Some of us will actually be billionaires and millionaires

Some of us will actually be billionaires and millionaires.

Finally, being a NEET is paying off.

fuck off, we're full.

im gunna be a zillionaire and leave humanity behind

Im gonna buy the federal reserve, print a billion trillion dollar bills for myself, then enslave humanity and force the world to construct a massive statue of me by hand

to take merely 10%of forex 24hr volume BTC would need to reach about $2.5 million

Am i the only one who actually intends to attempt to do good things in the world with the money i possibly make? :\

fuck off

only if other millionaires and billionaires are willing to give you their money for your fake coins

a lot of people intend to do good things when they get rich,

because it helps them justify why they want to make it

I'm guessing you'll be less and less enthusiastic about giving money as you get richer and richer,

either you'll do it reluctantly, or decide not to at all

and if you end up failing, you can *sigh* and dream of all the good things you would have done, if only you made it big

or; you're in the minority of people who do actually enjoy helping others,

but most of those people do it because it makes them feel good inside anyway; no one is truly selfless

you wouldn't help others if it made you feel bad about yourself, or caused you physical pain, would you?

everything we do is selfish to some degree

i will open an animal shelter.

Not me

You sound like a good person

ok nietzsche

just cause an action may be internally selfish in motivation doesn't negate its net benefit to society

pianoman... don't leave us again..

>just cause an action may be internally selfish in motivation doesn't negate its net benefit to society

What point is there to benefiting society? Think before you answer, and make sure you don't just reply "because it feels good"

>Am i the only one who actually intends to attempt to do good things in the world with the money i possibly make? :\

this is not the writing of a person who admits they want to help people for selfish reasons

this is someone who wants to stroke their dick over how awesome and generous they think they'll be if they get rich

and at no point did i say we shouldn't try to benefit society

i was merely observing the decreasing likelyhood of generosity as wealth increases,

and i think we need to cut the bullshit and stop pretending that those who benefit society are pure saints, it just so happens their fetish happens to overlap with what benefits others,

well said. sacrifice is whats best. giving someone your shirt when you only have one shirt is noble. giving a shirt away when you own 20 and you dont like that shirt has less value.

I don't give two flying fucks about humans or society. As far as im concerned they can all go kill each other into extinction. I'm only in it to help the animals. I intend and have already planned out things I WILL be doing. It's not to make me feel good, It's to help the helpless who have no say in a world were the dominate species is more retarded than a rock.

what is your post trying to say opbitcoin reaching 100k per coin lmfao

10k is on value 100k is the top if we bubble in the next 6 months

1m bb

stfu faggot

>It's to help the helpless who have no say in a world were the dominate species is more retarded than a rock.

So humans?

bitcoin will be 3million if it truly succeeds, but there's a few more boom and busts before we get there 100k would have a massive pull back


im cashing out at 80-100k i think a lot of people will be as well. then i'll slowly start buying again while it dips

I agree user, I care about the animals more than people, I want less people. we need a massive purge