Why should a group of people feel guilty for being superior over other groups?

Why should a group of people feel guilty for being superior over other groups?

Honestly if you're feeling guilty or proud or whatever based on social groups instead of solely based on your own achievements you're a pleb.

What do you mean by superior? Is this guy superior?


Why should a group of people feel superior over other groups?

If they are stronger or smarter

Then sure, they are allowed to feel superior for those things. Different groups all have their various advantages over each other.

That depends what you mean by "superior"

Because we're all in the same boat and infighting among us will only stifle our progress in the long run. If we want our civilization to last for 1000s of years the end goal is one government body for all of earth. Be it through pluralism or educating people into a collectivist morality it will have to happen.

pretty much this

why we don't have aristocracies anymore

>claim superior groups should dominant inferior ones
>get dominated by another group
>get mad

Declaring oneself superior is kinda jinxing it especially if you aren't individually in a secure position. Then there's the whole "treat onto others" thing no one wants to be looked down upon (at least not before they can personally prove otherwise) so you don't look down on others.

You're right OP, it was wrong of me to ever feel guilt regarding your inferiority.

Monarchies get a bad rap, at least when you're following a person his flaws are more obvious, as opposed to following a fucking ideology or nation which leads to fanatical dumb shit.

Democracies have more bad but it also has more good. In this advanced and complex world one fucker won't be able to handle any country worth its salt

>why we don't have aristocrats anymore

In what world? Very few countries can claim to not have the modern version of aristocrats.

Individualists out

That's not even individualism.

Not recognizing that you're a part of the collective, that you literally are your ancestors, and only counting the self, is individualism.

>that you literally are your ancestors
How so?

What are genes? You can't separate the creation from the creator.

You don't have to. But you're responsible for what you do to others.

This. If you're smarter or wealthier than your peers you should feel proud, but comparing yourself to people on the other side of the world who had extremely different upbringings is just retarded.

Okay, but how the hell does one act as a collective with a bunch of dead people?

Their source code is in your firmware.

Literally didn't answer my question at all.

Because it benefits third parties/enemies.

Then you're probably an idiot. Thank your dumb ancestors for breeding.

What the crap is that business going on in the paintings left-side??

Hope you are not implying that some "groups" are better than others user. Because this is a multicultural world and is beautiful.

Are you feeling guilty.

Or hiding from things you don't want to reveal?

Nope. Like this.

>savage pagans performing human sacrifice get thoroughly btfo
Am I supposed to give a shit?

Not now, fortunately, they were enriched with superior culture and religion.

>”These people had no letters nor script, neither knew to write nor read. They communicated with images and paintings and all their history and books were recorded in figures and images, with which they knew about their ancestors and had memory of what they did and what they left recorded for more than a thousand years before the Spanish arrived to this land.”

>”Most of these books and recordings were burnt as other idolatries”, but many of them are still hidden. ”After we came to this land to preach our fate we gathered many young men in our homes and taught them to write, read and sing. As they did well we ensured to teach them grammar and a school in Santiago de Tlatelolco was built for this purpose. This school received the most able young men from all the neighboring towns. ”

>”The Spanish and clergymen who knew about this laughed and mocked, being sure that no one could teach grammar to people so unskillful, but working with them for two or three years they came to understand every art and subject of grammar and speak Latin, both written and spoken and even to write heroic verses. ”

>”As the secular and ecclesiastic clergymen saw this they became frightened of such thing being possible: I was the one who worked with them for the first four years and taught them about Latin and its knowledge. ”
>”As they saw that this project would continue and that they were improving, and they had ability for more, the clerics started to disapprove the school and object about the risks of idolatry this implied. ”
- Florentine Codex by Friar Bernardino de Sahagun, Tenth Book, Inform of the author

The Spanish missionary Juan de Torquemada reported that they also corrected friars for citing wrong biblical verses in latin. 5 years after Sahagun's death the College of Tlatelolco was closed permanently.

Tribalism is a primal sentiment felt by those without anything to show for their own achievement. When you don't have anything, you cling to other's achievement as your own. That other could be either someone that has similar skin color, name, hair color, height, birthday, country of origin, language they speak, car they drive, glasses they wear, browser they use, food they eat, houses they live in, work they do, entertainment they enjoy, clothes they wear, hours they sleep, etc.

But people must remember, they are not the clothes, the names, the skin color, the country they live in, etc. Those things are arbitrary and only limit your own potential for growth. When you attach yourself to one sub-group, you exclude other sub group's achievement. If you wanted any achievement, the rational thing would be to get the MOST out of achievement. Instead of limiting the factor to only a tiny sub group, make it the biggest group.

Ideally however, rational beings would be free of these petty emotions. Stoics and Buddhist prescribe the right and proper cure to this problem. Either as emotional detachment or examination then detachment.

Why should they not?

Such a rich and superior culture

>Their documents also make frequent mention of deodorants, breath fresheners and dentifrices. (Spaniards of the time cleaned their teeth with urine.) As well as bathing in lakes and rivers, the Aztecs cleaned themselves – often daily – in low sauna-like hot-houses. An external fire heated one of the walls to red-hot, and the bather threw water on the baking wall, creating steam. As in a traditional Russian steam bath, the bathers could speed up perspiration by thrashing themselves with twigs and grasses. Almost every building had such a bath-house or temazcalli, used for medical treatments and ritual purifications as well as ordinary grooming.

>Into this hygienically enlightened place thundered the Spaniards. The 16th century was one of the dirtiest periods in European history, and on top of that, the Spaniards had their own unique distrust of cleanliness. Europe in general had gone from a culture where people enjoyed a regular trip to the town or neighbourhood bath-house to a culture that shunned water as dangerous.

>The catalyst was the Black Death of 1347, a plague that would ultimately kill at least one out of every three Europeans. When Philippe VI of France asked the medical faculty of the University of Paris to pronounce on this terrifying occurrence in 1348, they wrote that hot baths, which created openings in the skin, allowed disease to enter the body. Bath-houses all over Europe were closed and for four or five hundred years people avoided water as much as possible. For those who wanted to think of themselves as clean, a fresh linen shirt for a man and a fresh chemise for a woman was considered safer and even more effective than water. Louis XIV of France only bathed twice in a long, athletic life but he was regarded as unusually ‘clean’ because he changed his linen shirt twice a day.

>they were raging retards practicing the most vile religion in history of man but they had big cities so it's okay

that's just obsession and insecurity. no socially functioning non virgin alpha male thinks like you. not even people in the past. link me to a historical scripture that says men in the past think like you.

Cute, OP thinks he's part of that superior group. I can just imagine him changing his tune when the realization sets in that he is just another filthy commoner with no real special talents to speak of, an individual who will die in obscurity believing himself great.

Dont forget for the most part Louis and his entourage just shat anywhere when the need occured and left it there all around the palace.
Imagine the smell.

Quillay is still used in hair products, same as most of the stuff they used back then, cosmetics and hygiene products got exponentially more advanced after the discovery of america.

They were noseblind to it most likely. Once you've been exposed to smells constantly, you tend to ignore them.

Possibly but imagine walking in with your own nose of today and get hit by old rancid shit and piss and sweat in one of the most glorious palaces every build "wow this looks......GOD DAMNIt LOUIS SHAT THE ENTRANCE AGAIN!"

Yeah, no. Jews are super tribal. Are you saying all of those negative qualities belong to our greatest ally? I say to you, NO SIR.

Tribalism as you describe it is pride. Pride in one's family, in one's progeny. It's pride in your collective abilities, pride in your ability to cooperate, and thrive. Where others fell to the wayside and faded into obscurity, your tribe prospered. Your tribe weathered the droughts, and the famines, and the plagues. Your tribe survived.

Someone has been brainwashed by liberal education.


Also if you take a good look at history so many different races had impressive empires at different points in time that it makes your races current "success" redundant.

Also homo sapiens are more similar than the majority of people would have you believe and when a group make it rich through for example their location+current technology (sail, wagons, train, planes, oil tech ect) they can afford education and infrastructure which they can show off as examples of how superior they are

Best example I can think of right now is Saudi Arabia or any oil state. They control an oil rich region at the same time as oil being the means of everything. Are they superior in their intellect, creativity or genius? Not really. A lot of luck and hard work


>non virgin alpha male
Yes user I'm sure you're one of those

aristocrats claim superiority through bloodline
elites these days claim it through money

>people worked hard to breed a bunch of neckbearded virgins on Veeky Forums

superior genes amirite?

You shouldn't feel superior, but by the same token you also shouldn't feel guilty for being white.

Projection amirite

Oh my god why can't /pol/ FUCK OFF ALREADY

YOU MAKE THE MOST BORING FUCKING THREADS. How can you be so fucking uninteresting holy shit

>Don't answer question
>Call them stupid for asking
Now should you feel guilty or proud for acing superior?

I'd buy that claim if you were there during their lifetime. But they're long gone. Any guilt/pride based on group ancestral achievements is painfully insecure and muh warrior gene tier

Why does anyone try to make other people feel guilty for their own history?

Thank you

To manipulate them into killing themselves overtime because its impossible for jews to militarily conquer white nations. Guilting whitey is the only way to get rid of whitey without fighting whitey.

>Because this is a multicultural world
I traveled, almost every country on earth has a dominant ethnic majority and barely any "diversity".

Just because you're being such a primadonna about, /pol/ won't fuck off. Enjoy your stay.

no u

s- sauce?

>Hey boss? Not sure if you noticed, but we are surrounded.

Unrelated but I could never figure out the name of the position he has that girl in. What's it called? Anyone know?

Except Amerindians are superior to spanimoors.

Societies that had barely invented the wheel make our current advanced technology redundant.


actual brainlet

Why are you describing Europeans?

>barely inventing
Amerindians invented the wheel. And it was still useless without burden beasts.

Try again.

but it's not like this anymore

>why we don't have aristocracies anymore
Keep telling yourself that.

Well I have nothing to add.

>elites these days claim it through money
Which is passed down through your bloodline

Nothing he said had anything to do with individualism...

so, you're a fat virgin neckbeard and need to take credit for the accomplishments of other people superficially related to you to validate yourself over other people who weren't as lucky as you?

This is why I welcome all of africa.
We whites simply can't satisfy our women when all they want is a BBC.

Hate to break it to you user but they're still here.

Does it matter if its through blood or currency. They still act the same.

Is this from the actual show?

yeah but money isn't as stable as bloodlines

Doesn't matter how much of an inbreed worthless retard you are you can still say "muh blood," but if said retard loses all his money in bitcoin that's it.

Jordan Peterson says it well

This faggot has no accomplishments himself, he should look in the mirror. Literally just a self helf retard for neckbeards.

>ethnic majorities exist in certain areas of the world, therefore there is no diversity

Holy fucking shit, this is too good.

Like this too?

>I traveled, almost every country on earth has a dominant ethnic majority and barely any "diversity".
The fact that you used "ethnic majority" sort of btfo your own argument.

Majority will always imply a minority.

Standing full nelson or standing full anal nelson. It can be done laying down as well.

Ah yes, the black ottomans.

He's never read Why Nations Fail. Lol.

What was vile about it?

Because it's wrong to brutalize and enslave those who have done nothing wrong to you. All those people who act as apologists for imperialism and the Crusades on here and /pol/ turn around and cry about how mean Islamic pirates and the Ottoman Empire were for doing the exact same thing to their ancestors. It's wrong across and board, and no one should be exempted.

/pol/tards BTFO

>Be me Vietnamese farmer
>Know generally about France, Japan and China
>Hear tell of a great bastion of freedom in the East, with gold mountains.
>One day, go to my local watering hole and hear "rock n'roll", think to myself, "wow, I'd love to go to America one day, it must be swell".
>Tell beloved family all about it.
>Farm burnt to a crisp
>extended family murdered for being "well-disciplined VC"
>Whites and Blacks seems to endlessly pour in and torture us.
>What the fuck did we ever do to them? Are they fucking Martians?
>More Napalm.
>More Napalm.
>More Napalm.

Well, at least he got to hear rock n'roll, amirite?

>hurr durr one person cant run government!! there's too much to do!!
t. Constantine

based Tariq ibn Ziyad

Except only white people can feel guilty about it allowing nonwhites to fuck them in the ass. Fuck the shitskin subhumans.

Turks and the Japanese are also constantly reminded of their errors, are you mad? What happened? You went out and got burn after 5 minutes under the Sun?

>get reminded of it
>this somehow means you care because someone tells you about it
What a useful retard you are.

There would e no reason to feel guilt over "being superior," by whatever metric. There might well be reasons to feel guilty for what is done with that superiority.

back when everything was agricultural it might have been the case but nowadays no.

There's a reason the most successful monarchy that isn't a castrated constitutional monarchy is Saudi Arabia


>Guns, Germs, and steel amirite fellas?