Is the chad mentality real or just a meme

Is the chad mentality real or just a meme

Is a chad mentality all you need?


Bump I need mental gains

Try it. Even if others aren't convinced, Chad doesn't care what others think right? So you'll be ignorant in your own Chad-like bliss state. Maybe that's the real Tao of Chad.


No it's not, being Chad requires a somewhat Chad physique or atleast a strong jaw. U can't b skeleton man and try to be Chad, they'll either laugh or be creeped out. I know from experience I'm 6ft roiding loser Chad, I don't have the best face butihave decent jaw nice roided bod and pretty tall, meanwhile my buddy has a gorgeous face, no gains, 5'7. And i feel so bad for him when girls gun him down. He tries to be Chad but it doesn't work if ur short.

What the fuck is a Chad mentality?

Just confidence+the ability to read social situations well

Ur mom

According to the denizens of Veeky Forums, any man who can speak to women without making an arse of himself

Honestly this. I've seen several guys pull hot chicks just by being a chill, chad-esque kinda guy despite not having a perfect jawline or facial features. They usually come to class wearing a baseball hat, maybe glasses, and are super relaxed as opposed to a more conventional chad.

Learn the power of not appearing desperate.
All you need to do, IS TO NOT APPEAR DESPERATE.

Is there a wikihow for that

Chad is literally just a nickname for a genetically superior male specimen, you can't become Chad you have to be born like that.

>do this
>never make any friends because you always act aloof to not seem needy

It's a gene trait

I know guys who are chads irl but they don't seem to put much thought into it, they just do things and get pussy. However OP, beware, try hards are just the absolute worst, so look out for that

No, Chad is literally the name of a central african country.

They created the Chad meme to subconsciously influence people into thinking that black guys are superior.

Go away jamal

If someone has the ability to be extremely confident regardless of looks and know how to speak to people, they already are a Chad. It's pretty incredible the aura one person can have when they have this supreme confidence.

Getting to that point is the real challenge though

Chad has no vices. Anything you worry about or fear, does not exist for Chad, because he has no need to worry. He's Chad. The concept doesn't exist to him.

He doesn't have to rationalize anything in his mind. He doesn't get rejected. He gets what he wants, when he wants.

Chad doesn't exist. He is an ideal image we have made for the perfect alpha. The guy everyone wants to be, the ultimate normie. But there is a way to become like Chad.

Just no way to become Chad.

4-aco-dmt can make you chad

New meta

>tfw impossible to be gay twink chad

What Veeky Forums thinks; its any guy who talks to a girl

What it actually is; a very attractive and confident guy who is typically famous/rich who has an exceptional personality which he uses to get girls