I started working for a private investor, my job is to reasearch Cryptos and ICO's for a salary of 60k a year

I started working for a private investor, my job is to reasearch Cryptos and ICO's for a salary of 60k a year.

I think I made it.


nice dude, congrats!

what to buy?

Congrats user! thats sounds a very good job.

how did you find this job?
would be happy to find such work for half of this salary

You need to become the private investor to make it.

paid 60k a year for work that nets your bosses over 600k a year
you totally made it bro

alright how do I get this job op. I do this all day anyways.

I guess I was lucky. I found the job browsing through various websites that list jobs for students.

Almost wanted to deliver food on a bike before I found this guy.

UK or USA?


60k? Wtf how do you live on that

This. Fucking retarded lmao.
You either: a) make him more than 60k a year and basically give him money that could go to you or b) make less thsn 60k and get fired.

Fucking brainlets lmao

>implying any job ever isn't just making more money for the guy above you

I should have mentioned that I obviously use my researches for my personal investments aswell.
Of course he's making more money due to his bigger investments.

Congrats buddy!

this was obvious.
fucking idiot.

ask a commission or bonus at end of year based on portfolio performance

Nice, how come he trusted you?

True, but you have to understand that the only jobs worth doing that are the ones where you have to put yourself in that position because you cant do the job alone/self employed. Investing in crypto is not one of them

Also, there are tons of jobs in the public sector where you arent making profit. Not everything is private sector

How did you convince him?

Give ius a free advice for an undervalued coin.

Hilf mir dude, stell mich als Assistenz ein!

i make 60K tax free a year. And 60K tax free isn't "making it"
and my dollar is worth 20% more than the US dollar.
You got a nice job, that's about it
so, think again.

Thats every job you fucking dumbass

he mad

until you make a bad pick and they throw your ass on the street

congrats but be careful and you should look for a more steady line of work

except he can drive home and buy into the ICO with personal funds too so yea

I don't really make projections or picks. Basically all I do is creating a database of cryptocurrencies. I reasearch and summarize, pointing out weaknesses and strenghts, technicals, social media appearences, previous achievement of team members and advisors and various other things.
It saves him time so he can focus on other things.

where does he make his money? cryptos? or is this a side thing.