Xvg woes

Should I accept defeat and sell my verge at a huge loss? Pls no bully, I just need objective advice right now.

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Also what about BAT? This recent crash hit me really fucking hard lost a whole bitcoin (I'm a poorfag).

Yeah I lost a fuckton on BAT too but I cut ties with them last week like you should have.

Theres a chance Verge might be in the next palm beach report

they were talking about a privacy coin

I believe wraith is coming out soon, that should give it a little pump then you should dump those bags

That could literally be anybody.

Heck I will buy cheap bags under 100 SATS.

Verge is supposed to be looking at implementing RSK smart contracts after the bitcoin fork, so around the 25th. That must imply Wraith is very very close

pro-tip: buy pivx

i'm bagholding verge too, but people have a propensity to dislike coins that are worth less than 1k sats

No you fucking idiot. It'll be back

Good chance actually.

I am holding bags too, but medium term it will 100% go up.

>accepting defeat

Vergins never surrender! They cant have our coins or are virginity!


cybcsec is the verge killer

Hold those bags for atleast a year or two... thank me later

My weak hands sold at a huge loss. Lost over a grand. It mooned way over what I paid like 2 weeks later.
HODL you dumb nigger, privacy coins are goin up.

I don't think I've been down for more than a few minutes max, kek.

Hold it. It will moon again.

selling before AND at a loss would be a pretty fucking dumb move OP.

There are two sides to this. The first is that you shouldn't hold Verge. It's a mediocre coin with mediocre tech that will never be a "serious" privacy coin.

Having said that, it's also very "cheap", so when there is an influx of new buyers it often moons, because people want to buy a million of something and hope it gets to $1.

So in short, you should be looking to sell your Verge, and not hold any long term, but you should also try to time it to get a decent price, because it does surge every couple of months.

Wow great "advice"

>falling for BAT