Does anyone else feel like they're growing out of the lifting meme?

Does anyone else feel like they're growing out of the lifting meme?

I'm starting to care less and less about "muh bench press" or "muh v taper" and more about other things in life.

That's not to say I'm neglecting fitness but I just care a lot less about getting "huge".

Anyone know this feel? I kind of just want to look a little above average that's all

You're losing your motivation, 'maturing'

I care far more about my work and my career and my family then I do about my physique.

That doesn't mean I do no desperately care about 'muh v taper'

> I kind of just want to look a little above average that's all

With this attitude, you will never look better than 'a little above average'.

neh, ive decided to roid once I move out

sounds to me like you're making excuses to stop lifting.

no one said make lifting your first priority in life, but it's not like lifting takes that much time. it's literally takes 8h a week at the gym and watching what you eat.

>Hurt durr lifting isn't #1 priority shill thread
Only thing I got to say is the only thing that should be what makes you happy. If you don't find happiness in lifting then stop. Why waste your life on something that isn't bring you satisfaction ???

>no one said make lifting your first priority in life, but it's not like lifting takes that much time. it's literally takes 8h a week at the gym and watching what you eat.

Lifting with intensity regularly takes quite a bit of effort, though.

> I'm a spineless, lazy and worthless sack of shit and I want to convince you all how superior I am to everyone here.

Yeah, nah, fuck off cunt.

t. buttmad neet lifter

Realize this OP. Just get a slim semi-decent physique and just maintain.
Once you die, your muscles are gone, even before that.
But your Art won't die, Your hard earned wealth won't die, Your fatherly legacy will live for a very long time.
These are the things a real man should value more I believe.

But if you are compelled to be active, then find the ways you like to be athletic
Personally, I was always a dancer and a basketball player
Then I worked towards a 405 DL
It just made me slow, fat, and painfully imbalanced my leg muscles for dancing and sprinting

If you can dance you get pussy
If you can run fast you get pussy
What bitch you know gonna drop panties for a deadlift?
It doesn't even get you 'sthetic.

If you feel like stopping, just stop.

>What bitch you know gonna drop panties for a deadlift?

Gay men will drop their panties for a heavy bench or deadlift though

It's not like women think shredded = strong or anything...

>lifting for women
>lifting because he thought it would get him pussy
>Didn't make it

Gee I am so surprised!

Lifting out of Narcissism MASTER RACE here.

>He lifts for gay men

Who are you trying to impress, Mark rippetoe?

>What bitch you know gonna drop panties for a deadlift?
More to lifting than a deadlift. Whether you like it or not, women will drop panties for a six pack.

>women will drop panties for a six pack.

You don't need to lift to have visible abs.

>Lifting with intensity regularly takes quite a bit of effort, though

it does take effort, but it doesn't take that much time. most hobbies take way more time than lifting. that's why i said that he's just making excuses, because he doesn't want to put the effort in. I don't get the point of the thread though, he wants us to tell him it's ok to give up lifting? why does an adult feel the need for anonymous strangers on the internet to approve his decisions? because deep down he knows he's just a lazy cunt

>I don't get the point of the thread though

Sounds like he's trying to ask others if they've experienced something similar when they were crazy about lifting for a couple of years before taking it a lot less seriously and simply maintaining a reasonable physique instead of going hard and trying to min-max every little thing.

he said "growing out of the lifting meme", implying that him not being willing to put the effort into lifting anymore somehow makes him more mature. he's in denial about being a lazy cunt, and just trying to convince himself that he's not gonna stop lifting because he's lazy, but because he "grew out of it" or whatever the fuck that means

anons on the CBT thread

My gf is a gains golbin that over the past 2+ years I have been lifting and gone from dyel skinny fat to asthetic has said stuff like 'I love you no matter what kind of body you have' 'You were perfect before and you are perfect now'

anons on CBT say it like it is and at least compliment me

Wanna know a secret?
Getting and maintaining a good body is SUPER easy. You can do it by going to the gym and doing a full body routine 3 times a week. 6 hours a week and keeping a mental note of your calories/protein is all it takes to get a body better than literally 99% of the male population
Not only that, but there are so many other benefits that come with regular resistance training
There's no reason why you wouldn't do this
I know a surgeon who comes to my gym, small Asian dude
His life is more stressful and his career is more time consuming that the vast majority of this board, yet he still hits the gym couple times a week, sometimes only for 30 minutes because thats all ue can make, has a new born fucking son and slices people open multiple times per day yet he still looks incredible thanks to consistency

I think you have an issue if you try to impress virgins on an anime imageboard and let that shape your perception of self.

Lifting should never be a hobby but part of a whole, healthy and active lifestyle.

Why do I have an issue?

The guys on Veeky Forums are the strictest judges of physique.

Girls suck. They say that brad pitt in fight club is a nice body.

My whole life whenever I did something, I aimed to do it well, I aimed to do it so that people that do it better than 99% of people would look at me and say 'One of us'.

I didn't do it so that the average person would say 'Doing great!'

Logically the CBT is the place for me.

Why would I lift to impress women who have such low standards and bad taste?

You think it's an issue because it's lifting, but I aproach everything in life like this.


8 hours a week is huge for people with lives.

Why the fuck do you care what men think

I think you discovered your homosexuality

>t. loser that lifts for women

Literally explained why I care what they think and you still ask that question

>lifting for us
lift for someone who cares. you'll get no respect from Veeky Forums.

>t. Loser that lifts for other men

You literally waste your time impressing anonymous posters on Veeky Forums. How much more pathetic does it get?

I care.

No one else cares.

Literally. No one cares about how much you lift except you and guys on fit.

I care how much I lift and how big I am. That's enough for me. Anons on Veeky Forums caring is an added bonus, and a big one.

Do you guys think women give a fuck? They don't. They just want you to be 10% bodyfat and have a little muscle. They don't care if you are 10% bf 145 lbs or 10% bf 250 lbs



That's why I lift to look good, mostly to girls

What's your idea of 'making it'?

Serious question, OP: Why did you start in the first place? What was your reason to do it?

I've had this mindset before. It's usually when my lifts are stalling and I'm getting frustrated. It's the best example of sour grapes.

I guess I was bored

I wanted to get strong and "huge". Over the course of two years I started getting disenfranchised with the idea. It started becoming impractical to minmax diet, lifting, etc.

Eating perfectly, lifting with intensity and perfect form every time gets kind of in the way of regular life for a well balanced human being eventually.

Eventually you just stop caring about adding 5lbs to the bar, all to impress some random men.

Yeah. I'm more about actual fitness now as opposed to just getting yuge.

So in other words you had no stated purpose, it was the absolutely abstract 'to get fit' that so many people go to a gym with, then they, like you, wonder why they lose motivation. You HAD NO MOTIVATION to start with. Based on your response I'd have to say you should just find something else to do with your time than waste it at the gym, since you have no reason that even you consider valid to be doing it. That's a recipe for resentment and discontent.

I went down a similar route as you. Over time I stopped lifting and found a sport club. Eventually the season ended and I had no activity. Since I wasn't doing anything, I fell into a rut of depression, lost some of my mates I was doing my sport with, and was generally a loser. I lift to get a nice body, sure, but I mainly lift to give me something to achieve on the long term -- something to keep me going. Lifting creates a rigid schedule of physical activity that's good for me and it doesn't require other people to do it.

Well what purpose am I suppose to have?

"Compete in bodybuilding"?


swimming is good

I lift to get stronger and be healthier. That hasn't changed, and it never will hence I will never lose my motivation

You on the other hand never had any motivation to begin with, you were excited while it was something new, and when you got bored you abandoned it like a kid that got tired of a toy.

Eating healthy and working out does in no way get in the way of regular life. What you're really saying is that you don't want the results enough to sacrifice your indulgences over them. Which is ok really, just don't kid yourself into thinking you somehow "outgrew" lifting, you just tried and failed.

He literally would be happy with that so it seems fine

Nice post.

Really, I have nothing to add. Just wanted to tell you that.

You have high blood pressure you fatass

you're not healthy

>Once you die, your muscles are gone, even before that.
>But your Art won't die, Your hard earned wealth won't die, Your fatherly legacy will live for a very long time.

yes they will

>If you can dance you get pussy
>If you can run fast you get pussy

holy fuck so you do just things for pussy, get out of here you fucking scum

>holy fuck so you do just things for pussy, get out of here you fucking scum

Why else do people start lifting?

To get pussy.

Yeah the thing is that's how it starts. Next thing you know its been 2 years and you are fat and look like shit, and you get cucked the fuck out.

Sorry bud, but we are men, we aren't allowed to drop our guard ever or get complacent cause then, the minute you aren't at your very best you get demoted dropped and are a loser like the rest

I only started to get back a girl who cheated on a "muscular" chad

on my travel to being Veeky Forums on my first few months i realized:

>the chad was not even muscular at all, dyel as fuck, could barely do 5 pull ups
>the girl was a slut, it wasn't my fault, he only liked the guy because face + workout compression clothes while being skinny
>girls like people who look like they are active, they don't give a fuck about anything else
>lifting weights is actually fucking great if you are an autist because it's a race against yourself
>most people who lift weights for real do it for personal reasons, not girls, those who do for girls stop once they got a ottermode with abs

she wanted to be back once i got muscular Veeky Forums but i was much more wiser, i love lifting weights, people will never understand

>Your hard earned wealth won't die,
Have you never heard the expression "you can't take it with you"?

no i dont?

Yes you do you're fat