What stereotypes did Romans have about each other? On the provincial level anyway...

What stereotypes did Romans have about each other? On the provincial level anyway. I read that they considered Greeks to be smart but effeminate, liars, and lazy. And that Hispanics were hot headed, disdainful of authority, but extremely honest & loyal once you earned it.

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The Roman stereotype of a Jew was basically Tommy DeVito from Goodfellas; a blunt, uneducated person who would fly off the handle at the tiniest provocation real or imagined.

They felt the Germans were idiotic and completely uncivilized, but incredibly couragous and hyper masculent. They hated everything to do with carthrage.

IIRC Jews were seen as weirdo religious fanatics who would behead all those who insult Yahweh. Kinda like Muslims today. Jewish terrorists were supposedly an archetype in Roman comedy.

At the height of the Roman empire?
>Germans: zero hygiene, angry tall, stupid
>Modern France and Iberia: nothing I can think of, they were not awefully loyal to Rome, though.
>Greeks: Arrogant
>Anatolia: No idea
>Syrians: there was this daft idea that Syrians were born to do archery.
>Egyptians: Same as the greeks
>Libya: simple folk, good cavalry (the greeks iplanted this idea)
>The mauri people: Workaholics, Freedom™ again, from the greeks and muh free folk of the mountains
>Britons: inhuman resistence to cold, hot women (unironically)

The Jews got what was coming to them. Hadrian unironically did nothing wrong.

>>Germans: zero hygiene, angry tall, stupid
but tacitus said they bathed each morning...

I thought they were educated as they were the accountants, scribes and tax collectors n sheit

Britons were supposed to be brave and daring, but also alcoholics who give in to new social hierarchies easily once conquered

Tacitus was a mong

You’re thinking of Greeks

North Africans were known to be very sarcastic & sharp tongued


Men from the Eastern Provinces were considered effeminate in general. Persians too. Western provinces made for hardier and more militant people.

lol the sources of those quotes is literally from a wewuz book written by an african american

The only Jewish character I can think of in a roman play was a slave, not a terrorist, although he was a weirdo religious fanatic who would attack people because he had poor Latin skills and would misunderstand innocuous phrases as insulting.

There was also this great scene near the beginning with these two old patricians, grousing about how things were better when they were younger; they're not exactly talking to each other, more just kind of airing their thoughts in a rambling similar vein. But then you get this exchange

>We were trusted to carry our own weapons in the streets of the city
>Everyone was so much more polite!

Apparently her book is on libgen, I downloaded to see the source of the quotation.
It's not even from something like "Commentaries on the Gallic War" by Caesar. Fuck, the source isn't even from Caesar himself. her source stems from:
>William Wells Brown, The Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements (Boston: James Redpath, 1863), 33-34
Like fuck's sake, could you not even bothered to check Caesar's very own work to see if it's there?

I'll copy from a source on Quora:
Easterners in general, but particularly Syrians, Levantines and people from Asia minor were derided as effeminate, addicted to luxury, and sensualists. Descriptions put a lot of emphasis on silken robes, oiled ringlets, and perfume.

Greeks were regarded as untrustworthy and duplicitous - clever and honey-tongued but always ready to betray or cheat. "Too clever by half". The Greek cities of Southern Italy and especially Sicily were bywords for luxurious living (our word "Sybaritic" comes from Sybaris on arch of the Italian boot). However disdain for Greek smooth-talking was matched with respect for Greek culture and literature.

Egyptians were thought to be mystical and otherworldy - or priest-ridden and superstitious. They were famous for being excellent physicians and notoriously useless in a fight.

Carthaginians - while they were still independent - were regarded as mercenary and venal, motivated primarily by greed (although there was a counter-tradition which admired the boldness and dedication of Hannibal, in particular). The stereotype was similar to modern anti-semitic attitudes and conspiracy theories about rich bankers. After Roman conquered Carthage, Roman North Africans were reputed to be sarcastic and sharp-tongued (eg Terence, Tertullian)

"Moors" - from Numidia, Mauretania, and Tingis - were supposedly passionate and emotional. They were brave but headstrong, romantic and imprudent.

Germans were universally regarded as big and fierce. They were alternately praised for simplicity, bravery, and honor or derided for lack of culture, treachery and savagery. "Noble savages", with variable emphasis on the two halves of that phrase.

Gauls were stereotyped similarly to Germans, with an extra emphasis on their fondness for strong drink. That stereotype faded out as Gaul Romanised very thoroughly.

Im going to brush me teeth three times today, holy hell.

Ethiopians were supposed to be dignified and aloof, disdainful of outsiders and uninterested in the rest of the world. This may be less of a real stereotype and more an inheritance from Herodotus' descriptions of the Icthyophagi.

Central Italians, particularly in Latium but throughout the territory of Rome's one-time allies, were regarded as plain, honest, and level headed - sort of "heartland" salt-of-the-earth types compared to the rest of the Empire.

Hispanians distrusted any authority and rebelled at the drop of a hat; stubborn and intransigent for its own sake, but also honest and unwilling to put up with dishonesty or incompetence in those set over them. Good soldier material, less good as workers, and a good test of a new man is to give him a crew of Hispanians to supervise.

Britannia was much like Germania or Gaul, but the emphasis was definitely on the savage rather than the noble.

To go further the author she's quoting doesn't even have a source provided for this Caesar comment.

So once again an anglophobic meme, once you do some digging, turns out to be total bunk. Never change Veeky Forums

Want a cheeky giggle? Here's the following sentence after that caesar quote
>From whence sprang the Anglo-Saxon ? For. mark you. it is he that denies the equality of the negro. • When the Britons first became known to the Tyriau mariners."' says Macaulay • they were little superior to the Sandwich Islanders.""

Tyrian* not Tyriau, fucking archive.org.

The Greeks had some great ideas but were effeminate, decadent and lacked the drive to do something. Still can be relied on in the vast bureaucracy and as teachers.

The Gauls and all Celtic peoples are simple country bumpkins but open to learning the ways of civilization

Germans are unequivocally barbarians, uncivilized savages. Yet noble savages capable of great martial strength and honour. In a way to be respected yet despised since they resisted romanization.

Egyptians are great workers but make Greeks look manly, a race of servants.

Syrians/Armenians/Arabs/Balkans/Numidians - Loyal and stalwart allies

other Italians - That whiny cousin who invites himself to all of your parties crying MUH CITIZENSHIP. That said, when the chips are down, will always have your back so you tolerate his annoying ass

The Persians/Parthians/Sassanids are our hated enemies. The worst traits of decadence and savagery of barbarians.


Jews - Troublesome nuisance, why cant they just pretend to worship the god emperor like everyone else? Also greedy fucks

Carthage - DELENDA EST

Romans thought Arabs were treacherous fucks who fight for whoever is winning

they weren't wrong

To add to that.

Illyrians were seen like Germanics with NONE of the nobility. They wer called the enemies of mankind. Bloodthirsty ginger savages who exist to ruin everything, even each other.

Can I get a source on that?

Does anyone know of any Roman stereotypes for the Lusitanians?


Diodorus painted Viriathus in a pretty good light. Probably a bit like a "diamond in the rough" though.

already noted Hispanii

>hot women (unironically)
WTF I hate romans now

Drunk ass Romans and easy British girls probably

Yeah, they might as well do, stereo-types are often wrong, the German soldiers had butter on their hair, and they were very menacing, Romans said they often resembled the Thracians and the Dacians, and there are some records of the steppe niggers that were with the thracians, they rarely washed and they had humanskin quivers.
BASICALLY, any bad trait found in a certain /BARBARIAN/ folk will immediately get attributed to all of them.

juvenalis on why he is leaving Rome

Quick witted, of shamelessly audacity, ready of speech, more
Lip than Isaeus, the rhetorician. Just say what you want them
To be. They’ll bring you, in one person, whatever you need:
The teacher of languages, orator, painter, geometer, trainer,
Augur, rope-dancer, physician, magician, they know it all,
Your hungry Greeks: tell them to buzz off to heaven, they’ll go.
That’s why it was no Moroccan, Sarmatian, or man from Thrace
Who donned wings, but one Daedalus, born in the heart of Athens.

this is about greeks btw

Byzantines were not Romans

>greek senator got a governorship on the danube
>the inhabitants... lead the most miserable existence of all mankind, for they cultivate no olives and drink no wine

why do people feel the need to emphasise this in every fucking thread which is about or mentions romans/byzantines, oh and by your logic pre 476 Zeno is a roman emperor but post 476 he's a byzantine?



Who was that senator who got laughed at during meetings for his amusing accent?


>Perhaps some one is thinking that what I say is not strictly accurate; for the matrons of southern Gaul did continue to exercise their rights and to hold honor and power as mistresses of their households. That is true. Many of them indeed did keep unimpaired their right of government, but scarcely one kept her marriage rights unpolluted. Our present object of investigation is not the power of women, but the infamous conduct of their husbands. However, I should not even say that the matrons kept their power uninjured, since a wife who has not kept her connubial rights safe and inviolate has not kept her full rights of domination. When the master of the house acts as husband of the maidservants, the mistress is not far removed from the mean position of the slave. Who among the rich men of Aquitania did not so act? Who among them has not been considered by his shameless maids, and with good, reason, as either adulterer or husband?

>Have not the same crimes or greater ones destroyed the provinces of Spain? Even if the divine wrath had handed these lands over to any other barbarians you might name, the enemies of chastity in them would have suffered tortures worthy of their vices. But as an added evidence of the condemnation of their shamelessness they were delivered into the hands of the Vandals, the most shamefast of barbarians. In the captivity of Spain God wished to give a twofold evidence of his hatred of carnal lust and love of chastity, when he put the Vandals in command solely on account of their preeminent chastity and subjected the Spaniards to them solely on account of their surpassing lewdness.

>But among the people of Africa, with few exceptions, you will find none with an equal measure of good and evil, for almost the whole population is evil. So the purity of their original nature has been shut out and their vices have, as it were, created a new character among them.

>t. Salvianus the ranting priest

Oh, the irony.

>”This Hispania produces tough soldiers, very skilled captains, prolific speakers, luminous bards. It is a mother of judges and princes; it has given Trajan, Hadrian, and Theodosius to the Empire.”

The Hispanic MAN wins again