I have around 100k, tell me how to 10x it so I can officially say that I've made it

I have around 100k, tell me how to 10x it so I can officially say that I've made it.

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Unironically all in LINK

You won't

You can't

xlm is probably your safest bet after the ibm partnership


put it in LINK and watch as it goes up and then down immediately afterwards cause the whales and bots

>buy the dip after the fork
>hold 90% in btc
>drop 10% in promising shitcoins
>liquidate profits or losses at 20%
rinse and repeat

Buy bitcoin, exchange it into bitconnect and lend that shit out for a 40% return on your investment and get your original capital back in 6months. Then you will of had made it with a simple rinse and repeat you fucking faggot.

LINK. There's no fucking way it won't be $3.8 within 6 months

buy link

I've got some shitty bags I need to unload onto you


wait til end of month

Unironically DOGE & RDD

going to need a red pill

wait i can lend my bitcoins?

All into XLM in 5 hours, sell at noon Central Time, repeat every single day

EXN - you can have half the market cap and then control it. But the shill campaign is about to start, so get in if you're going to

LINK is your ticket to lamboland

thanks for the heads up

1. Hold btc till you get btc gold.
2. Dump btc gold for easy risk free profit.

Nasty fucking hateful scum bags all of you are. I'm a 56 year old truck driver who is married to a Jewish women who saved my life. You fucking people think the world would be a better place place if she was dead and you disgusting fucking animals deny the historical FACT that 6 million Jews were killed during the holocaust. How fucking dare you, if I met any of you fucking scum bags in real life and you have the balls to spew your hatred in front of me I will sock you so hard in the jaw your grand kids will feel it. This anti semetic crap doesn't have a place in our modern world you horrible fucking offensive dogs.I'm more than happy to be an avid member of the Jewish community of Montreal's events where we share food and dance together with people from all walks of life and different cultures, diversity is beautiful and I have my wife to thank for introducing me to those community events. You're all slime balls, nasty fucking humans, you all should be ashamed of yourselves!

100x margin trading


seriously, any large order on xlm during this state of confused mania, would likely send everything spiraling upward

i lol'd so good on this