move To California so you can burn to ashes degenerate
Why would I artificially move myself to somewhere I cannot survive? Are you mentally challenged?

>I cannot survive
Yeah and most of the universe is uninhabitable along with most of the Earth.

Yet nature has allowed me a European to be born in Europe the perfect habitat for someone of lighter skin pigment to survive in. Why would I go anywhere else when thousands of years of human evolution have adapted me to my surroundings? I really don't get the point you are making user.

You are a serf


Gods were ancient sitcoms
some people were more serious fans than others

Be not troubled, in the end there is only you and before you rest you'll know just how infinitesimally small you actually are.