Femanon here

Femanon here.
Considering some test for some rapid gains.
What's a safe dosage so I don't look too bulky?

Post current body first.

Skelly like pic related.

Don't take test, take anavar.

this is some max level shitposting

Then I suggest you eat more.

Post body with stamp or fuck off to \b\

I do, I can't gain weight.

then eat more, and more calorically dense food. make a protein shake with 3 scoops of whey, whole milk and heavy cream and drink it before bed in addition to your usual diet. You'll gain weight, and if you say you don't you're lying.

Who is this gremlin

This. You need to get eating rather than using gear to gain mass. You might not even need to waste your money on gear to get what you want since you only want a slightly muscular body. If you're looking to get big big then it's an option, your goal is very realistic while being natty

Do GOMAD. Seriously. If you're that skinny it was designed for you. You WILL gain weight.

Dont do test, how it affectsd women is too unreliable. you could immediately sprout a beard and chest hair that never goes away.

Listen to she's the only girl on gear that browses this board.

>sees thumbnail
>expects hi-quality jb
>clicks thumbnail
>anorexic adult

Nrf dis

These are good and true. Eat more, and if you cheat don't do it with T.

Test gains will not go straight to your thighs and butt, yknow.

Anyway. If you're dumb enough to throw away your natty card as a female then stick to anavar or tbol as these won't fuck up your estrogen levels as much and also won't ruin your life permanently.

Taking test as a female will basically just force you into male puberty. You'll get spotty, your voice will deepen and you will smell very bad.

That's a skelly potato.





You'll be ugly, infertile, and whatever other hormone problems you'll get. Look at Cheekie (no offense Cheekie but fug you used to be way cuter)

You say you don't wanna be bulky, just lift natty. You'll make gains and not look like a fridge

Cheekie used to look like a prepubescent boy.

Now she looks like a man.

Say goodbye to a clitoris that looks less like a clitoris and more like an ugly micropenis. Goodbye male attention.
