My history teacher hates me for some reason and we are about to start talking about existentialism in class...

My history teacher hates me for some reason and we are about to start talking about existentialism in class. I want to show him up and know more about it than him. Tell me everything you know about it.

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> t. 18 y/o senior in high school


were not going your homework.

I don't need help with homework I just need a shitload of info on existentialism

What are you going to argue

My history teacher gave me bad grades because I told she that I played videogames. From that moment she watch me with the face oF someone that thinks you are going to pull off an submachine gun from under your desk

>wants to show up the teacher instead of just learning
I can’t imagine why he doesn’t like you.

he doesn't know that I want to show him up tho

christ almighty, /pol/ is more helpful than this

>Christ almighty
He isn't

your history teacher doesn't hate you
take a leap of faith and listen to his class

I do, I love the material that he teaches but he just hates me for no reason

He hates you, because you constantly spout /pol/ tier nonsense

I don't tho

if i meet your miother i want to fuck she

is english your first language?

Just read the bloody Stanford article on existentialism and then on the various existentialist philosophers.

Yes you do, I'm in the same class retard

no you're not

even if you were how would you know?

still waiting...

waiting intensifies

Then go to the library and fucking read books on it dipshit. Holy shit apply yourself u entitled, lazy, arrogant fuck. I feel sorry for your teacher to have someone so autistic in his class.

why do you want to show up your teacher so badly?

what are you waiting for bro?

I am just curious, have you said anything to make her hate you? Sometimes saying something that goes against another's values is enough to make them hate you, true. It happened in my Neuroimaging class when I said, "How could they research on poor kitties?" because I love cats. The pictures of the invasive EEGs were kinda disturbing to me. In retrospect, I should have kept it to myself, but it "pulled a string" with my professor who justified it and another said most of our knowledge of visual cortex comes from studying cats invasively.

Regardless, I got a B in the class, even though I felt I deserved an A.

God forbid any information being posted here.
This board is for memes, make-believe chauvinism, and "what if" threads.
And we're full.

riveting story

This. How dare you try to learn something OP, go make another terrible thread instead we need more of those.

Hi Timmy, this is your history teacher. Maybe stop fapping in the back of the class and start paying attention to my lectures, you little shit.

he probably hates you becasue you try and do shit like this.