Is being fit degenerate now? Thoughts?

Is being fit degenerate now? Thoughts?

Degenerate is a meaningless buzzword

This. Who cares what people cucks calls us?

Basically it's just saying don't lift for aesthetics alone, and try for a 3-5 rep range and 10-15% body fat


Because anything beyond that helps the jews

What a disgusting celebration of weakness and mediocrity, where did you even find this?

I was reading into Yukio Mishima and this page came up on google images

First, OP, fuck off to /pol/. Second, "degenerate" isn't a buzzword. Its popular use at this point is a bastardization of degeneration theory. You can look it up. Hitler relied on it for all his Hitler shit. Now we have virgin edgelords tossing it around on Veeky Forums when they're not polishing their sword collections or jerking off to cartoons.

>conflating steroid-powered, bodybuilding freak shows with bettering your body and mind through fitness
Sounds like the fascists are the fatties who can't keep up

>not polishing you katanas while spanking it to hentai
Never gonna make it

Being fit is never degenerate, but being a faggot is. The main problem with this board is all of the homosexuals pushing their faggotry on the rest of us. Keep it in the closet.

What is degenerate is being a cringey samurai-obsessed wannabe fascist like the author of this fag ass article.

>Being fit is never degenerate, but being a faggot is

That article actually speaks the truth. Exercising is pretty gay and feminized now.

That's literally what a buzzword is.

> A good rule of thumb for those navigating the modern world is to do exactly the opposite of what the system and big capitalists tell you to. Butter is good for you. Steak is good for you. Cheese is good for you. Milk is good for you. Those who bash these foods are either idiots or trying to sell you something. How someone can bash eating cheese or drinking milk then turn around and tell you to take an artificial Whey (dairy) protein isolate is illogical. Eating saturated fats at logical caloric intake have shown to have great benefits in active men, including increased metabolic and hormonal functions

O my

dicklet lul

>A man with confidence in his ability to hold his own in battle at any minute will be more outspoken, more able to protect his family and friends, and far more capable of wrestling the streets back from our foes and securing our fundamental right to speak.

Did you even read the article? In the last paragraphs he talks about being good at basic compound lifts and basic bodyweight exercises and that doing some isolations in order to stay healthy, keep a symmetric physique and to improve your basic compound and bodyweight moves is what everyone should do. This dude basically agree's with Veeky Forums.



I've been lifting for the past 10 years. 7-8 years naturally, have become an 'enhanced' lifter.

I get more negative attention than positive. Some people respect you or admire what you've achieved (not sure if they think you're on gear or natural) where as others put you down or call you out on 'juicing'.

I've honestly just stopped caring. If my goals were achievable naturally I would not have 'enhanced' myself.

I've notice one trend, the only people who've publicly defamed me or put me down have always been over weight fatties. Not a single person trying to get into shape or already into fitness has ever mocked me or tried to put me down. It is always the fat, food addicted, lazy slobs.

This, "fitness culture" is gay and corporate.

I disagree with the notion that you should stay away from altered rep ranges or lift as heavy as possible. For intermediate trainees and beyond, varying the weight, rep ranges and sometimes even exercise variation is essential for encouraging further muscle growth and managing fatigue for optimal strength performance.

Fitness culture is degenerate.
Being fit is not like the article said. It is mandatory to be fit according to the article.



>that first truth bomb of the day

how do i achieve this mode natty? i've just started lifting

>that first truth bomb of the day

Posts like yours cause cancer. Everyone here is user and nobody is waiting for some kind of impromptu poll or likeability system to judge posts or opinions.
I can see why you are against the notion of degeneracy, you have been so thoroughly degenrated by the jews and their culture yourself that the mere prospect of being confronted with reality already turns your insides upside down.
How painful it must be when you look back in 10 years upon all these wasted years, wasted efforts and misguided notions. Vanity is degenerate, much like gluttony, laziness and more, all logical and accepted. Your doublethink is showing /leftypol/. Let the fashy goyim do their diddly's in peace now.