Watch the pic

>watch the pic

Congrats. Now you know what is the most athletic and functional exercise - Ever

How does knowing it feel like now?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm ashamed in my inability to front squat.

I have been doing front squat because my shoulder is fucked up and front squat is the only variation that I can do without a lot of pain. I'm a novice so is 3x5 while increasing the weight weekly a good progression?

Yes it sucks if you can't have a proper grip like in the OP's pic

More reps imo

meh. Front squats aren't really suited for high reps. I'd go up to 8 reps at most.

Anyone have tips to help knee over the toe mobility? I feel like I can't keep my back upright because I have bad ankle dorsiflection

They're a great lift for pretty much everybody, I'll give you that, but there is no single best/most athletic lift for all situations.

I like front squatting for strengthening the core, but my quads are already too strong for my hammies, so I'm sticking to low bar 3 times a week

Hey newfriend fun fact:

8 > 5.

Thanks for playing and as always, check out the sticky and stay dyel kids.

squat bare feet.

Yes, eight is a larger number than five.

>most athletic and functional exercise
You mean running/sprinting
100m sprint is one of the best tests for athleticism and a good sprinter will carry over to many sports very well. It demostrates that a person has a lot of type 2 muscle fibres and gain develop explosive power and speed which is needed in most sports especially weightlifting.

anyway here's me testing my front squat max with a lot of form breakdown because of a weak upperback

You know sprinters also do weight training, right?

To get used to gripping for front squats like this, does it take time to adjust to it? I don't like it and prefer crossing my arms over instead.

Have fun with your collapsed arches and foot pain

t. used to squat barefoot

How so?

Yes I'm aware...

You know;
rugby players
tennis players
even weightlifters
also do sprinting?

You're not supposed to grip the bar, it rests on your deltoids

In op's pic it is resting on the deltoids. That's the "proper" way to do it.

Also I might add sprinting is far better for health and general fitness. It has far greater carryover to the average person's life. Squats are still a staple exercise and I think everyone should be doing both squats and sprints for the shear benefit they have.

Then you're not even here with an argument to make.

>shear benefit
oh, you.

>tfw I used to be one of the fastes sprinters in my class
>tfw I completely stopped sprinting almost 6 years ago
I should pick it up again.

>Now you know what is the most athletic and functional exercise - Ever

>You mean running/sprinting

My entire argument is that sprinting is a more athletic and functional exercise than front squats...

Are you illiterate or just ignorant?

sorry sheer it's late here

Fuck off newbitch. Go be dyel somewhere else.

Lol at being this mad

using the word dyel unironically and you're the one calling me a newbitch when i most likely out lift you and probably bigger too

>used to do a lot of sprinting
>shit dorsiflexion today
It finally makes sense.

can it newbitch

Please post your body and 1rms so I can laugh at you

Newbitch pls go

ladies first

outd my face newbitch


still waiting for you to post body and 1rms

Oly shoes
Wider stance
Angle toes out
Stringer thoracic extension
Just look for
>Long femurs short torso squat

>It demostrates that a person has a lot of type 2 muscle fibres

dyel frogposter

>he's too afraid to post how weak he is

You mean actual science

Plenty of studies and analysis on muscle fibre types

>there is only one person calling you on your bullshit
Peace dyel newbitch.

All the key points in the gnuckols article seem to contradict what you said.

You grip the bar once it racks onto your Delts so you can actually get better control of it in the bottom position. Klokov goes over this in his seminars.

you'll fokken choke

What did I say that is being contradicted?
There are two types of muscle fibres
Type I aka slow twitch
Type II aka fast twitch

"Most muscles in your body have a fairly even split of fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibers; very few muscles are (on average) incredibly fast-twitch or slow-twitch dominant."

Notice his wording. The genetic diversity of people leaves some having fast or slow twitch dominant muscles or a balance between the two.

I said that people with a lot of fast twitch muscle fibres are generally good sprinters and can develop explosive power and speed well which is true. Their muscles are able to contract faster applying a lot of force very quickly.

The main argument in cuckols argument is whether you should be training your muscles differently based on your muscle fibre type composition

You implied that a good sprinter "has a lot of type 2 muscle fibres".

That's just not necessarily true.

Saying that "people with a lot of fast twitch muscle fibres are generally good sprinters" is a different thing.

I was speaking on average sorry
clearly I know that

I've skimmed over the research you linked, but couldn't find anything that really supports that sprinters (or any elite power-related sportsman) have more fast twitch fiber, or that people with more fast twitch fiber are better at power production.

Shh, let the dyel newbitch play.

Well, how heavy can you personally go using crossed arms exactly?

Is there a video on how to rack properly? Like with views from both front and side?

I wish I had the mobility of the guy in OP

To rack or to unrack?

What's the thing you're after?

I think you are talking about a full clean right??? and not just a shitty front squat. Anyone can front squat, if you can't better kys asap

whats wrong if my collar bone gets bruised after front squats?
are my delts too weak to support the bar?

Nicely done, user. Your ascent was a bit shaky and imbalanced, but you definitely hit depth, and a 3pl8 front squat is quite good.

No, it's the core, you aren't staying vertical and tight enough

then ur a pussy

>Can't into front squats

Jesus Christ I have terrible mobility. Can't even snatch properly but even I can front squat with proper grip. Are you all made from concrete or something?

>Are you all made from concrete or something?

Pretty sure you'd see everyone doing front squats at least sometimes if it was an easy exercise

Koklov dick rider... He is huge and probably is easy for him to grip the bar because of his huge shoulders

How much weight is good when 8-repping on front squats? Also as ATG as possible


At least 4,5pl8

Unless you do 500lbs beltless ass to ground with a completely straight torso, it's nothing.

fast twitch guy getting KO'd after gassing

tubby manlet choking out explosive power puncher after he gassed out


and heres the GOAT fighter, who can barely jump off the ground

forgot gif

>implying muscles fibers are all the same throughout the body and not individualized through each muscle.

Obviously someone who can sprint has a higher number of type II and type IIx fibers in their lower extremities, but that doesnt mean they do in other parts of their body.

There are also definitions of functional movements, none of which are sprinting (Bend and lift, Single leg movements, Pushing movements, pulling movements, and rotational and spiral movements). You cnat just assume what functional means and then try to create a point based off ur false opinion.

also, your form is shit. nice butt wink faggot.

>Obviously someone who can sprint has a higher number of type II and type IIx fibers in their lower extremities
Any source for that?

Its called having a masters degree in exercise physiology. google it bitch


not him, but its hard to keep a stable shelf with your shoulders if you are using a decent amount of weight. It starts to become a back exercise at that point.

cheeky jagass

Ankle mobility like you said. Omar isuf has a videocout that should help. I do ankle stretches as well as put 2.5lb plates under my heels or else i cant do the squat at all