Is doing squats/deadlift/bench on the same day and workout a bad idea?

Is doing squats/deadlift/bench on the same day and workout a bad idea?

Bench Dead Squats is my favourite lifting day.

Get those gains user.
Wouldn't recommend going max on each though.

Dont do dls and squats on same day.
Dont do ohp and bench on same day.
Those are the only rules I follow.

Canditos program encourages doing squats and deadlifts same day, as well as bench and ohp the next workout. It's been working for me although it's really tiring

Is Arnold spotting himself on that squat?


Reg Park's 3 phase program does this for 9 months. It's a 3x5 workout.

You could at least try it? I'm sure you can get pretty far with it, it just depends on how hard you go (Reg Park was against going to failure at all cost). He was also a freak of nature.

Just try it and listen to your body. If you get to a weight where you feel like you can't recover then maybe cut down on how much you do that exercise.

those are shit rules

if you're able to actually do more than one compound on the same day then you are either a noob doing very light weight, in which case keep doing whatever until you can't, or you're a lazy fuck who is not pushing yourself and you need to put more effort into your lifting.


Not a bad idea but not a good idea depending on your goals. You may exhaust yourself too much for the next exercise but if you're simply treating the following like an auxiliary lift then it should be fine.

>candito's training

that's why he looks like a dyel

I do this but I only work out once per week

Deadlift 5x5
10 minute rests between sets

Squat 5x5
10 minute rest

Bench Press 5x5

This. If you like to do squats and deadlifts on the same day, try doing squats first one workout and maybe doing SLDL or some alternative deadlifts as an accessory lift for the day. The next workout, start with conventional deadlifts and then do squats afterwards.

I always do bench before doing squats or deadlifts if they're the same day. Even when near my max for bench, it doesn't affect my squats or deadlifts. Heavy deadlifts or squats before bench make me really tired.

If you're max bench doesn't affect your squats or dead lifts your not pushing youreself hard enough

I've been squatting and dlĂ­ng on same day but now that weight is getting up there (2,5pl squat, 3pl dl) its getting tougher. Im just so used to my current program.

yea, but why, you fucking fuck

what, do you just live at the gym on sundays?

>lol, all powerlifters are obese!
>here's candito
>ayylmao he's tiny, dyel?

Can you even win?

No. There are always going to be haters, for many reasons. Now that you've got that figured out, you should understand the only approval you need is your own, and as an extension, that of those you respect.

Not if you're a beginner

I can only lift three times weekly and so I do a full body workout including all three.
