Have any of you guys done psychedelics?

have any of you guys done psychedelics?
can it fuck up my testosterone levels or leave me brain damaged?

Would NOT recommend doing higher dosages if you're naturally a nervous / anxious person. Especially if you're not in tune with your mental state (tend to push shit down or ignore how you feel). That shit will come to light and you'll probably have a bad trip.

Those points aside, they have the potential to change your life in a very positive way. I know that permanently rewiring your brain sounds terrifying, but i now feel like i'm the best version of me. I'm more compassionate than i've ever been, deal with stress better, and have very little background anxiety going on for the first time in my life.


It will leave your soul damaged

you are scum

If your family has a history of mental health problems don't do it

Did mushrooms a few years ago.

Was fun, would do again.


Doing LSD was very important to me. It honestly made me a better person. I was an angry aggressive person who used to hang out with all the black kids in school and we used to rob people. I was always ready to fight anyone for whatever reason. After I tripped all that changed..

That said, most of my friends who I dropped acid with all have anxiety, depression and drug abuse. Some of my friends did that shit waaaaaaaaaay to much and are pretty burnt out.

any of you take research chemicals? like 4 aco met and shit like that, can that be dangerous?

Bump for this. I know a guy who sells "liquid shrooms". Are they going to damage me?

no to everything.

i do DMT weekly. everyone should try it at least once in the life.

Ive had to settle with taking 25c over acid and ive come to like it not as good as real stuff tho but when taken responsibly ive found no side effects

I've had big stomachs issues nbome and sometimes methylone triggers crazy anxiety

do shrooms!

i think liquid shrooms are psilocybin which is not a research chem

Dmt weekly. Ya no. That shit isnt your weekly late show, you sure its a good idea to treat it as such?

>stoic (aka emotionally autistic) guy
>cant recall last time i cried
>lonely, life going nowhere
>new 'friend' says i look grim all the time, come camping with us
>2 girls, 2 guys head out to wilderness
>take ~4g of shrooms (eight + leftovers) and a tab of acid for first trip ever
>wander off from camp at night and spend hours just crying+laughing hysterically
>literally 4+ hours just sitting, wandering and crying/laughing loud + few more hours of come down
>work through tons of things mentally while wondering what is going on
>friends thought i died or something until i come back next day
I got off r9k, starting reading books, started getting Veeky Forums, etc after that. I could write so much about what it was like but I haven't touched the drugs again. I just don't know man.

tl;dr - psychedelics, not even once

never had a problem with it. been doing it for the past few years however i take minimal doses once per week. strong ones i do every 1-2 months.

like said, i had almost the same issues that were completely gone after using it. i can think more clearly now and feel more social/energetic. it's like my mind did a 180.

like i said, it's truly a life changing experience. you can't explain it, you need to experience it yourself.

>tl;dr - psychedelics, not even once
what i thought it made your life better

In your case it's
>psychedelics. Exactly once.

>>take ~4g of shrooms (eight + leftovers) and a tab of acid for first trip ever
dude took a strong/heavy dose of shrooms and acid on his FIRST trip lmao. fucking idiot

you have asshole friends. luckily you didn't get hurt

It's my fault, I tried to be a 'cool kid' and tell them I had done them all the time. I am lucky, which is why I said tl;dr.
They did change a lot. I'd just never go that far again.

I would probably avoid these unless you get them from a very legit provider. There is a tendency for people to buy shit that is different than advertised.

Not unless you're in a bad place mentally or predisposed to mental health problems. Even then the brain damage is more psychological than 'real' unless you heavily abuse them over a long period

am I the only one who does psychedelics and doesn't treat it like some religious ceremony

it's literally just flooding your brain with serotonin
like I've done plenty of psychedelics but It's never changed who I am

i regret doing 4 aco dmt and 4 aco met at 15 years old, am 19 now

i guess it was too much for a developing brain

this right here
it just feels good mang, people need to take it down a notch

Yeah but... it's more interesting when you let it matter. If you have a thought that changes your life, why not acknowledge it?

I just genuinely don't have them, I have giggle fits and patterns
any thoughts I have are generally retarded ones

Hmm, well, I was on 5g mushrooms by a lake and started to get the sensation that everything around me was part of some kind of god and that there is in fact something unifying and divine about the universe.

Something like 150ug of LSD would be a safe dose to experiment with. Sensory distortions will be pretty underwhelming but you'll probably reach some euphoria and a sense of symmetry.

The downturn may be bad but just remember it's only a matter of hours. In emergencies stuff like benzos, antipsychotics and mirtazapine can be used as trip stoppers. This is rather frowned upon but better than freaking out completely.

You might get a short "hangover" or afterglow if you're lucky. Anyway after a couple of days/weeks you'll have an idea if you want to try again.


but that's literally just the serotonin talking

Yeah, welcome to life, where all we have is our own perspective and no way of verifying anything as being objectively true or false.

Serotonin is just a medium. The message is different for everyone.

I had the best time ever doing Ket for the first time. I died and after that i realized im nothing yet everthing.

btw, im going to a BIG indoor festival this saturday(qlimax) and my friend can provide me Ket along side speed, md, 2cb and 4F.
Im considering ket but will i be too fucked? Is it fun to take at festival or will i just be unconcious

Yeah, tons of times. Though ime it's often:

>Do psychedelics for a fun time
>8 hours of introspection and self-analysis

>Do psychedelics to work through some issues/gain perspective on something
>Woooo, pretty colours

Just take 2cb, it's the best one.

serotonin is a neurotransmitter
it's not a divine messenger from a sentient universe

1cb, and do small, spaced out bumps of k. Low dose k is fine in more social settings, though bewarned, it has incredible synergy with psychedelics, which is a good thing but you're gonna want to take it slow if it's your first time combing a dissociative with a psychedelic.

That being said dissociatives+psychedelics are fucking god tier

Ok, why? keep in mind i want to dance nonstop and fuck around too.

And you're literally just a bunch of molecules
Does existence mean anything? Is perspective real?
Please don't say dumb shit like that again

2cb is a lot like molly, with a visual component. It's the ultimate rave/dancing drug. If you're gonna dance a lot then forget about my k suggestion, or just keep it for the end of the night to help you comedown and bit and slow things down.

Alternatively, if you plan on going hard or for a long time, I hear that doing 2cb while coming off of molly is incredible. Never done that myself though, not much of a dancer.

I've no time for 2mystic4u faggots

done it a lot. as much as eight tabs. so fun. only positives so far!

>le speculation from internet drug memers

You have to go back

i think youre oversimplifying this

I had the weirdest experience on shrooms a couple of months ago.

>In Thailand with friend
>Go for a mushroom shake, his first time
>I drink mine and half of his
>Go back to hostel
>He's off playing piano while I'm chilling in a hammock listening to music and reading about meditation
>Listen to David Foster Wallace "This is Water"-speech
>I'm cosy and all, but after a couple of hours I still haven't had any profound effect, barely any visuals.
>Head down to a bridge over a river with my friend to smoke a joint
>As I smoke, my vision starts getting blurry
>Curious sense of dread, but I'm not fighting it
>Static noise taking over my visual senses
>Friend and I was just starting to head back from the bridge
>Stumble after him, supporting myself on the rail, losing my balance completely
>Static noise is now all I see
>Feels like I'm flicking in and out of reality, occasionally passing over some sort of "edge" into the abyss
>Felt like dying, but not in a bad way
>Friend notices I'm fucked up and helps me walk down from the bridge to steady ground
>I can't fucking walk
>He asks me if I'm ok, obviously very worried
>I laugh like a maniac, tell I'm I'll be fine
>Stumble off, trying to figure out how to walk again
>Eventually remember how to use my legs
>Feeling really sober now, wonder what the fuck just happened
>Head back to the hostel, get chased by an aggressive small dog for 20 meters, fuck that

What happened, senpaitachi?

I'm on an LSD microdose at the moment and I workout twice, five days a week. Everything I have an am, I owe to psychedelics.

What psychedelics do at the most basic level is let you experience parts of your brain through your senses that are ordinarily filtered out. Our consciousness can only handle a limited amount of information at a single time. What exactly is filtered, is about 90% dictated by your culture, what you are taught, what you experience. When you are in a crowd and someone yells your name, it stands out, while if anyone else's name is yelled, it's white noise. You are not born with a name, you are born as a creature and your name is given to you, you are TAUGHT it's relevant so it will stand out.

What you really are, is a product of nature. You are the product of generations of your ancestors passing on qualities that helped them procreate. Only those exact qualities, is what you are now.

Our cultures don't conform to what we are as biological beings and we spend lifetimes suppressing the most vital elements of who and what we are at the core. Who and what you think you are as a person, is most likely not you, but what you have adapted yourself to be to fit into this society.

Psychedelics bring out everything in you that is you. They are not toxic (well, commonly used classic psychedelics aren't, research chems/NBOMes/etc are seriously harmful) the only damage they can do is if you fight against the experience. Because if you do, you are fighting against your brain, what you are, you are fighting against processes that you are at the mercy of 24/7. That is what a bad trip is.


If you accept your experiences as insights into your being, learning how to hone yourself like every living ancestor has had to hone themselves to the absolute limit of their abilities, your testosterone will reach levels you can never even have imagined. Also, you won't care because all you will measure yourself by, is how close to your nature you really are.

When you hone your absolute QUALITIES, everything in life will go a million times easier, and better. That is all that psychedelics do.


Also, ask me anything about psychedelics, I'm an evolutionary neuroscientist.