Girlfriend broke up with me cause i sent her selfies of my progress in the gym

girlfriend broke up with me cause i sent her selfies of my progress in the gym

Says i have a mania (going to gym 3-4 times a week and eating clean)

What the fuck am i even supposed to do anymore?

Go gay instead

Keep going, that's what. But keep the gym life separate from the love life. Otherwise you look like a braggart.


focus on your finances, clean your room, clean your computer up, make some good food, call your mom and dad, call your siblings and say hello, read a book, do your laundry.

Do not sit and think, that will make you unhappy.

Get another gf who is a better person and more compatible with you?

why would you send her pics of youreself at the gym every time you were there

I doubt she broke up because of some selfies. More probably she was fucking someone else behind your back.

try sex with a woman who isn't crazy

(they are all crazy)

go to gym 3-4 times a week and eat clean

then upgrade girls

>girlfriend broke up with me cause i sent her selfies of my progress in the gym
there is more to this story, my common sense is tingling

Easy as fuck to say, hard as hell to do
Most girls already have a bf, extra true for the ones who are attractive

I'm putting my money on your name not being Chad

She's insecure about you now, wants you to stop cause she's worried other women more attractive will be interested

Definitely more to the story. OP work on yourself until you find someone else.

But this is the biggest most illogical thing ever
Look at the guys who have gfs, most of em are skinnyfat, fatasses or DYELs. girls dont seem to be drawn up muscular guys at all so why would a girl think other girls would give up their bf of choice to fuck with her man because he is getting less attractive compared to whats actually being chosen by girls?

the rest of the story is, she wanted to "talk" and apparently saying "good morning" and no smiley face or whatever or a cutie. Im not committed enough in the relationship and we need to "talk"

So also im a gym maniac and she was wondering if im juicing (im a natty)


nigga my dad shows me his progress, I talk to him about my progress as well

>girlfriend broke up with me cause i sent her selfies of my progress in the gym

upgrade faggot

>taking selfies

kill yo self

Forget about her and keep doing your thing. She's scared and insecure because you're bettering yourself and you're making yourself more attractive.

In all honesty she sounds like a control freak.

Just keep going OP, I've been working out for four months and it's obvious she's getting more insecure. Soon enough it'll be too much pressure that she'll either have to step up and get fit herself or she'll just leave. Either way, no bitch is going to stop me from my dreams. None of them are worth that.

>More probably she was fucking someone else behind your back.
This. The whole gym thing was an excuse.
If you have Facebook or many common friends you'll probably find out this weekend she's openly dating someone.

You don't get out much do you?

I don't know, man. I feel like sometimes in these situations the best thing for me is to get all the thinking done at once so I can stop pretending to be okay and actually do it.
All good advice, but I'd say if you feel like thinking stuff over, just do it and then stop when you've had enough.

Oh yeah, I was referring to my gf in the second part there, if that wasn't clear.

>If you have Facebook or many common friends
This hits way to close to home
having to explain to all the friends and coworkers that your gf has a relationship on FB with a new guy because she dumped you is very hard
Doesnt matter when they say theyve seen pics and wonder why she is downgrading because its a small comfort when your gf is litterally riding some other faggots dick as they say those words

Get a gf who lifts?? Problem solved. Or a sane one.

Imagine a world where you can see the relationship history of every woman...

Every now and then
The skinnyfaggots and numales get the attention and usually bring the girls home

Im serious, had a friend who opened with him being depressed as fuck and on suicide watch and he brought girls home with him most of the time. despite being a balding manlet with a beergut

Where on earth do you live where that shit works? Here in the Midwest it's nothing but retards dating other retards based on looks alone. Most of the people here are stupid as fuck, and anyone showing any kind of decent intelligence is mostly shunned.

I've gotta fucking move man.

Well im not american so that might be it
im 6'1'', good looking, fit and heading to a uni degree in finance and im having the worst time in dating, its like i dont even exist

had a chat with a girl i know through friends, aparently her bf lets her put make up on him and make him look like a drag queen every now and then

Life's tough when you choose not to be sub-par