What is the root of all human suffering?

What is the root of all human suffering?

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Suffering is other people


Desires and expectations.

But no man is an island


Human level consciousness and its various clashes with animal instinct.




Suffering, as in worrying? Our brains were created by evolution to act as "prediction machines", or in simpler terms "worry machines". As in our brains was designed by resource selection as a machine to worry about the organism's future.

As such, suffering is all we will ever have or ever will have.

Oh and stubbing your toes.

our biological needs - warmth, protection, water, food, hygiene, etc
our social needs - belonging, family, self esteem, identity
human needs - meaning, purpose

and when you have all your needs sorted -> your need to avoid boredom

We think about it. There's a reason ignorance is bliss.

our souls are trapped in a mobile cage

true, people have everything they need these days, and are just bored with life.

Fear to death.

Expectation. When expectations fail and you cannot accept it is the root of all suffering. Do not expect anything, just do.


other peoples pleasure


unironically jews

Fear, and the weakness that makes humanity strong.


>What is tbe robot of all human suffering?


There's a biological explanation and then a philosophical explanation.

Biologically, humans are animals and are subject to natural selection. Constant happiness is not evolutionarily beneficial- happy people don't go out and get more resources, exploit new opportunities, populate etc.
So the happiness-suffering emotional continuum is a constantly changing instinctual response to our environment to get us to multiply and to evolve.

Philosophically, a hypothetically perfectly happy sapient being of any kind will eventually become dissatisfied with existence. Put simply, you'll get used to being happy all the time, forget what unhappiness is and then want more happiness than what you've got = dissatisfaction.

There's people better at explaining this than me.

consciousness/illusion of free will/ego


this guy knows what's up



retardation, weakness, then in turn these retards usually make others lives miserable. the idea of humanities progression as a whole is to remove these distortion beings starting with the biggests


You suffer when you're alone and you suffer because of others actions when you're not alone.

Having sensory organs.

nerve impulses


no gf


But I disagree with the premisse that suffering is totally bad.

Existence is suffering

what doth life?

Suffering is necccesary in many instances to various extents for learning and adaptation. But I would say that all unnecessary suffering comes from Fear rooted In expectation

Evolutionary survival pressures leading to people who survive and reproduce by taking advantage of others or defeating others in competition for resources.
Even among the most cooperative peoples and ethnicities, there were times where only some people in a group could survive.

Of course not. Suffering, and the need to overcome it, is the ultimate rood of human progress.



No top quality boipucci :>



The unseen.



All sorrow, this user thinks, is traceable to one’s attachments.
There to be attachment, there is also someone or something who has these attachments, an attachee, if you will.
To investigate, one needs to search within. Who sees the seer? Can a mirror see itself? Can a thought observe another thought? Answers in level of thought will be allegories at best. But this would be discussing spiritual journey, and is a whole another topic itself.

>can we see consciousness?


for humans, it is first sex then consciousness

for animals, it is consciousness