Why do black women have such bad pelvic tilt?


They only recently became bipedal.




a black woman's value is essentially entirely based on willingness to have sex. like, what else do they contribute?

the APT gives them a perceived 20% increase in ass which is important to their survival.

you outta be happy. they're evolving to accept non black cock
your little dick can reach easier



because they have giant asses

Looks fine to me


Every race has low points.
Why are Asians so short.
Why do whites have short legs.
Why do native Americans have low alcohol tolerance .
The list goes on and on

thus proving that they are in fact, less evolved as compared to other races.

>another thread started by a butthurt white woman who nobody wants

>Why do native Americans have low alcohol tolerance .

Because they haven't been drinking them selves to death for hundreds of years like the white man ;)

can you feel the meme magic lads

>why do black women have big asses?

To accommodate our big dicks. You can apply the same logic to white women. Ever wonder why golden retrievers have tiny cocks?

>You can apply the same logic to white women
nah white women just suck

Theyve been drinking for 400 years m8.


This picture ruined my day

I'd rather not apply anything to white women

Wow how can she even sit down comfortably.

At least it's not as bad as crossfit.

That was actually pretty clever.

Why are abos so fucked?

Are women more physiologically prone to have a greater tilt?
