Studying 20th century history

>studying 20th century history
>realize that French are the bad guys
Anybody else? I mean, they fucking bullied Germany so hard that Germans literally had no other option but to elect Hitler

Not to mention their support of Black Hand and de Gaulle which was the biggest dickhead in human existence

The french have always been the bad guy throughout history

they are the worst kind of bad guy, since they are not only evil but also pussies unless US or UK got thei bacck

Look up the Rhine crisis in 1840. Even after Napoleon they still wanted German land

With constant French aggression for centuries no wonder Germany became militaristic

Even better example is Louis XIV.
>Muslims (Ottomans) invading Europe
>Leopold and volunteers from all over Europe are fending them off and defending Christianity
>fucking frogs start expanding into Germany while Leo is occupied

Only France would get so assblasted about hippies on a boat across the world that they’d try to murder them with a bomb.

I approve of this action.

Lmao why are you faggots so obsessed with France, I feel like there's a thread each week with you pathetic bitches whining about France.

This thread specifically is because Hitler was a gud boi who did didnt do nuttin. It was the evil French all along.
AKA /pol/ dribble

Hitler would've risen no matter what circumstances, people crave strong leaders. After the fall of Bismarck there were countless books and journals in Germany being produced declaring people the next Bismarck or wondering when the next Bismarck would return. Strong leaders create a sense of cult-like followings; it's the exact same situations with France and the US. France had gone through constant changes of government in the 19th-20th century and its for the fact that the French craved someone like Napoleon or Louis XIV. It's the same with the US and how after Reagan, Americans craved a leader like him; thus Trump.

The UK and France were allies in solely two wars, if France needed the UK then why didn't they ally with them way earlier in history instead of being their ally? Also the French resent the US thats why tons of Americans hate France due to France resisting Americas cultural empire.

Germans have always been miltaristic and agressive, it's in our very nature and that's why we make good adversaries and are able to fight countless people at once with ease. We don't need the French or anyone to do that.

>and are able to fight countless people at once and lose every time

>Germans ask for France's Alsace-Lorraine and 5 billions of franc-or
>France deals with it
>France asks for Alsace-Lorraine back and lighter reparations which would eventually be dropped anyway and demilitarization of the Rhine to prevent a new invasion

France should've partitioned Germany after world war one, faggot Americans and English kept it from happening.

i wonder who could be behind this thread...


>France realizes the German people are warlike and places grand restrictions on them to prevent them from creating another massive war that would drain Western Europe of her young men
>The Germans use the war reparations they had to pay for being massive faggots as an excuse to break the restrictions and become warmongering faggots again and proving the French right

>Stormfags will insist that the G*rmans being a disgusting unfeeling race of sociopathic warmongers is somehow the French's fault for wanting to prevent them from warmongering and doing exactly what they did

pol go and stay go

>France acting as the aggressor for most of the rennaisance and enlightment as the German lands are divided and weak
>as soon as Germany unites, get their ass handed to them big time
>immediately start acting like the poor, oppressed victim
Pierre go and stay go

>Germany is a dick the moment they get a win
>France is less of a dick when they win
>Somehow this justifies the Germans sending the world into another world war that leads to the rise of the USSR and turning antisemitism into a taboo in western society

>literally plunge the entire world into war and attack nearly every neutral country in order to widen the fronts
>get bitch slapped by didn't get raped like hunagry

>he fell for the "versailles was mean to germany :(((" meme
germs were much harsher on russia at brest-litovsk, they deserved worse

Moseley was so Veeky Forums

France should be dissolved just like they dissolved Austria-Hungary. Payback would be sweet against those immoral, degenerate frogs.


France is the brutish mook underling of the Anglo mastermind evil.

>I mean, they fucking bullied Germany so hard that Germans literally had no other option but to elect Hitler

That happened after Germany had started a world war for the lulz tho

>studying 20th century history
>realize that French are the bad guys
>Anybody else? I mean, they fucking bullied Germany so hard that Germans literally had no other option but to elect Hitler

>a german furry site
>mostly germans register for it
Wow, such a Weimar, much degeneracy

>with ease
Didn’t you guys lose pretty much every time you tried that?

The only thing Americans and English kept from happening was France capitulating against Germany for the 2nd time in 50 years.

Hitler wouldn't have gotten anywhere without WW1, for starters he was an Austrian and more importantly nominally Catholic, which didn't fly very well in Imperial Germany for your career prospects

You're retarded. Before the 20th century there was a 19th century. By "study", you mean wikipedia articles, don't you?

>Studying history.
>Realize that Germans are the actual bad guys.

>started or aggravated every major western european war and most beyond
>even aggressively courted Russia to the entente to turn the inevitable Balkan confrontation into a global war with Germany

You started the Franco-Prussian war and the Napoleonic Wars Pierre, read your own history
Yeah no Frogs are pure trash

pretty sure these threads are 'Made in France'