1. Your lifting years

1. Your lifting years
2. Do you think it's possible to look like pic related naturally, with good genetics and hard work?

define hard work


Definitely no need to.


>those ab genetics

yes, that's attainable natty. 2-2.5 years of actually trying.



you sad creatures

So not even close after 9 years?

>calling anyone a sad creature

As a natty, you won't be walking around with that mass accompanied by that level of leanness. So no, I do not think it is possible, and neither should you

Not with good genetics, great genetics.

10 years more off than on. Still a wristlet dyel basically.
That is achievable natty with 5-7 years strict training. The dude in ur photo roided however.

1. 6 years lifting
2. Even after 6 months lifting, I wouldn't still be naive enough to think you could look like that natty.

1. 4
2. Lose a bit of mass in the shoulders, and yes.

The more important question is

What workout would produce those gains?

That shitty chest tattoo.

20 years.
And yeah, it's possible.
But you're only going to look like that with a really good pump and only for relatively short periods unless you were always relatively lean and active.
But the guy in that pic is not natty at all.
He simply doesn't look like he's got the body or has lead a life that would produce that kind of mass naturally.

>As a natty, you won't be walking around with that mass accompanied by that level of leanness.

This is a meme unfortuntely

He was a cancer survivor that found lifting or some shit like that if I remember correctly family.

4 years


Why do you faggots obsess so much over genetics when it's impossible to look identical to anyone else and all you can do is work with what you have?

Stop nitpicking over such trivial bullshit and fucking lift.

Point is the muscle mass + bf&, noob

then the answer is "yes, it's possible"

Well, there you go.
He worked hard, did some gear and unlike the aesthics rentboys he worked out.

Can admire the mass and effort he put into his body, but he's obviously not natty.