Anyone here take medication for their mental problems? If so why do you take them?

Anyone here take medication for their mental problems? If so why do you take them?

Just got prescribed wellbutrine a few hours ago. Are my gains completely fucked?

Other urls found in this thread: shock ptsd in history

None, lifting is better for you and those medications are pushed too hard by (((them))) for me to ever try them again.

I did but stopped and looked for other ways to be happy bc i wasn't able to cum and I wasn't interested in taking them my entire life

Psychiatry is a pseudoscience.

Those drugs are not proven to treat any biological disease, the chemical imbalance hypothesis is completely unproven.

The drugs are given to alter people's minds, they're harmful, and almost all of them (including wellbutrin) cause physical addiction and withdrawal upon stopping.

Have you ever had a physical test to prove whether or not you "have" whatever label they told you that you do? No? Because one doesn't exist.

I spent my time writing this because I don't want to see another person make a huge mistake by taking these drugs.

Who is this semen demon?

"Mental problems" such as anxiety and depression are a biological warning symptom that something in your life is wrong.

You cannot treat these problems with a pill. The underlying cause must be identified and solved in order to have strong mental health.

If you've got problems, you need to solve them.

It's the same as losing weight; there is no pill for that either.

This is a fitness board on an anime forum. Nobody here is a doctor.

Not OP. I have PTSD. You cannot "man up" from it. A six month run of anti-depressants combined with CBT can genuinely help.

I mean if you need them, they work if you're on the right ones.
Taken cymbalta for 2 years now for depression/anxiety/PTSD. I find I have far more energy/motivation now than I did before, so no lost gains here. Besides the month they usually take to start working, there is an adjustment period of a couple months where things feel different. Most people don't take their meds properly/are impatient so they stop and blame big pharma.
While some people who take meds might not need them the "meds do nothing" argument is broscience. Some people actually have something physically up.

>Anyone here take medication for their mental problems? If so why do you take them?
sertraline 100mg. because i tend toward hatred and rumination too easily without it, and it's a cheap generic.
>Just got prescribed wellbutrine a few hours ago. Are my gains completely fucked?
no. wellbutrin is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor. you will have slightly more energy, might have a few sleep side effects, but does not affect your body majorly otherwise. check out the rx pamphlet on side effects if you're worried.
>I did but stopped and looked for other ways to be happy
google image search

psychiatric medicine isn't meant to be a cure-all. they're supposed to dull your emotional pain enough for you to become productive enough to fix yourself, practically and in mindset. making it means mental strength as well. i'm trying Veeky Forums...

You can barely find her shit by Google reverse search you faggot. I know you saved that pic from that other thread last week.

I'm somewhere on the dopamine irregularity spectrum, (bipolar to schizophrenic type effects) and have been medicated variously for the a decade or so, to varying success.

It's hard to attribute things to the medication or my lifestyle at the time, but safe to say nothing "fixed my illnesses".

For the past 3 years I don't take pharmaceutical drugs, I don't take narcotics, but I do smoke a shit ton of pot, like an ounce a week.

Not sure what my point was. Oh yeah. The pharma drugs don't work, they just make you worse.


>psychiatric medicine isn't meant to be a cure-all. they're supposed to dull your emotional pain enough for you to become productive enough to fix yourself, practically and in mindset.


Well yes and no. Its really all about what state your brain is in. Schizophrenia for example, is rooted in the miss wiring/damage of dopa-mine neurotransmitters in the brain, some people develop this naturally and have no control over it, good life style or not.

>but I do smoke a shit ton of pot
feeling good for doing nothing, what could possibly go wrong?
most heavy pot smokers I've met have serious rage issues, it's like they go off just so they can justify lighting up again

Go back to bed, Thomas Szasz


nothing but the echoes of my mind
come and see the real thing come and see the real thing
where are your feathers?
where are your feathers?
why can't you fly?
why can't you fly?
there's a fine line between pleasure and pain
i will rocko you like a hurrimacane


help me

are you bored or actually a nut

psychosis is a mistress
it heats the chicken wings
are there different colors
or different eyes
where o where hast my train of thought gone
there are no exits only walls
hell is a place in the mind

help me

bullshit pussy
men back in the day used to murder on the daily in war (WW1 WW2) and they just manned up and moved on with life

stop being so self obsessed and feeling sorry for yourself

fucking move on in life

t. ex-"ptsd" sufferer who just decided to get over it

is it hard to speak/think "normally"? did you work out today?

i hit the big bag in the gym
i sat with the heaviness on my mind and back
i pulled myself up and got dragged back down again
my insides hurt
i will be well again through iron or blood
i manage okay but im not a manager
im always out of work

>pull ups
>suicide or training?
>consistent training?

Sounds like he just struggles to translate thoughts into words.

but we both speak english
but i ve never been to england
but i try and i try
because i think i can i think i can
and thinking is doing
if the gap is small enough
the pills dont help they make it worse
shaped like smarties they make you dumb
ive never been better than being off them
talking better if i focus focus focus focus
like in the jumbaliah in the jumbaliah
i focus and it makes the words better
i will be better
eventually or bust



>and they just manned up and moved on with life
Sure they did, compensating with alcohol and overt aggression.

maybe you could talk like a normal person on the internet? like, what'd you eat today man?

>wellbutrin is an NDRI
>norepinephrine actually activates adrenergic B2 receptors
>norepinephrine literally activates the same receptors clenbuterol activates
>the same receptors that increase the rate at which fat is loss
>the same receptors that decrease the rate at which muscle is loss
>>Am I gonna lose my gains?
OP, you're an ignorant faggot. Ask your doctor, idiot, if you're so worried.

You're a huge faggot and have no idea what you're talking about. I literally went to do an MRI scan before I found out about my ADHD and later re-confirmed it checking the phenethylamines levels in my urine. It's almost as if everything you wrote was a lie because psychiatry actually makes more sense than you.

I have depression and suffer from chronic pain.
My GP wanted to prescribe a bunch of medicine and I asked if there was any other way. I have been seeing a therapist and a physio therapist for the better half of this year and feel twice the person I was. I still have a way to go but I have improved.
Depending on your own situation different things work for different people. If I took the pills for all I know I could have felt 100% the next day and for the rest of my life, but I decided not to and had the funds and support to get where I am without pills.

TL;DR - different stokes for different folks, all these absolute statements people are throwing around are stupid and they should feel stupid for saying them.

Nah, been on welbutrin and prozac for almost a year and I look better than I used to in this pic

If you lift, the gains will definitely come
If you eat like crap (like I did once in a while) you will look like crap but it's still easily fixable at least for me

:3 they didn't :3

I use to take zoloft but not for depression but because it would make me zippy and full of energy. Had a comfy, secretive drug addition several years ago but quit that ish. I used to mix the zoloft with:

>15mg oxycontin
>5mg xanax
>200mg caffein pill

would crush it up and parachute it down the hatch at lunch. Turned me into a nonstop working robot. Got promoted to warehouse manager during that time haha

U can buff hard on ssri's

It's a true mystery.

mirin that v
minus points for the zipper abs though

That isn't the case for everyone man. I take Citalopram for my depression and it has helped me start leading a normal life. I've been plagued by crushing depression since my childhood. I never understood how other people could act so happy and joyful all the time until I started taking it. Every time I stop taking it my life goes to complete shit and I'm flung back into bouts of suicidal depression. Starting taking that medication was one of the most important things I've ever done in my life.

t.pussy wallowing in self pity

t. Bait

That user literally said
>Have you ever had a physical test to prove whether or not you "have" whatever label they told you that you do? No? Because one doesn't exist.

If your answer is "yes" and you know your illness has a diagnostic test, then there's no need to get so offended.

I am speaking normal now.
How lovely to converse.
What else would you like to know?

You just keep drinking the koolaid with a side of self pity, you pathetic excuse for a man.

who hurt u user

Im not him. Just met people like those you talked about instead of getting information out of ass like you did. It sucks you judge people without knowing their background but whatever works for you on this anonymous anime imageboard.


t. Believes a man when he says "nah mate I'm alright" when asked about his mental state

does anyone know anything about brintellix?? Any experiences with it?

what's your official diagnosis? schizo? psychosis?

Those color contacts look shit

Who is this semen daemon? I've seen another pic of her before.

Was totally okay up until I got bashed in the head almost 2 years ago in a motorcycle accident. Haven't felt right since, got bad enough I was going to kill myself but was stopped, put on medicine and felt better. It's not psuedoscience, it's a chemical imbalance caused by my brain being fucking broken

Nice trips, checked shock ptsd in history


I take sertraline 50mg daily.

Psychoactive medication doesn't really have any effect on gains for the majority of time. If anything, it should help keep the motivation and energy (mentally) to keep going.

I don't know about wellbutrine, but sertraline works miracles for your circadian rhythm.
As soon as I started taking it, I started going to bed at 11PM-12AM and waking up at 7-8AM, it was amazing.
I also feel more concentrated and I'm able to work at something for more than one hour at a time, something I could never do before.

From fucking what, you faggot

Let's have ourselves a flash back right now.

trips of psychosis my brethren



True. Psychotropic drugs are a huge, hundred billion dollar scam. Only a very small percentage of people, like schizophrenic s need to be medicated.

>You cannot "man up" from it.

Well, maybe *you* can't

Psychiatric nurse here. Everything you wrote sounds like the words of a mentally ill person without medication... Keep trusting in god to fix you, you fucking flamingo.

20mg of lexapro a day keeps the demons away.

I also have a bottle of xanax if needed but that's if i'm just about to go postal which thankfully is rare.

People saying that everyone with a mental illness just needs to "man up" and spontaneously get better on their own sounds exactly the same as those who say anyone poor is just lazy and needs to put in more effort into not being poor.

It just reveals an utmost ignorance of what they're talking about.
In a way it's useful because as soon as someone starts with "I don't believe in psychiatry" you can tell his every word can be completely disregarded as worthless.

Yes there is

t. Special Snowflake

i'm on olanzipine right on. It gave me an endless appetite and made me fat.

actually most people saying that have dealt with mental illness in the past and either couldn't get medication or realized medication does fucking noting and is a jew ploy. they're mad and tell you to man up because u fucking should

I think that a more contributing factor is that the majority of the userbase lives in America, a country with doctors worse than a third world shithole and with a medication control that the whole world has been laughing at for decades.

America is a bizzarro place where people who don't need medication are forced to take it, and people who desperately need it are blackmailed away from it by their insurance.

I was in mental ward, two times hospitalised because I cant even kill myself properly, also I was in prison. My cutting scars go from my ankle to my fucking cheeks. I also was in prison.

And I support the "man-up" meme. I know its hard, its more complicated than that - but the general idea is good. My personal work changed more than any pill (most of them just made me numb and zombie). Take pills if u want, but 99% of mentally ill people dont have really broken brains. Their software is broken.

I experience relapses from time to time but I went from a maniac with hallucinations to having a job and a girlfriend. You can win this fight if you take it up.

I always see the zombie effect described as a negative, but why doesn't anyone take it for what it is?

It lets you get back to 0 when you've lived in the negatives for years. Then, after you've managed to fix your surroundings, you can go off the meds.
Even if it's only the software being broken, as you put it, if it goes on long enough it breaks the hardware too.

People who've had depression for very long periods of time have measurable deficiencies in dopamine uptake, they literally can't be as happy as normal people. They need meds.

>>lets you get back to 0 when you've lived in the negatives for years. Then, after you've managed to fix your surroundings, you can go off the meds.
>manage to fix your surroundings

get a load of this guy. I know enough people that are on medication for years and somehow they still are sick.

>men back in the day used to murder on the daily in war (WW1 WW2) and they just manned up and moved on with life

You can. Shit's hard and takes time, but eventually you get out of it. I did, I know others who have as well, and I can guarantee you they had it worse than you did. Unless of course your father raped you and and your mother tried to drown you before killing herself, putting you on the foster home carousel all the way into adulthood.

You're just making excuses to avoid the challenge and discomfort of dealing with your problems. Psychological "illnesses" are essentially only categorizations of mental states. The only real problem you have is the way you think.

Voxra for 6 months so far, life has never been better.

Pills gave me extra kick to get everything back to rails.

i take amphetamine to combat the mental health problem of not being on amphetamine all the time

After 6 years of depression, anxiety, panic disorder, self harming, drugs etc.

Also use ketiapine to sleep.

Purblind wat u doin:(

Its Purblind, nearly blind cosplaygirl

Explain the size difference between normies and depressed people's hippocampus.

>what is nsi 189

It regrows the hippocampus, restores it, potentially curing ptsd and depression.

There are biomarkers for almost every major personality disorder in the DSM are you retarded? Are literal retards making it up because you don't believe an extra chromosome is a valid physical test of psychological and developmental dysfunction?

fuck checked m8.

No, enjoy the stimulant effects from it. Cutting will now be easier.

I've had depression since I was 9 years old and my life is awesome. There is no reason why my body would need a biological warning symptom to tell me that something is wrong with my life.

>It's the same as losing weight; there is no pill for that either.
there is

My family is very religious. They don't know that I've been going to therapy at my uni. The doc over at my uni said I was depressed and he prescribed me meds.

Whenever I felt like I was in trouble my mom and dad would tell me to pray and that God will help me. I've been depressed for 6 years and I've smoked weed, drank booze, lift weights, and asked god to help me take the pain away, but none of that shit worked. I think pills might be my only option, but I don't want my parents to worry about me.

How should I tell them?

Currently, BACK ON klonopin ( a bandaid benzoid drug )
Im only back on it, because womanly problems on top of lead positions being assigned to me from work (im basically working 3 lead positions at 12.76 /hr pay, will get a bump this next week, but only a dollar. -lots of stress-) and taking it in hopes of getting back into my workout seessions, its been almost 5months now.. my mind wants to so badly but i just feel so overwhelmed right now. Thats it though, usually when you see a pshyc. they say get on a bandaid drug (benzo's aka xanax, klonopin, ect.) and put you on a SSRI.) i tried about 4 ssri's though and had semi bad - to bad bad reactions to all of them. So it may not be healthy to put using a band aid drug on the daily atm but its how im getting by. I don't recommend people doing this. Its going to be a hard time for me to get back out of it, but holidays are the hardest time of the year in my work place so yeah.
INB4 being called weak mentality.
Sometimes you just need help in life..
be it from a person or from a pharmaceuticaly approved controled drug

No it's not you absolute fucking retarded person. You're the fucking reason why mental health issues are so fucked. Depression, PTSD, and other mental issues are the result of the deterioration of your neurons. It's not something that you can just fucking grow out of.

Do people get depression, PTSD, and other mental diseases for bad reasons? Fuck yes. I had a friend commit suicide last year, who was by far one of the funniest, prettiest, and richest people I've ever met. She truly did not have much to be sad about, but that's not the reason why she committed suicide. She committed suicide because there was a diagnosable, real issue with the way her brain perceived things. Stop trying to project your twisted version of masculinity on everyone, and read a fucking book.

I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety disorder in highschool. Ever seen Sopranos? Where Tony has those freakouts and panic attacks for no reason? That was me.

It didn't help that I was the proverbial chad as well, and nobody knew how I really was. Good looks, healthy, confident, extroverted, etc etc. But on the inside, besides my projection of a funny and self assured guy, I was getting wierd feelings I couldn't control of not being able to breathe, of feeling out of control, of feeling like things were bigger then me and I couldn't control them and reality was falling apart and the world is hostile and oh the humanity. It sucked/sucks.

I still get those wierd feelings of anxiety, like an existential claustrophobia, can't be explained properly in words, but I refuse medication. I actually solved much of it with lifting, which is why I will always be thankful for this board.

I basically did things that a normal human being should do. I stopped over thinking things as much, starting working out, read 2 hours a day, stay off /pol/ lol which I would go on for hours at a time, and many other things.

I mean think about it, wonder why normies are so happy and carefree? Ignorance is bliss, I stopped ruminating on so many things and just did whatever I wanted to, while taking care of my mental and physical health. I have followed the election heavily but once it's over, I'm gonna drop politics as a whole. No need for extra variables and factors in my life to think about.

my nigga.

since you seem educated, what antidepressant on the market has a somewhat similar effect?

None. Nsi 189 is unique. Its not something to combat symptoms, its a cure.

Stemcell based.

Its in the last phase of clinical trials and can be bought online.

It works, so dont expect It to be available for much longer.

holy shit, I can buy this stuff online NOW? Well I'll try to seek it out, thanks user

These research chemicals are really interesting in how effective they are. Started taking MK-677 and it's kinda interesing how well it benefits your complexion.

psych student here
most likely you will not suffer any gains loss. this is quite a mild med and even given for bored housewives (aka Autumn syndrome)

I do agree with many of the claims that antidepressants are peddled too easily and in most cases a change of life style can do wonders without the medication


PTSD is an invention? WWI/II vets did not have PTSD? are you fucking kidding me? how do you people even come up with this crap

if you find share
all i could find is places to pre-order but none that will actually deliver

people dont seem to research before they post yet again researching to win an internet argument is time consuming

well I immediately see it on ebay, but I have to assume there are better places to buy that are less marked up.

i would never buy anything like that on ebay. it's like playing Russian rootlet

>Russian Rootlet

kek i didn't even notice that

>t. edgy teenager who obviously never struggled with real mental illnesses but auto-diagnosed himself to get attention and pretend to be anything else than a boring overprotected middle-class white guy

Check you attitude. Maybe he is mentally ill and off medication, but being called a fucking flamingo is not going to help. You should like a shit nurse.