Fat Hate/Fat Stories

Didn't see one in the catalog, so here it is.

For all you recovering fatties lurking this, you're gonna make it.

Other urls found in this thread:


OP bump. I'm bored in class and have a lot of pictures.




>small fats

Gets me everytime.

>fatty coworker started eating salad to lose weight
>drowns it in ranch dressing
>"i dont know why im not losing weight"
>i eat piece of candy (fuck yeah post holloween)
>coworker stares, "how do you not get fat"
>i eat 3 scoops of whey and a small meal a day just so i can eat some candy at work yet maintain my macro
>"idk, genetics?" Look at him dead in the eyeyls
>he just grunts and walks away

Thats what you get for stinking up the office with your shit stained pants fucking asshole

Fatty makes shitty pro-fat video and is criticized; naturally this critical video is taken down.


Are these statements linked?

>"idk, genetics?" Look at him dead in the eyeyls

kek can relate to that

>hang out with group of friend I haven't seen since I was like 13yo
>everyone miring discretely
>2 of the grills keep touching my arms while we are talking
>they ask me if I lift or exercise
>proceed to tell them how much of a lazy fuck I am
>all I do is play wii fit with buddies sometimes when I'm drunk on our pizza nights and play soccer
>mfw I lift 6 days a week, limit carbs to 15h a day, count macros religiously and drink about once every two months

>If you're that fucking miserable that you aren't able to find anything in your size, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT

Based fa-

>Tell your opinion to someone who has the power to change it

-ck you for advicing more nagging with the goal of changing the world around you rather than improving yourself. You useless lump.
The amount of self-entitlement of the various "radical movements" is staggering. One thing that infuriates me about the concept of body positivity is that it just dismisses the efforts and difficulties fit or ex fats have faced to achieve their current physical state.
"You have caluses in your hands? I have cupcakes. We're the same kthx".

>limit carbs to 15h a day
scoobs, what did he mean by this?

i think he means 15g.

Dude keto sounds like hell man

>i left in tears


>cattle ranch


>small fats

what? that's really a thing?

Not to wuss but I tried keto and ended up going crazy. I intermittent fast now with non shit food so I can keep my carb fix at bay.

>small fats
>large fats

What in the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

They're fat. Don't sugarcoat it, cause they'll eat that too.

Hambeasts literally cannot reform because they are damaging their brains. That's why they can't think rationally, and eventually all end up zombieing about scavenging for more food. That's how they steal without a conscience.

The answer for this is kind of in the /pol/ territory.

Okay so, we all know what a demagogue is. A demagogue's job is to rile up a crowd and point it to his assigned target. To do that the demagogue is manipulating the crowd's emotions. He tells people that they are in a bad situation, that they are not responsible for it, and that it's his assigned target's fault. The crowd then riots and rebels.

As such, the demagogue's methods rely on segregating people, separating a society into parts so they can fight with eachother to their detriment. Men vs Women, Whites vs Blacks, Heteros vs Homos, Thins vs Fats.
The interesting thing here is that while the western societies' pillars are attacked on all sides, the various "radical movements" are segregated in a manner that turns them against eachother. Fab gays don't want to support ugly fats, cracker-hating black men don't want to support white bitches who look down on males etc.

What you see in the picture is the result of warped minds who are used to both segregation and victimhood. They have been taught to separate groups into smaller categories, and to automatically attack those who are doing better than them. And so the group implodes, an example of what will happen if all of society embraces the "progressive" culture that preaches all that shit and causes discord.

Every social justice assigned group has internal frictions that we're never shown. For example the LGBT may be presented as a coalition group, but in truth gays and lesbians really hate eachother. The same applies to the minorities group where the catholic mexicans hate the muslim immigrants.

>fat friend of mine wants to lose weight
>seems to actually be, is cutting down on starbucks etc.
>go out with her and some other girls
>fat friend mentions how she's losing weight
>instantly a skinny girl tells her how she isn't fat and shouldn't diet
Women are fucking terrible
She's fat and should lose weight and this bitch is trying to tell her no, another friend of mine/her who is also fat tried to tell her how being fat is healthy


Stupid, stupid, stupid shit.

Usually just a bad personality or serious personality flaws. Lack of willpower, the inability to stick with something long-term, bad with delayed gratification, prone to addiction, denial of reality or anything that doesn't feel good, would rather cut other people down than improve themselves, greed, low intelligence, impulsivity, putting emotion before reason, self-centeredness, and probably some more traits will cause a person to become fat or permanently stay fat. And unlike other addictions, there's really no rehab for food addiction and they don't face the same criticism from other people like other types of addicts do.

To say "they're just shitty people" is over-simplifying it, and I've met plenty of obese people who were decent human beings. But they ALL have some kind of critical character flaw that prevents them from seeing reality, making a plan and executing it, persevering until they reach their goal, and so on. It can be a variety of different negative traits, but it's always something to do with their personality.

It's really interesting how they can steal food without any remorse. It's like it doesn't count as stealing to them, and they don't think of themselves as a thief. Food is in its own special category that they are free to pilfer from other people as they see fit. God forbid anyone takes any of their food, though.

Is this what cancer feels like Henry?

Only if you are a carb-hound. Once you kick the sugar and white carbs (feels like shit for a week or so, keto flu), you don't miss them.
It's not a diet for everyone but thankfully for those of us who like low carb main foods more than craving starchy carbs, keto and low carb plans are really great.


I'm scared to even speculate what the cut-off point is between small fat and large fat. 3xl? So large fats are 4xl and up? Jfc.

Small scale virtue signaling like this is so much worse than the shit /pol/ is worried about. It doesn't matter who that grill votes for if she dies at 45 and fucks her kids for life. Those kids will not be able to continue the Republic.

WHY ... tfw will never make it to 6 feet

Tragic, in the Aristotelian sense, then?

Fatguy here.
Make me hate myself again, ive lost motivation.

>started at 300lbs
>now at 240lbs
I need those last 40lbs

>FPH threads got me to lose over 80 pounds
>FPH threads got me to get a job
>FPH threads got me eating healthier
>FPH threads got me enjoying myself

Going to start on getting my driver's license on Wednesday.

There is also a 24 hour gym there and I really want to get a membership but I'm really nervous. Years of bullying really took a toll on me and I'm worried about being judged now.

Fatties just don't understand food at all and are baffling to normal people

>Fat former roommate wanted to lose weight
>Starts getting Lean Cuisines for his lunches
>Not that good but he cannot cook a thing and it's still better than the fast food he was eating
>Eats three (3) of them for each meal, along with several oranges because "fruit is healthy"
>Still doesn't understand why he isn't losing weight when he's eating "healthy" food

Most guys at the gym won't judge because they'll see you're trying. And if people do judge then just use that as motivation; Imagine a life where they can't judge you.

>worrying about something that literally has no tanoble effect on anything

I don't understand people sometimes

kek, at least she's got a sense of humour.

Anyone else find that fat people constantly try and undermine your accomplishments and self confidence?
Whilst fit people support you and encourage you?

Which is easier; Making fun of someone to bring them down or changing your entire way of life to be as good as them?


I wouldn't put this kind of behaviour down as simple virtue signalling or 'keeping down the competition' too easily. Even though it's harmful, it can come from hell-paving good intentions.

It's often because they just can't envision a fat person as actually getting thin. It seems like a lost cause, like this person's just kidding themselves and will put themselves through a world of hurt for no reason. Better to accept being fat and delude yourself that you're 'not THAT big' and 'healthy at every size' etc.
So if someone announces they're trying to lose weight, the 'polite' response is to insist there's nothing wrong with how they currently are. That way they don't feel like they've failed when they 'inevitably' fail. To suggest the change is something wonderful means confirming that their current state is unacceptable by comparison, and that confirmation can't be taken back if they fail.

For women in particular, any acknowledgement that you're not beautiful is hugely taboo. This is why self esteem campaigns are always "everyone is beautiful," instead of simply "it's okay if you're not beautiful."
The only polite social option they're equipped with when a girl is called fat is to insist that it's not true or that they're beautiful anyway. They're taught that being fat or ugly is just an unchangeable aspect of who we all are, and that it's something so horrible to be that it must be denied. So any expressed desire to change isn't heard as "I'm taking productive steps to better my life and health," it just sounds like "I have low self esteem and want to be something unattainable, please comfort me."


I used to feed the hippo on the left when I was a kid :'(

>be a gorgeous amputee
>star in a body acceptance video with a bunch of shameless fatties as if that's the same

Dude, you're already over HALF WAY THERE


It's a 24 hour gym. If you want to avoid people, go at midnight. Nobody there at midnight wants to talk. They just want to get shit done so they can go home and go to sleep.

>needed popcorn with butter
>not 'wanted'

Fatties need to learn this distinction

>lied that I was a "fire hazard"
Does this bitch know anything about anything?

Also "I just NEEDED to see a damn movie"

One thing i've noticed about these fatties who brag about all the food they can eat
It's never actually food
Like if they said well you may be fit but atleast i can eat tirimisu, or ragu or schwarma then they might have a point

But no its always bragging about cupcakes or chocolate or fucking macdonalds
Fuck these fatties and their butchery of the word 'food'

>"her" seat.
Well, yes. Someone paid for that space, just as tubby paid for a determined space. It was hers for that time. Fat entitlement is the fucking worst.

Godamnit i love old Spongebob, thank you user

Why did she want to go if it was a douche palace in the first place? Or did it only become so after they showed they had standards?

This made me actually angry
Like I actually wanted to lay into the lot of them with a belt for being so fucking smug and promoting 'oops teehee looks like i've rendered myself into suet but a body needs food rite'

Because the grapes were bitter.

Friend of mine on PIC related. Hamplanet manager go break his bathtub by sitting on it. Don't know how he manage to continue with it. I just hate her so much she eats everything and is just the lazy fucking fatass we all know and hate.
Log story short, he's not my friend anymore

>break a bathtub
Jesus christ even at my fattest i never managed that


>Bucket of popcorn
>small diet coke
She should have gotten a larger coke to help her diet more.


being normal in Florida must be either incredibly entertaining or incredibly disheartening...

Ok, going to give you some advice that'll prevent most non-jerks from judging you at the gym:

Work out.
Work out properly (do your homework on form)
Work out hard
Work out calmly (don't make a big deal of it)
Work out with focus (don't take long breaks)

And yeah, some people are gonna judge you. But that doesn't matter, you know why?

Because you're going to work out. Then you're going to Make It.

Kind of. I found fat people encouraged me for a bit, then started to try to chip away once I was making result. Lip service, then subtle doubt

>oh, good for you!
Upon loosing 10 lbs, and gaining muscle
>ooh, be careful, you don't want to hurt yourself.

Fit people were a Godsend. Great advice, great motivation.

Doctorfag here, that story is bullshit.

Dude you lost the weight, you showed yourself that you have what it takes. Go in that gym and get ti dude!!! Lift that whole damn gym and make you some gains. The feeling is better than being scared because some pussy bullies tortured you in the past.

this 100%. people have no idea how to lose weight. it's like a mystery. do a diet and lose some pounds. how many? who knows? whatever the gods determine.

I would fuck pegleg 100 times before I touched the others

If this were me, and I was lying there on the cold tile floor because my own chair couldn't support a shift in my weight as I was reaching for a bag of Cheetos, it would be transformative for me. I would make a vow to the moon and the stars beyond my fucked up window shutters to make a major change in my life.

I'd just laugh, get back up and grap the chips. But that's probably indicative of why im not fat

A lot of people are going to tell you that nobody judges you, to just man up and stop being a pussy.

What you're feeling is completely normal. Yes people will judge you. Nobody will say anything to you though, because very few people actually want to hurt other people on purpose.

We can't help judging people who are different or outside our 'group'. But if you keep going you'll become part of the tribe. You'll feel better about yourself. Life will just magically seem a little less shitty, day by day.

Things will get better, I promise. All you have to do is take that one first step. And just a couple more steps.

Getting started is the hard part. Keeping it going once you've made it a habit is easier.

You can do it bro/sis

Show him that one Metalocalypse episode where the band is trying to lose weight.

>ordering shit and a diet coke

Gets me angry every fucking time.

My brother used to have a chubby friend who was happy and played a lot of vidya. He got Veeky Forums and stopped playing vidya. He also stopped smiling. He was the only fit guy I knew but he was supportive and shared a bunch of info.
Normal skinnies on the other hand are about as disapproving as fats. Even my broest of bros (who'd be kinda athletic if he weren't drinking) openly disapproved and tried to make me revert back into a fat neckbeard even though he knew I was miserable and in a dead end back then.


I dunno. For me her lack of hair is a dealbreaker, as is the personality a person who agrees with such videos has. Not saying that her lack of a leg isn't unsettling. Just that it makes little difference at this point.

I don't get it bro? Why not correct him in his errors? At least give the dood the basic information he needs cause he may not know. I mean he's trying is he not? Can you blame people for not being redpilled? Make a man outta him bro help him.

Inb4 this isn't a qtddtott

>be me, around 90kg/200lbs teenager at 179cm/5"8(?)
>Europe, me being the only fat fuck
>get bullied a lot throughout school
>try getting fit, counting cals, going to the gym
>get bullied in the gym, try another, same
>now 20kg/50lbs lighter at about 15-20%bf
>new town, now in university, lots of friends, few close ones, confidence, cute gf
>still afraid of going to the gym again
>still doing startbodyweight.com at home alone
>still limiting myself

Did you do this to me? Has anyone else dealt with this?

Those bullies enjoyed the misery they caused and got away with. They got to go to parties and get popular. Girls dated them instead of you because of how much of a loser they made you look. They're probably happy right now. Makes you angry, doesn't? Get angry. Compile a mental shit list and work out so you can find and beat them. After all you're wasting your gains if you're getting them just for looks.
Every man who bullies you from that point on will just be added to the list and become another opportunity to make the most out of your gains. By beating him up.

Basically what everyone else said: but here's what I have to say:

If you're fat, people are ALREADY judging you just for existing. The same people who would judge you outside of the gym are going to judge you inside the gym, and you can't really escape that. Most people will pay you no mind.

But then there are a group of people like me, who get inspired when we see overweight people working out. You can literally be motivational to others when you're in the gym. Focus on those people, and feel good when you're working out because you're inspiring others

>recently diagnosed with anorexia nervosa
>I am a 6'1 man and weigh 99lbs at the time (111lbs as of today actually)
>sister is 5'4 and 200lbs
>When she finds out about my diagnosis she gets really angry
>Says that 'you can't be anorexic, I am the only anorexic in the house, anorexics can't be skinny because they eat lots of broccoli and broccoli creates humidity in your stomach which causes bacterial growth'
>ask what she means
>explains broccoli is like trees so it creates humidity like a rainforest
>explains bacterial growth causes weight gain
>explains she is anorexic and obese due to the broccoli she eats
>tfw she constantly sabotages my attempts to get big
>caught her emptying a bottle of my olive oil into the sink and replacing it with water
>she stopped to take a sip every few seconds
>told my parents she is allergic to avocado so I can't have it in the house
>tried the same with nuts but blew her cover due to eating 3 snickers a day
>tfw she has actually gained more weight than me since I started recovering (13lbs somehow)
>claims we are recovering together


The opposite of a gains goblin?

A loss leprechaun?


I know this is Veeky Forums and all, but please don't paint half the population with such a broad brush. A couple years ago I lost 20 pounds and every female I knew was very supportive. There are a small number of women who are shitty people who will willingly cut down on anyone who they see improve themselves, but they're definitely a minority.

You need to defoo her desu. Can't leave humanity behind if you're shackled by your family.

>super hot day, 30+ degrees (Celsius)
>go to park with friends
>me, two bros and one of the girls leave fat guy and the other girls sitting on the grass to go and get some crates of beer from a nearby shop
>walking back, take my shirt off cause it's hot and sticky as fuck
>grill chuckles nervously and grabs my abs for a second saying "nice"
>bro says "damn man, you love the gym"
>get back to other friends, first thing fat guy says in a super whiny voice "ohh my god user! Put a shiiirt on!"

I worked in a movie theater, literally anyone who sat on the floor had to either get a seat or gtfo.
I kicked out fatties and couples who couldnt find seats next to eachother all the time

Yo one of my coworkers was sick today. Last i was sick was two months ago. Before that like a year ago. In the past three months this guy has been sick three times. He is like a defensive line kind of guy and has a huge forward head posture with fluid build up in the back of his neck/shoulder area. He also just had teo kods this past year and eats like one-two meals a day binging on mexican food and pastas. It is affecting us at work because he carries viruses being sick and work performance is shit. All because he is fat and came from a fat family.

Lmao wii fit and drunken pizza party soccer.

I hate that stuff. Brainwashing into unhealthy mental and physical behaviors. A part of the gatherer pact.

Doesnt matter this logic of theirs is worse than broscience


>using an amputee to further your disgusting agenda
jesus christ

she had the best body too kek


Youre all fucking large

The hardest part of going to the gym is going the first time man, do yourself a favor and just go

this guy hasn't lost a lbs of fat in 5 years. in fact, he's looking fatter than ever

I would totally let her blow me in that first outfit.

>larger fats
>fat intensifies

She wasn't my cousin though

Fat doctor detected. High blood pressure causes brain damage, don't sugarcoat it or you'll eat that too.

You dont have to just hate yourself, at a certain point you are gonna flip over and like who you are becoming

You need to eat her. She's a whole lot of ham and no better than livestock anyway.

Woman are pretty smart I mean they managed to survive for all this years, put a woman in nature alone she won't survive for long. You know why she survives it's because she got love if the man is in love the woman can do whatever she wants with him. So let's think of it in this way woman survived because of love now what makes a man fall in love? Her look and what those a good looking woman send for signals to man she is healthy and got good genes, good genes Mean healthier and stronger children this is why we automatically like good looking people it's because survival of this specie called humans. But in the last century woman have come up with a trick a cheat called makeup this cheat tricks the man into thinking she is good looking and the man will more easily fall in love. So that's my explanation to woman love and why they care so much about there look.

This. Alot of people on here dont understand the difference between fat people and fat people logic. Theres nothing wrong with being fat if thats what you want to do with yourself ( one of my best friends is 6'2" prolly 3-325, total bro great guy) but the people who are trying to get others fat to feel better about themselves are disgusting,

If that woman is ok with living 5 more years thats her business. If she tellsa qt to eat a sandwich iwill kill her

Just go you faggot, I grew up as a 110 kilo 13 year old in rural australia, I got bullied as bad as anyone and I made it. Physically at least.

>ran home

Context of this I'm also an obese "powerlifter" so it's even more absurd and ridiculous to me to deal with these people who can abrely physically function.

>working night shift at small super 8
>can park in front of room, but no assigned parking
>man bursts into lobby (I work alone) saying that he can't park in front of his room for his handicapped wife
>explain we don't have assigned parking spaces, and there is no way to know who is parked in front of the room, he'll have to park on the street (maybe 50 feet away from the room, essentially nothing).
>this is not acceptable to him
>freaks the fuck out, starts repeatedly shouting "what are you going to do for me?" over and over
>demands that the boat trailer be moved so they can park their car there , keep in mind that was only like 20 feet closer to their room, like it's such a negligible distance it's ridiculous
>say I'll see what I can do, i walk around the lots and find a spot 2 doors down from his room but he is a shitty driver and can't get his car to fit, which is somehow my fault
>call the boat guys, explain we have a handicapped lady that needs the spot, they say they will be down in a bit because i just woke them up
>tell guy to hold on while they come down, obviously he isnt happy
>refuses to wait, parks in a non-designated spot and says thats enough
>his fat as fuck wife gets out of the car, and waddles towards to the door
>its dark out so I didn't really see but I go up to the car and there is no handicap placard
>demand to see their handicap placard
>don't have one, oh boy
>I yell at the guy and tell him you don't even have a handicap placard and hes lucky I don't kick him out of the hotel right then and there
>huge commotion, a huge headache, a huge problem in the morning all because his planet sized wife didn't want to walk for maybe 10 seconds (thats how long it takes me to walk to the front desk from the street, where I park)

so many fat people stories from work, mostly from breakfast