Post your favourite videos of aesthetic bodybuilders trolling in public:

Post your favourite videos of aesthetic bodybuilders trolling in public:

who is that girl at 07:10?
She looks hot

one of his many fangirls

If your the poster of this video, make it available in germany you fucking asshole

The guy clearly fakes his videos. I mean you expect me to believe on two spectate occasions girls with boyfriends have been taking pictures of him and the guy runs over to stop her.
He was on at the start now he is just a faggot ever since he stated doing videos with that guy who judges naked guys.

I love Connor, he is autistic as fuck but it doesnt matter and he is proof that a great bod can improve your chances with girls

During times when i think "Why the fuck should i work out, it wont improve my life at all" i look to him and the mires he gets and think that lifting is worth it after all and its actually possible to get girls to appreciate your looks

Don't forgot that he's tall and has a good jaw

He is like 6'2'' so yeah but im 6'1'' and i have a good jaw and face aswell so there is hope for me (i think and pray)

>improve your chances with girls

how he does nothing but awkwardly talk to them without a shirt on

i know to the kids on this site that means he's a god but to anyone living in reality he doesn't come across good

Thats why i said he is autistic, whenever he talks its cringeworthy and i feel like i want stop him
However look at the chatroulette videos and the mires he gets, to me it shows there is a small niche of girls out there who like muscles and it makes me think there is hope

I can talk to girls just fine but its very hard to attract girls

Connor stop shilling your videos on Veeky Forums you faggot

watch the video you turbonigger it's not even one of Connor's

hmm i agree very much with you. I always catch myself with a constant smile when i watch his videos. Its just awsome.

How is he autistic though. I think he talks pretty laid back and alpha and isnt awkward at all.

What makes this awkward is just the situation. Being halph naked infront of girls who are giggling like crazy and taking pictures of you, thats bound to be cringe. Otherwise i think he handles those mires pretty well

>How is he autistic though
Its the vibe he gives off, he just seems clueless and more focused on how the lighting affects his poses than talking to someone

uhh yeah i know what you mean.
Like when he keeps flexing instead of just approaching the girls and talking to them?
Yeah he does that sometimes.

But still dude the whole situation is just cringe and awkward. I dont think its easy to keep everything non-autistic in a situation like that.

He comes off as autistic is all im saying, he might not be

I still mire him, some days i really doubt girls even like muscles, height or a good face because they seem to give fuck all about it but Connor gives me hope that girls in fact do give a shit

it keeps me motivated

I browse Veeky Forums so much, sometimes i read too much into this "ITS ALL ABOUT GENETICS".
"FACE IS ALL THAT MATTERS" and then i see this asthetic cunt pulling girls like that and it makes me happy

Kek'd hard at the no homo shirt

He could give two fucks about the girls. He could literally approach a girl, get her number and fuck her that same day.

He's just trying to make entertaining videos and show off his body. Doesn't make him an autist.
You're an autist if you legitimately approach girls while recording to try and have sex with them.

'abercrombie kids'

the faggot can't even go to a real Abercrombie store

If you have a good face you dont need to lift for grills faggot