So, black people seem to be very obsessed with Egypt. Was Ancient Egypt as remarkable as blacks think it was...

So, black people seem to be very obsessed with Egypt. Was Ancient Egypt as remarkable as blacks think it was? I Request info on Ancient Egypt. Books and documentaries are also welcome

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>Was Ancient Egypt as remarkable as blacks think it was?
-No, God powers and spaceships did not exist
-Yes, Egypt was a hugely advanced and influential civilization
-However, there were also other thriving civilizations in the fertile crescent

It's the only thing they have, leave them alone you insecure racist jerks!

Black people's obsession with Egypt is basically retarded and a completely separate avenue of discussion.

Basically what makes Egypt remarkable is that it was Antiquity's Antiquity. The Pyramids were probably built a good thousand years before the Trojan War. More time elapsed between the building of the Sphinx and Julius Caesar than between Caesar and now. Along with those structures was a more-or-less coherent civilization that maintained written records, traditions, etc.

>Black people obbsessed with Egypt
Like real talk for a second user have you ever talked to a black person and had them mention Egypt or are you just believing memes from Veeky Forums and /pol/?

Nubians were however black and they did have some dynasties that ruled over proper Egypt. They even built pyramids. Pic related is from the Kush dynasty.

Egypt was the Ancient Greece during Greece era,they were ancient history to ancient history

they were monarchs and such

>Cushitic people
Pick one!

its just circlejerk over thousands years old state that all it did was agriculture dependant on Nile, oh and mummies/pyramids/makeup/calendar i guess
egypt under rome was far more interesting as suddenly you have people like based ptolemy

>egypt under rome was far more interesting as suddenly you have people like based ptolemy

That's under Greeks, you dumbass

Why do idiots like you who don't even know basic things like that feel that they have to share their uneducated opinions about topics they clearly know next to zero about?

are you sure we are thinking of the same person?
his achievements are fascinating

I think I finally unraveled the mystery of the WU WUZ. It's actually very, very simple and truly niggardly:

It's the bling. It's the various gold ornaments blacks saw in movies and history books about Egypt. This is the one and only reason why WE WUZ exists. They are attracted to shiny things.

>Be Black
>muh slavery
>loves egypt, a country full of slaves

>Be White
>its ok to be proud of your history
>REEEEE Blacks are always muh egypt

>history of blacks
The issue here is that Egypt is specifically NOT black history.

Nubian blacks wuz egyptian emperors for a brief time
the problem with blacks in US doing we wuz shit is that they have no nation so they try to force some weird ties between every black country/tribe as if all of them were the same people, even though north eastern africans have nothing to do with people being enslaved and shipped to US

I'm going to contest that, they think Native Americans WUZ too and they lacked the gold smelting

Yeah. I have plenty of black friends and they all hold Ancient Egypt in high regard. They were all pissed off when Gods of Egypt came out and the cast was mainly white (even tho some real egyptians were cast).

It seems that their fascination comes from the misconception that civilization started in Egypt.

Are you one of those retards who believe that East Africans are not black?

many of them are caucasoids

One of my favourite little snippets of information to try and help people understand the scale of Ancient Egypt is to tell them that Cleopatra is closer to us landing on the moon than she is to the building of the Great Pyramid. Even in that context it's difficult to appreciate just how far back Egypt really goes.