If all these countries somehow managed to put their grievances aside and combined into a single unified state...

If all these countries somehow managed to put their grievances aside and combined into a single unified state, how powerful would the resulting government be? The resulting super-state would control the Suez Canal, the Turkish straits, and a sizable portion of the world's oil production.

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It would collapse wothin months

>how powerful would the resulting government be?
Not powerful

It would collapse in less than a month due to religious/ethnic tensions.

That transcended maniac trump would cut all their funding and support like a madman and they'd just be completelu consumed by the sand around them

The leader would be assassinated by the CIA, a puppet dictator favouring the US would be instated, revolution would consume the nation and it would split up, cue "War on terror 2: Electric Boogaloo"

Absolutely haram.

The J*ws would never allow their base of operations to fall that easily.

What if it will be ruled by Jews?

>If all these countries somehow managed to put their grievances aside and combined into a single unified state, how powerful would the resulting government be?
You can't just forgo a factor as massive as "grievances" and then ask how the government might function. All those "grievances" would no doubt have a huge impact on the nature of the hypothetical government. Also the idea of this is just stupid to begin with. Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey literally form a trifecta of hate and would be constantly fighting amongst one another to gain control of the government.

From an economic standpoint.
It would be one of the most powerful forces on earth.

>Middle Eastern countries made up a significant portion of global oil export revenues during 2015 with shipments valued at $325 billion or 41.3% of global crude oil exports.

>Aside from exports of oil, there are some other interesting subtleties to this map. One of the most advanced economies in the region, Israel, is not dependent on oil exports at all. The country has had to find other ways to create value in the global market and its three major exports include electronics and software, cut diamonds, and pharmaceuticals.

>Opium is Afghanistan’s most valuable cash crop, and opiates such as opium, morphine, and heroin are its largest export. Fetching an estimated value of $3 billion at border prices, it was estimated to make up about 15% of the country’s GDP equivalent in 2013.


So Israel and Iran are just going to be perfectly fine with suddenly being merged with Saudi Arabia and Turkey?

Only the Kurds can make this work. Arbil can be like Brussels/Hague for the E. U.

I assume they would do it by making everyone forget how much they hate eachother to focus on the Kurds, right?

Of course.

The Caliphates.

>hurr the culture, religion, and politics of the middle east hasn't changed at all in 1200 years

the absolute state of Afghanistan

The combined gdp of all the countries in OP would be approximately a quarter of that of the EU and a fifth of the USA.

GDP is a fabrication.

I'd really like to guess which shithole with delusions of grandeur you hail from based on that post, but the options are simply too many.

It really hasn't. Most muslims wouldn't mind such a thing.

>Muslims can't even get along with each other in Syria
What makes you think Arabs, Persians, Kurds, Turks, Jews and Greeks will get along?

They're all muslim.

1) There are no Greeks in the Middle East
2) Persians and Turks who are Muslim think of themselves as the same as any Arab just like Egyptian Muslims do.
3) Deport the Jews back to Europe
4) The Kurds would just learn to deal with it

>Persians and Turks who are Muslim think of themselves as the same as any Arab just like Egyptian Muslims do
>Persian and Turks are Arab
>Kurds, however, are not
why do sheltered dumbasses on Veeky Forums constantly talk about shit they have no understanding of?

Some would say Cyprus is in the Middle East.

Why does some non Muslim diaspora retard think he knows anything about the Middle East?