Meme cross on LINK 15 minute

Meme cross on LINK 15 minute

Who /ready/ here?

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This is the face of a cult member. Won't listen to reason, can't listen to reason, and too brainwashed to leave even as they're walking into their own demise.

Normally that would signal for a breakout but they also just literally announced 5 industry partners worth trillions today and all it did was trade sideways so..

Honestly market makes no sense with this coin

what does the memecross mean?

Direction change, hopefully upward

what the individual lines mean?
pls explain

Moving averages

Who are the partners?


>24/7 coverage on every news source on earth
>price goes down

It looks like the exact same fucking thing happened around 18:00 and then it kept going down.

it wont go anywhere while its still on binance

sauce ?

This coin needs to not only be on Binance. Everyone is getting fucked.

Lol people on this board.... Look it doesn't matter what news, shill, fud, or literally anything that comes out. This coin is on binance and it has a lot of volume. Binance chink bots are the ones manipulating this price so hard. It will stay between 36 - 55 cents until it gets listed on other exchanges which isn't going to happen soon with the teams approach. Either hold your stack or sell it when the bot cycle comes up. I've been trading this coin so easily for profits because of the easy to spot chink bots.

All the colors are converging tho senpai

does she take it in the pooper?



It started so innocently....and then the scissoring began

dude fucking kys. LINK is barely a month old

you didnt post a name REEEEEE

this guys gets it. The bots are dumb and predictable.

How do you beat the chinkbots?


dammit you nigger