What is a better field of study? Anthropology, History, or Philosophy and why?

What is a better field of study? Anthropology, History, or Philosophy and why?


Because i like it.

feel like Anthropology would be pretty comfy. Just traveling around and making friends with 3rd worlders then writing some bullshit dissertation about the underlying causes of some of the locals not washing their assholes. Must be pretty fun, desu

Philosophy precedes all other sciences, philosophy is the framework that science fits within to, to give an example...

We often think that science is absolutely definitive, which often it is, but it isn't a rock solid process. Consider this, if you were to measure the color of a leaf with your eyes, you'd say it's green, if you were to use a spectrometer, you'd see the breakdown of light. However, the spectrometer is just an extension of your vision, it's augmentation, and while it is more accurate than your vision, it isn't a special box that exports science. Scientific objectivity is refined subjectivity and categorization, it's philosophy's job to be perpendicular to Objectivity and Subjectivity, as a different measure of things, namely Knowledge, The Human Condition, Logic, Ethics, et cetera.

History and Philosophy are not a studies,
which leaves Anthropology so no choice.

How are History and Philosophy not studies?

Yea, they're pastimes, Hobbies if you will.

believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear

How are history and philosophy not studies?

Parrots. I love Parrots.

Anthrohilosophy, clearly.

fucking kek. also that gif is comfy af, OP.

All are a giant fucking waste of time.

Do fucking STEM or IT or business or something useful.

and then bitch about why academia, esspecially social scientist are full of leftists

Because the direction of the world shouldn't be decided purely by those who try to either make money or use this world as a tool. There are limited ethics in pure logic or in business.

You'll just be regurgitating leftist screed in any humanities major.

Comfy gif.

Most students that study philosophy and the humanities are sheep that accept everything their far-left professors indoctrinate them with though. You need to get rid of the assumption that people that study STEM are like 100% pure logic machines and have no capability for abstract thought. People that study science are generally pretty intelligent in more than one way.

You'll actually do something with Anthropology.

>What is a better field of study? Anthropology, History, or Philosophy and why?

Historically, Philosophical Anthropology has been turned into a Philosophical discipline, competing with the other traditional sub-disciplines of epistemology, ethics, metaphysics, aesthetics. It is the attempt to unify disparate ways of understanding behavior of humans as both creatures of their social environments and creators of their own values. Although the majority of Philosophers throughout the History of Philosophy can be said to have a distinctive 'Anthropology' that under-girds their thought, Philosophical Anthropology itself, as a specific discipline in Philosophy, arose within the later modern period as an outgrowth from developing methods in Philosophy, such as phenomenology and existentialism. The former, which draws its energy from methodical reflection on human experience (first person perspective) as from the Philosopher's own personal experience, naturally aided the emergence of Philosophical explorations of human nature and the human condition.

So all three (3), Why? because They're the same. Parrots

sociology desu

Anthropology: job
History: you're either hot trash or a technocratic ubermensch depending on your application, understanding, progression
Philosophy: LARPers central, useful if you want to be a better person

I am only in my first year of my History Degree. is there still enough time to back out and if so, What is a pretty easy degree that can get you decent job?

>What is a pretty easy degree that can get you a decent job?

The state of education now.....

I want I relaxing life where I don't work myself to death. Is that to much to ask?

Become a priest or something then. You don't get anything out of life if you won't work.

I am not saying I want a job where I sit on my ass all day I am asking for a job with reasonable pay and doesn't ruin my back by the time I am 40.

Deciding your entire career based solely on "I don't want to work that hard" is a really bad idea, just saying.

I don't want to live in a apartment all my life. I don't really care if I hate it as long as it gives me money.

Hey just see all of the ads here, Porn industry's the answer dude.

small dick, so no

Being an office cuck is a giant waste of time. If you are going to spend most of your adult life working it might as well be something enjoyable. I've got good discretionary spending working in paleo tourism and I haven't finished my undergrad yet. I'm sure someone could sell a history degree for an exciting job with the right extracurriculars.

do social anthropology, ignore all the derrida-bullshit if you're at a shit uni(esp Abu-Lughod, Judith Butler and other insane chicks), study structuralism and structural functionalism.

or you could not waste your entire life and actually contribute with something that would decrease the leftish monopoly on humanities and social studies.

>studying STEM, IT and business is wasting your life

lol okay

Business is. Slinging reports and spreadsheets all day for a salary that looks great until you factor in all that expected unpaid overtime thstis increasingly the norm in much of the west.

Are you actually going to allow your life to be dictated by a bunch of fucking cucks online? If you picked history for your undergrad then there must of been a reason. The world still needs historians as well as it does people who teach our children history. Go and do what you love for a living, or you can let some literally who's online dictate your every move in your life.

I know, but everyone I talk to says I am making a mistake and I fear they may be right. I want to do what I enjoy, but I also don't want to be bankrupt with no financial security when I am 50.

I seriously hope none of you morons are spending actual money getting a degree in something you can just aswell study for free on your own.

Philosophy is the undisputed champion of the Unemployment Line degrees, and always has been.
Except those are literally the first studies to exist (besides maybe butchering and horticulture).
Sometimes it is enjoyable to throw money at people to listen to them rant. Hell random assholes off the street nowadays make a living on that with social media and crowdfunding bullshit.
