Hey guys I'm headed out to the grocery store, want anything?

Hey guys I'm headed out to the grocery store, want anything?

i'm good thanks bud

Yes, literally anything would be great. I'm broke as fuck and my family is also broke as fuck. Enjoying no-gains because we don't have any food

>I want a boyfriend who can provide for me, user. Can you pick that up or will you fuck that up too like you do everything else?

Got Internet don't ya /r/randomactsofpizza

5kg of peanut butter pls

Pick me up some white bread for my peanut butter and jelly sandwich for school tomorrow. (don't forget to cut off the crust :P)
Also a couple of snacks, bear paws, quacker bars, cookie chips and fruit rollups and some orange juice :P! I need to eat a lot to grow bigger

Yeah, we survive, but I legitimately fear for my siblings developement if we don't get our economy back on track soon. They only get bread with cheese, jam or salami and a glass of milk each day.

I have a little money so I spend that on food for myself, but I can't buy things for the fridge because the others will eat it

Where you from senpai?


You must be a refugee. It's not as if your countries gdp is on par with most of Europe. With all the gas and oil you have. Your economy is pretty shit hot. Look at Britain, America and Russia for the future of economic depravity

how cab you afford a pc and an internet connection but no food?

Sounds like your parents are missing a beat. Call social services and explain the situation. You're a developed nation. There are provisions in place for people in your shoes. Also salami is expensive, rice and beans is what most of the third world survive on. Cheap calories, full protein profile, bit of fat, loads of carbs, and micro nutrients

Yeah senpai 2 avocados and a package of bacon pls. Also some more coconut oil for my fucking meme coffee, this shit tastes good.

Not an economic migrant, I got Danish, Norwegian and Saami blood and my grandfather built his own farm in the south-west which he ran till he died.

I live at home in a very small place so I can't get any job atm, applied everywhere. My mom is an idiot with money and lost her job just as our car broke down. My dad still has his job in the oil, but my mom literally throws the money away and for some reason they decided now was the time to fix the house- when even my dad's job is on the line.

Hopefully moving out on a scholarship next year to work my way through uni.

Write timestamp on a box of cereal

Yeah they're not the brightest people. F.ex they have not figured out yet that they should buy the cheap brands of food. We could be doing alright, they just throw the money away and smoke like a couple chimneys.

Since you've got Internet you can make money. Look up mechanical turking. Your basically paid by Amazon to do surveys, read papers, data etc... It's 100% legit but you don't get paid much. Some people make good money on it becuase they're using it as they're sole source of income. reddit has a good subreddit /r/mturk you don't need a skill. Just time.

Thanks, I'll look into it

No worries senpai. Hope shit gets better for you soon

Just my sips. Thanks senpai

Thanks man, I'm sure it will, it's just a matter of time and my dad not losing his job and we'll be back on track

Just remember you have the power to influence change. Small actions lead to great things.

could you look in the gains section for Brokkoli, i need my 1500 gram for the week.

ka fæn mann

>I legitimately fear for my siblings developement
>I have a little money so I spend that on food for myself, but I can't buy things for the fridge because the others will eat it
You piece of shit, good for nothing brother. Hope you never get a gf.

boneless skinless chicken thighs
peanut butter
whole milk
buffalo sauce
vanilla protein powder

thnx mom

5 kg of natty proton butter, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, chicken breasts, and a dragon dildo please

bechamel, tortillas and tuna please

Yeah, I just finished my last flavored oatmeal packets. Can you grab me two boxes of the variety packs? Thanks

Oh, and I'm almost out of deli sliced turkey


Eat your siblings for protein

>all in the gains yo

1 gf p-p-please

lol even advertisements on the shopping carts
>welcum to 'murica

Well, now that you are at it get me some oats, eggs, quark cheese, vicodin, hash, tobacco and Sustanon pls.