Anyone else slam a bunch of water when you wake up?

Anyone else slam a bunch of water when you wake up?

I started doing this and it is amazing. Everyone wakes up dehydrated and some don't drink anything until lunchtime. I now know what it intuitively feels like to be dehydrated sometimes my shitty mood is because I haven't drunk any water

Yeah I do I've done it out of habit for last 2 years.

I always just fill a bottle before I go to bed and put it on the night stand for instant water when I wake up, normally the same time I take creatine and multi vitamins too

I take a shit and piss then weigh myself. After I weigh myself then I slam some water.
>TFW down 5lbs from 2 weeks ago

aqua SLAM

Only way to start the morning

Need a lift ?


squeeze a half a lemon or some organic apple cider vinegar into your morning aqua SLAMtm for an enhanced rejuvenating morning bev

Slam some water. Eat some eggs. Slam some protein powder (but with milk ;_;) but then I slam with more water

nope, just your mom

Same. Except instead of slamming eggs I slam your mom

A liter or two, but I've always had issues of being overly phlegmy and thirsty so I never questioned it. Usually take in two gallons of water minimum a day.

Choked on the water I was slamming lad

>slamming water
>try and make this the new food craze

Good man

Slam a glass of water to wash down L-Arginine, Yohimbe, and antidepressants. Then a greek yogurt smoothie with lecithin, protein and fruit. Every morning, every day.

500ml glass of water the minute I get out of bed, 500ml just before bed, and I generally drink to thirst throughout the day. Usually ends up about 2.5litres. Clear urine all day nigga.

Its actually a bugbear of mine when people dont drink water. Human body is largely water I don't see why they think it isn't fucking crucial to keep it topped up. Especially in the morning.

Yeah, the body perspirates a lot during the night so drinking in the morning is key.

ANd the bed time fap literally drains your body of fluids

first thing i do is to take a .5L glass of water, used to be completely oblivious to dehydration and get dizzy mid-day quite often, especially when i worked with manual labour


choked on your dad i was slamming pal

holy shit


I wish I could. If I slam water when I wake up I immediately get stomach cramps. Have to drink slowly, and drinking water slowly sucks

I drink water like you wouldn't believe. At least a liter in the first half horse of the day then another two throughout. I don't even live in the heat.
