Ab's and Oblique's are the most cancerous muscle groups in terms of fitness advice...

Ab's and Oblique's are the most cancerous muscle groups in terms of fitness advice, all the YouTube videos are women doing stupid shit and clickbait bullshit.

Veeky Forums bro's with abs, tell me what YOU do to work the abdominal strain and Oblique's, at the moment I'm doing a lot of weighted side bends, sit-up's and sit-up variations and leg raises.

Other urls found in this thread:


Squats and deadlifts

Ab wheel.

i don't even train them and i have them at pretty high bf

Sick meme brah

Side bridges
Curl ups
Bird dogs
Heavy one armed carries
One armed movements for stability

tfw my obliques always show but my abs never do

If you overhead press and deadlift you'll be fucking fine. You try OHP your own weight above your head for reps and tell me if your abs aren't struggling for dear life

To work the obliques do some hanging windshield wipers

I do a lot of compound movements and do OHP and Deads twice a week, it's true that OHP does use the Oblique's more for stability than anything but those by themselves aren't enough.

> bird dog
> human bean

Cable oblique twist

Keep your hips parallel with cable. Hold at the bottom. 1 set high to low. 2nd set at shoulder/eye height. 3rd set low to high.

Okay guys, here is the skinny.


We all know this, but it's bullshit if you want a core that pops. A real sense of definition in your abs and obliques.

So, we have concluded that we need direct core work.

There are two kinds of this - isometric core work, and ACTUAL core work.

Isometric is a good follow up to ACTUAL core work.


They work by forcing your abs to stabilize your body, much in the same way your abs are used doing heavy SQUATS and DEADLIFTS.

But if you really wanna make them grow, and pop, you need DIRECT ABDOMINAL and OBLIQUE WORK.

These come in the form of exercises that force the muscles to contract and can be easily progressively overloaded.

We're looking at things like WEIGHTED CRUNCHES, RUSSIAN TWISTS WITH PLATES, and others of these varieties.

You want to do exercises that force the use of the abdominal muscles at the WAIST (crunches) not the HIP (hanging leg raises).

The best form are those that can have additional weight added for building the muscles stronger.

So, the KINGS of ABDOMINALS and OBLIQUE exercises are WEIGHTED CRUNCHES (decline if you like to live on the edge) and PLATE RUSSIAN TWISTS.

No WONDER they've been used since the DAWN of FITNESS.

You can TRUST me, guys.

>pic related: me and mah abs

Weighted ab wheel rollout, dragon flag (raises), weighted hanging leg raises, hanging leg raises to bar, windshield wipers, landmine 180s, and L Sits.

I typically pick 3 and do them on leg days for about 8 weeks then switch to something else.

love the humor but you are correct af
weighted crunches are god tier for abs
and plate twists are goat for obliques

all others rank below these

At lower weights, abs don't get trained much. And for some, a weak core can even hold you back.

Plus they look like shit un trained, so stop memeing and fuck off.

I just suck a lot of thicc dicc.

it all depends on what your goal is

i fell for the squats and deadlifts are enough meme when i wanted to join the military

if you need actual core strenght you need to focus it with direct exercises:

side planks for obliques, weighted side bends can be very stressful for your spine

lying leg raises, remember to keep your lower back on the floor at all times. Many people dont know how to do this properly and uses their lower back instead so they dont get any results and thinks you need hanging leg raises instead, that is a meme

russian plate twists is one of the best. This is a hard exercise to pull a lot of weight, people often ego lift and dont get the right out of it

crunches can be good to some degree, as if there is a requirement to do a lot of crunches, simply doing crunches will help

if youre only doing fitness for the sake of fitness or lifting heavy, deadlift and squats is fine, your abs will progress as your lifts gets heavier, you dont need core exercises here. The only reason should be if your core is extremely weak and you cant pull correct form on your lifts. But if you lift too heavy to have good form, then you simply lower the weight until you have good form and by doing so you get the right amount of training on your abs

if youre a natty guy who just want to show your abs for summer, then do your normal lifting program and lose body fat, its impossible to get aesthetic abs natty. You cant have big muscles and visible set of abs at the same time, if you are a natty, this is a meme made by supplement companies and gyms.

if you want big aesthetic abs you simply have to roid and do cable crunches 10xfailure

weighted flexion is a great way to fuck your spine up for life OP

i like hanging leg raises

some good ones
>suit case deadlifts
>any weighted carry
>paloff press or any anti-rotation work is necessary for obliques
Pro Tip: squeeze a towel in between your legs for any core exersize involving a pull up bar to get max activation of your core by activating your adductors

planks, side planks, back bridges, leg raises. Look up progressions for these exercises as the load on your joints can be quite heavy if you're not used to doing them. Make sure you follow the progression you can hold with perfect form for at least 10 seconds, if not, go lower on the progression till you can hold for 60s at a time.

i've never done anything other than leg raises and crunches, i'm skinny as fuck though and my abs still sucked

the true redpill for abs that get you pussy is cardio

If you consider hanging leg raises an isometric exercise, I'd say you're doing them wrong.

The meme that squats and deadlifts are the meme.

>complains about bullshit core exercises on youtube
>does bullshit core exercises

I had pretty decent abs this summer. Hit my 8/9% bf and started bulking early but they are still visible.

I just do 3 sets of 10 regular sit ups, elbows to the knees. Then maybe a set of twisting sit ups every other day. Sometimes if I can be bothered I hold a 5kg plate behind my head for one of the sets.

Probably every 2nd or 3rd day. Sometimes forget. I just add them in in between sets of my normal routine when I'm waiting to swap in or want to rest for longer etc.
Personally I feel most of my ab work comes from walking back and forth from the DB rack.

I'll o planks and ab wheel. More to strengthen my core than to get abs though. Apparently my core is weak from apt? These were reccomend cos they dont fuck wit my tight hip flexors if done right.

Hold the position, don't actually bend sideways.
Use a heavy weight.

Hold the position, don't actually bend sideways. Use a heavy weight.

link to vid? Thanks ahead btw


Have good genetics + cardio

Literally nothing because no exercise sculpts or changes the way your ab's look, in if you lift for the sake of creating a physique rather than functional strength, isolated ab training is literally a waste of time.

You'd be better off doing 10 mins of HIIT than some ridiculous ab routine, at least that way you're burning BF% which is the sole factor in wether or not you have a six pack or not.

Squats and deadlifts. Obliques and 2 top abs visible at ~23% bf.

>that weak core despite having low bf
Dont listen to this stupid shit,he is meme'ing you.
Do heavy cable crunches,same as your obliques.
Also doing these will strenghten your core and you will be less likely to get injured in squats/diddlys.

Frig off bobandy! Fucking cheesburger walrus! Greasy basterd!

The point is that you bend at the HIP not at the ABS. To DIRECTLY work the abs, CRUNCHES > HANGING LEG RAISES.

Sorry bro.

Depends on how you do them.
You can still flex your trunk when doing hanging leg raises.

TOPKEKE with shitcunt manlet abs like that i'd be trying to meme up everyone elses life too

holy shit im dying

Hey c'mon now, Ricky! Mr Lahey said you aren't allowed in the park! Ricky! C'mon! Frigg off, Ricky. Let go of my nipples, you frigghead!

Okay bro, keep doing meme tier exercises, doesn't change my life.

>depends on how you do them

you are literally the first human being with legs that go up to your stomach then you fucking dolt

stop being retarded on purpose

>still flex your trunk

fuck you are a special kind of stupid mate

I don't even do core work, because it's boring.

The core muscles are meant to stabilize the trunk, not to do active flexion.
Why would you think training them in a role different from what they're intended for will result in more gains?

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Look up what flexion and extension means.

Just envisioning you kneeling at the cable pulley machine hammering out 10 sets of a 100 cable crunches while thinking you're getting totally shredded this summer. This summer is gonna be the time, you just wait. Lol.

>You have no idea what you're talking about

First off, the core muscles aren't meant to do active flexion?

Shut the door, right now.
Holy shit are you retarded.
Deadset - you just said that.

Second of all, you don't work core but you are backing a hanging leg raise (which you don't perform, by your own admittance) which what evidence? Even anecdotal?

Shit man, just stop now.

Then to go on and tell others they don't know what they are talking about?

Fuck man, just end it all. Noose time.

>t. manlet projecting about how girls won't notice him during summer

>The core muscles are meant to stabilize the trunk, not to do active flexion.
>not to do active flexion
>abs aren't meant to contract

you sir are a fucking imbecile.
good luck ever sitting down, leaning any direction, picking things up off the floor, and many other related activities that directly require ABDOMINAL FLEXION.

this is hands down the stupidest shit i've read on Veeky Forums and i just left a thread of people saying Arnold Schwarzenegger didnt achieve much in life

>The core muscles are meant to not do active flexion.


reading comprehension 101

>active flexion.
>You have no idea what you're talking about.
>Look up what flexion and extension means.

How can these two quotes be in the SAME post?

How does someone not see their autism while typing this?

Far out, mate.

pic related - its you

You stated a fact that was objectively, 100%, unequivocally wrong.

Now, it's everyone else's fault because you are a dipshit?

Get fucked, faggot.

Come back when you actually lift.

>inb4 i was only being retarded on purpose

Active flexion as in a concentric contraction, as opposed to anti-extension / isometric contraction.

Learn to read.
>The core muscles are meant to stabilize the trunk, not to do active flexion.
That their main function is stabilization does not mean that they can't act concentrically.
It's just not their main function.

>implying at least 2-3 people didn't read that the same way because you wrote it like a fucking idiot
>implying you are just backpedalling
>implying you aren't retarded

>hes attempting to salvage that post
holy shit the autism is real

>Says the guy who does crunches:

>having to explain your shitty post on an ancient congolese sheep milk processing image board

>he thinks crunches aren't god tier

No wonder you look like shit.
>inb4 no pics out of shame

for some reason, every time on Veeky Forums someone posts with an image like that, their posts are retarded.

50% of the time people respond normally, and we both learn from the discussion.
The other 50% it's this shit.
Kinda rolling the dice here.


srsly tho crunches suck meng, get yourself an ab wheel

>being a faggot attention seeking trip
>looking like a sack of avocados while tripping on a Veeky Forumsness board
>not supporting crunches
>not doing weighted crunches whenever you can fit them in
>claiming you know anything

this post. this post is why all people hate tripfags

crunches are awesome, weighted crunches are heaven. there is a reason they've been around forever, there is a reason almost every sport includes them as training, there is a reason every fucking army/special forces in the world makes their soldiers do them

how can you even be this dense?

>trying to give advice

The noose. Bullet to the head. Skydiving without a parachute.

There are plenty of ways, just hurry up already.

is that really you?
because if so you are a fat fucking cunt
you are glutton and deserve whats coming to you

It's ok. You'll grow out of crunches and your ab obsession one day. Just like you grew out of having an "arm day".

The Press™©®.

You'll grow out of attention seeking and overeating one day too.



absolutely brutal
who hurt u user?

If you'd said
"It's ok. You'll grow out of tripfagging and your food obsession one day. Just like you grew out of all your clothes"
you'd be up for a 10/10



Srlsy lad, find and try out an ab wheel/roller, you'll never flex ur spine again.

Nah too much to drive the point home. The original was better. I trust the matter is now settled?

Dragon flag, leg raises and ab roll outs
For side i just do human flags but theyre more of a shoulder/back exercise. I dont think you can really train obliques effectively. I dont bother much.

Just train them like any other muscle, hit them hard with progressive overload.

I use an abs crunch smith machine (these are a bit rare, but your gym may have one), 3 sets forwards (for abs), and then three sets with the seat rotated left and three sets with the seat rotated right for oblique emphasis.

I use 1.5 plates on this machine, although I suspect that weight probably doesn't carry over to other brands of the same type of machine. I try to add 2.5kg of weight every week.

I occasionally use a torso rotation machine, but I think it's mostly a meme.

To train the slow-twitch fibers, I do front and side-planks.

Don't listen to people who say you don't need to train abs or that you just need to cut more.

Unless you have pretty good abs genetics, that'll just give you puny weakling abs, and only after cutting to ridiculously low bodyfat. Not training abs also held back some of my other lifts.

hahah do you honestly think anything you say is valid? look at yourself

Pic related.
Direct core work can help avoid injury while lifting heavy. Minimalist exercise selection will result in minimal gains.

You're right. Please aware me of your 30 minute pulley, abwheel, leg raise, and crunch routine because I have a really hard time with getting grills to notice me at the pool. Tell me, how much did you pay for the abwheel? 19.95? I hope you at least got free shipping by paying with your mom's credit card.

This thread: Maximum Effort for the Least Returns.

Even at such a low bf your core doesnt look as defined because of how weak it is. Congrats on your 10 mins of HIIT

you kidding he looks good mayn

I do alot of deadlifts and deep squats and have a strong core but yours looks better

If his bodyfat goes up a bit hes core is gonna go to shit.

Ab rollouts and weighted planks

Apart from squats and deadlifts the only things I do to target abs specifically are hanging leg raises and ab wheel

I dont do HIIT, just suggested for the people in this thread struggling to get their abs to show. It's actually useful advice compared to all the youtube trainer wisdom itt. Dragonflags, lol. Cmon senpaitachi.

Trust me, if it were exercise instead of diet that decided how your abs looked, I'd love that. I'd take 30 mins of retarded core exercise over the demands of having a 24/7 well controlled diet any day. But that's not how it works.

Your abs are shit though. No steroids will get you wide gap between abs

Why are you posting my photo?
Yeah youtube has meme advice and working your abs for an entire hour is stupid but you still gotta give them attention.
There arent 2 sides where you either completely neglect them or obsess over them. Last time i worked core i just did 3 sets of dragon flags at the end of my workout. Its not hard.

Thats sexy julian! Are you fucked in the head?

>No steroids will get you wide gap between abs


Wanna compare abs faggot?

Seriously why are you pretending to be me?

I do core isolation at least once a week. Ab wheel and the side to side ab wheel thing are enough to tone and define the abs. I usually do it the day before my rest day, either when working back or legs.

Oh, weighed crunches and ab wheel I mean. I'm operating on like 3 hours of sleep this week, I need to rest.

*unzips* Let's do it.


timestamp it fgt

Timestamp dick

thick, solid

i-is that you?

side bridges? I never really feel them

I go out of my way to not train obliques since mine are overdeveloped (for bodybuilding purposes, ie: they ruin my v-taper) for some reason; I assume from sports and stuff as a kid/teenager.

Not sure about my abs, we'll see after this cut.

What sports did you do as a kid? I wrestled and did taekwondo and mine are overdeveloped as well. I never train them either.

yeah because someone who hasn't trained their core excessively for years can do those