Should the poor be allowed to buy soda using welfare?

Should the poor be allowed to buy soda using welfare?

Should the rich be allowed to keep their heads?

So a dirt poor nigger uses his gibsmedats to buy orange soda. Big fucking deal. I don't see the problem. I'm proud to be a member of a society where the poorest and most vulnerable can still afford orange soda.

should Veeky Forums exist?

It's demonstrably unhealthy and lacks any meaningful nutrition.
Why should we support the funneling of tax payer's dollars to the coffers of the Coca-Cola Company?

I fundamentally don't have a problem where a social safety net is set up to allow niggers to purchase such "luxuries" as orange soda.

Even if it is to their overall detriment?
A good parent does not give their child candy all the time.

The government isn't your parent, desu. In fact, they are meant to work for you.

Well I'm also an unironic fascist who believes in mandated physical fitness programs for the nation therefore it is not a gotcha either way.

Holy Christ, fuck off already. If you actually give a damn about either the poor or reducing government spending/making welfare more efficient, there are literally hundreds of more pressing concerns than the fact that poor people sometimes buy foods and beverages *omigod* for the taste and not because they're nutritionally-balanced.

Also, do we not have janitors or mods at all anymore? This is literally politics.

Then why is it giving them an allowance?

Should they be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes using it?

>if everyone quit their job the boss would go broke
I guess so, if everyone stopped using money the wealthy would need to barter.
seems like a simple point to make.
>I'm proud to be a member of a society where the poorest and most vulnerable can still afford orange soda.
liberality is the prerogative of the wealthy man
Tyrone is not a liberal and would mug your gay ass in an instant.

Because they pay for it in taxes and duties.

>there are people on this bored RIGHT NOW who still believe social welfare is a humanitarian effort and not just a way to pacify the plebs

but they don't they just consume consume consume

Only a small portion of it.

Bread and circuses my friend bread and circuses.
Or as I like to call it basic income.

If they consume, they pay sales tax. If they drive they pay fuel excise. If they drink or smoke they pay other duties

The people who the government spends money on are either young (education) or old (healthcare). It varies across countries but the amount of the budget that goes to welfare spending is actually quite limited. Either way, we are talking about the consumption choices of welfare recipients, not do the poor pay their 'fair share'.

>The people who the government spends money on are either young (education) or old (healthcare).
Or poor.

At this point? No. Diet /pol/ is the artitical bullshit rotting this place.

>If they consume, they pay sales tax. If they drive they pay fuel excise. If they drink or smoke they pay other duties
>paying taxes on money you're given via taxes

Then why not enforce that on everyone and not just the poor?

instead of money the poor should get sacks of rice and beans, cold showers, a stove, toilets and barracks style beds with CCTV so the culprits of vandalism, theft or violence can be instantly found and removed

prisoners should have to work like everyone else, minimum security prisoners can pick potatoes, violent criminals work in sweatshops

this would all cost virtually nothing and would eliminate homelessness and poverty

>being a lefty/pol/ brainlet who has been coaxed into the meme Stirner advocated socialist principles in The Ego, when instead it is a mass troll designed to display the meaninglessness of a worker collective, wherein only the individual is truly relevant

Yes. If you're giving them welfare in the form of money then complaining about exactly what they spend it on is pointless. Give them welfare in the form of free food rations otherwise.

>just make prisoners do it for free

Employment figures too high for you or something?

This. OP is a faggot for the sake of being a faggot. Like niggers saying "women shouldn't be allowed to vote because they're uneducated" yet stumbles to explain why women and not uneducated people should have their votes axed.

It's gotten bad in the last 3 months or so. Notice how it's always filled with threads asking loaded questions to frame /pol/tard narratives.

Because everyone else is using their own money.

SNAP is for food and has restrictions.

Stirner didn't believe in an "individual"

>when you let Marx edit your work

they get paid, it just all goes back into room and board

>not grape

Off with the heads.

It should be illegal for fatties to buy anything containing sugar or unnecessary fat

More like when you directly influence Marx who hates you for it and writes a 500 page ad hominem freakout that exceeds the full length of your written work into his next book.

You get to stay away from all processed foods. You're already too salty.

t. porky

>Implying I'm not a 6'2" 135 lbs Skelly

>Based ypipol

Bread and circuses doesn't sound like a bad time.
Where do I sign up

Should welfare even exist?

Because there is enough demand for their products.

It isn't terrible that a poor person uses welfare money to buy things that make her life happier, besides things that keep her alive.

>Muh pol boogyman


You already did; It was a subheader in the democratic social contract.