Why is Epictetus suddenly so popular?

why is Epictetus suddenly so popular?

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Increasing numbers of people are becoming Stoics, as distinct from hebrew mythology, and Epictetus is one of the best preserved Stoic authors. Stoicism is focused on ethics, so it has a very practical focus, which helps. There are large and growing Stoic groups in the west, and even international Stoic gatherings.

Although Stoicism isn't the best ancient philosophy, it is a leader in the move away from worshipping hebrew mythology.

>hebrew mythology.

Hillel is one of the more important Jewish figures, and he was influenced by Hellnic philosophy. Jesus was in turn influenced by Hillel, and possibly Hellnic philosophy directly. Christianity then came to Hellas and Rome, where it became even more Hellanized and Romanized.

Ever wonder why Old Testament is a standard tribalist racist religion, while New Testament seems more loving and universalist?

>Increasing numbers of people are becoming Stoics...



>Although Stoicism isn't the best ancient philosophy,

Which one is then nerd?

Yes I accept this about myself. I don't see the issue here.

So which philosophy do you follow?

All your words miss the mark. Fundamentally, the religions we are talking about require faith in hebrew mythology. Yes, some christians recognise the brilliance of classical philosophy and discuss it in order to create a veneer of respectability. This doesn't matter because ultimately, it's the hebrew mythology that controls. Their gods are a certain way, and any "philosophical" reasoning must bend to the needs of hebrew mythology.

Anyway, none of this is to say that Stoicism is perfect. At least it is rooted in philosophy, though.

>Yes, some christians recognise the brilliance of classical philosophy

It goes deeper than that. Christianity is built on top of Hellenic philosophy. The Christian virtues are Hellnic philisophical virtues, plus a few more. The Christian ethics are Hellenic ethics. Then later Acquinas made it even more deeply entwined by including Aristotle by making it an Aristotelian-Christian mixture.

Platonism is the height of metaphysics, theology, and ethics. I define the term broadly as the works of Plato and Aristotle, although they of course have important input from pre-Socratics like Parmenides.

I will also say that this absolutely and totally excludes the neoplatonist misteaching of "beyond being". It is not a Platonist teahing, it is extremely harmful and ultimately incoherent.

>Platonism is the height of metaphysics, theology, and ethics.

Saying it doesn't make it true. This isn't a Christian thread, so I'll cut to the chase: faith in hebrew mythology is incompatible with the works of Plato and Aristotle. Christian use of classical philosophy resulted in nothing more than perversion of those superior works. I understand why they did it, but ultimately hebrew faiths and philosophy are distinct and the classics should not be subject to christian outrage. Christianity, and every other faith in hebrew mythology, is inherently inferior and incompatible.



Just started reading Epictetus. This guy is fucking hilarious.

Fuck I hate tripfags

>No, fool

I love him. He's cracking jokes constantly, and peppering his remarks by calling people "idiot!". I wonder if Epictetus is the origin of the "wise cranky teacher who bonks people on the head with his staff and calls them fools" ? I swear I've seen this character endlessly, and it fits Epictetus perfectly.

He had a bad leg, so supposedly he might have had a walking stick or cane.

>So let's see some evidence of it. But no, it's as if I were to say to an athlete, "Show me your shoulders,", and he responded with, "Have a look at my weights." "Get out of here with you and your gigantic weights!" I'd say, "What I want to see isn't the weights but how you've profited from using them.". "Take the Treatise On Impulse, and see how far I've read it." Idiot. It's not that I'm after, I want to know how you put impulse and repulsion into practice, and desire, and avoidance as well. I want to know how you apply and prepare yourself, and how you practice attention, so that I can decided whether with you these functions operate in harmony with nature.

Platonism is a mental illness.

>Platonism is a mental illness.

Never studied it, but I always felt it was just Chritianity in philosophy form.

That's only because the medieval church was mainly Plataboos.

Yes thank you for pointing out that you've never studied Platonism. Despite what your priest says, Platonism is incompatible with hebrew mythology. Nobody can be in agreement with Plato and/or Aristotle on matters of metaphysics and theology, and also be a Christian. We're talking about disagreements across the board, from christians talking about creation from nothing, clear violations of the principle of non contradiction, the very nature of the christian gods, the basis and general explanation of morality, everything.

>and even international Stoic gatherings.
Sounds like loads of fun.

Ah bullshit. You can adapt certain forms of Platonic ideals to an Abrahamic religion. It just won't be Platonism.

There are many times Plato refers to a monotheistic 'God' and 'The Good' and these sorts of things can easily be adapted into the major religions.

Reincarnation is one aspect that's gotta go. But the immortality and vulnerability of the soul? That is correct.

Cause his name is Epic Titties

Medieval church was aristotlilean after 1100 and augustinian before that (so neoplatonist basically(?) whatever augustus’ influence was)

This, but unironically.

but stoicism’s founder was Semitic

buddo you sound like a retard calling Christianty Hebrew mythology. Start at the NT and work your way though the saints. Most aren’t Hebrew

Gosh, but what happened before the New Testament?
Wasn't this really important for setting up the ENTIRE theological setting?

>lets ignore 2000 year of Christian mythology and focus on everything pre-Jesus

god is a good guy he dindu nuthin

2000 years of a continuation of a uniquely Jewish religion

Lmao ok, so things like creatio ex nihilo are incompatible, and now you've extended the list by saying the resurrection must be disregarded. In fact, pretty much everything "divine" re: Jesus must be rejected, from a god impregnating a human, to sin being cured by his blood and the offer of entry into heaven through faith.

How is it not hebrew mythology? Christians believe in the old testament and think that Jesus is a jewish son of the OT god. Christians are ordered to reject anything but hebrew mythology.

You retards absolutely shat up everything stoicism stands for by parading it like some kind of social media grouper. Mark my words, it's gonna end up being a fucking meme because of nu-male cunts like you.

>social media grouper.

What does that mean?

>Increasing numbers of people are becoming Stoics, as
>There are large and growing Stoic groups in the west,
>and even international Stoic gatherings.
>Although Stoicism isn't the best ancient philosophy
>Platonism is the height of metaphysics, theology, and ethics.
>but stoicism’s founder was Semitic
This is the systematic rape of core values


What, you want stoics to live in a cave somewhere?

Stoicism died out because there's no promotion of it. Religions win by default since they're the most evangelical.

If you want to practice stoicism, do it without seeking acceptance, it works for some people, but it isn't for everyone, and it shouldn't be. Especially not for some pussy ass club

There were literally classes in the past entirely about teaching stoicism. Why is that a bad thing now?

The guy you are talking to is a troll that wants to start "my're school > you're school" fights on Veeky Forums.

Cicero studied Hellenic philosophy, and believed that Romans should embrace stoic ethics. I agree with his assessment.

Grab a book, it's pretty straight forward once you get the gists of it, the most unnecessary and time consuming thing you can do is join a group of betas

>it works for some people, but it isn't for everyone,

Soft stoicism (just some ethics and guidance) are good for most people. Half of what Epictetus teaches is just how to avoid being an obnoxious jerk.

Hard stoicism (a full lifestyle) is probaly too austere for most people.

I don't engage in social media. I hopped into Stoicism completely of my own discovery and accord, I only talk about it with close friends, and anonymous homos on Veeky Forums.

What's happening to Stoicism outside of this site?

>Although Stoicism isn't the best ancient philosophy, it is a leader in the move away from worshipping hebrew mythology.
Read Ecclesiastes

It's slowly shaping up to be a normie ass meme philosophy for any special person who thinks they're transcended. Only the past month did a bunch of /pol/tards rush in here posting that irrelevant croatian calling him stoic for killing him self.

Suicide of Stoics is almost exclusively limited to Roman Stoics, and this is due to a cultural element of the Romans, not the Stoics themselves.

This is one of the dangers of original sources, they drip cultural elements without us (the readers) knowing or realising it half the time. In Roman society it was considered okay to commit suicide and the "forced suicide" of Seneca is by itself a thing specific to Roman times. It is not the choice "suicide or disgrace" as practiced in modern times, but rather an execution method emphasising the power of the emperor.

That's not what I meant, a bunch of retards were calling some dindu stoic for not shitting on the hague like milosevic did (croat/serb rivalry autism) even though he killed himself like a weak little bitch

>that irrelevant croatian calling him stoic for killing him self
who? Epictetus?

This pleb

delet your post

this guy?
who the fuck is calling this guy a Stoic?

I don't think this is correct. Zeno and Cleanthes both supposedly committed suicide (by holding breath, which is impossible, and fasting, respectively). Although the stories attributed to their suicides are dubious, Socrates' suicide is well documented and surely served as an example to Greek Stoics. Regardless of how Zeno and Cleanthes actually died, the fact that the stories Diogenes Laertius wrote describe their suicides indicates there was acceptance of suicide for the Greek Stoics.

For myself, if I medically become unable to exercise my rational faculty of choice, whether through dementia or a coma without hope of recovery situation I hope my loved ones will allow me to pass on. I have certainly discussed it multiple times with them. The problem is that I want things to end once my faculty of choice is gone, but I need my faculty of choice to end things myself. It's a difficult dilemma, made more so by our cultural aversion of death and rational suicide/assisted death.

Literally every delusional /pol/ster

i haven't seen this myself, but on what grounds do they claim this?

He used the same poison as socrates and didn't start yelling like his Serbian counterpart Milosevic. Even though nobody knows what he actually did other than blow up a bridge. Nobody cares really, any bullshit that produces a forced meme is always acceptable.

"Don't kill yourselves pussies"
t. Epictetus

Have you gotten to the point where he talks bout the "open door"?

Not yet

what book is that

I read this psuedo philosophy thread while shitting. The shitting was far more meaningful and authentic. I decided, therefore, to refrain from flushing my shit and instead flush this abortion of a thread.

Platonics and Abrahamics need to stop fighting and just fuck each other already. Then they can both finally die in a twisted heap of orgasmic irrelevancy. Good Day sirs.

>a bunch of fancy words for nothing more than "ur st00pid"
Idiot. You fool!


What translation?

Origin would be Diogenes, almost assuredly.


Because he's anti-pretentious, anti-fatalistic, anti-modern-cynicism.
He's deterministic, he wants us to flourish and not be troubled by this or that.
He probably traversed the marble floor, limping, steadily calling out the bullshit. He admired the ideal of the Cynic, sleeping in a tub, totally in acceptance of nature and his place in the universe. Epictetus taught the future senators and landowners, which meshes well with our modern ideal and standard of living.
If he could teach us today, he would find not much in the way humans think has changed. We are still controlled by forces of avarice, envy, depression of outside forces, desire for materials, wealth, renown, honor, peoples opinions now play a role probably much larger then it did then, considering social media.
All of these issues would probably go against what he felt was really in our true nature.
When people preach they know what Stoicism is about, they've only reached its limitations in their own minds, Stoicism and Cynicism is one of the most natural, loving, and virtuous philosophy Human beings have ever discovered.

Because people want a moral alternative for christcuckoldry, namely one that doesn't begin and end in muh refugees.

Who is Plato, but Moses speaking Attic Greek?