Can i trade weighted squats for bodyweight exercises? If so which ones?

Can i trade weighted squats for bodyweight exercises? If so which ones?

My legs got big doing high rep bw squats and lunges

Post pic of legs

It depends what you want really. If it's muscle sorry senpai.

Still have alot of fat to lose


Id do like 600 bw squats or 2-count lunges as a form of endurance and cardio. They make me sweat alot because im still fat and I leave puddles of sweat on the floor.

I do not train with weights. But I did just buy a pair of adjustable dumbbells that go all the way up to 200 pounds each

Im not going for the tumor legs look either

100 pounds*

pistol squats are like the hardest bw squats; they are fucking easy. you need weights to train legs

full shrimps are harder, but I agree 100% with this statement

I've been training BW but I need to start squatting for legs, there's literally nothing i can do to increase it. can't really weight bodyweight squats either because it throws you off balance

who is that chick?

the only bodyweight exercise that is a good substitue for the barbell squat is the one where you rather than put 45 lbs plates on the bar you impale 45 lbs children on either side of the bar, up to your working weight, thus squatting their body weights.

shrimp squats, especially elevated are prodigiously more difficult than pistol
or you could just front squat a friend

Mike Tyson Squat Workout

Tyson did this body squat routine while in prison; it doesn’t sound too hard but it’s a real killer:

Line up ten cards facedown in a straight line on the ground with 4? in-between each card.

Begin by standing over the first card, squat down and pick up the first card.

Holding the first card, take a step forward to the second card. Squat down and place the card you just picked up on top of the second card. At this point, you’ll have no cards in your hand, and 2 cards will be one on top of the other on the ground below you.

Squat once and pick up the first card.

Squat once and pick up the second card.

Take a step forward to the third card, squat down, and place one of the two cards in your hand on top of the card on the ground. Now squat down and place the other card on top of the cards on the ground.

Squat one time each to pick up the three cards one by one.

Take a step forward to the fourth card, and repeat this process until you’ve made it through all ten cards.

>in a straight line on the ground with 4? in-between each card.

that's (4 inches) inbetween each card.

Mike Tyson is a faget dude. my uncle trained in bocing gyms in brooklyn from late 70's to early 90's n said he sparred him. uncle was 5'9 n 170 n he knocked his ass OUT. mike tyson an ovverated faggot bro.

so edgy... razor sharp... thank you for your insight you must be a legendary master of boxing yourself. Or should we cut through the chase and I just say... stfu and go back to reddick.

>Your uncle is a faget dude. my uncle trained in bocing gyms in brooklyn from late 70's to early 90's n said he sparred him. uncle was 5'9 n 170 n he knocked his ass OUT. Your uncle an ovverated faggot bro.

Shit didn't know about shrimp squats, thanks guys.

my third cousin twice removed went bare knuckle with Holyfield and laid him out, so I believe you 100%

Man it would be more efficient just to do a bunch of squats and skip the card shit. At my wrestling practice we do 300 squats as a warmup exercise; what you have for Tyson's isn't even 100

I've been doing jump squats

where I squat down, then jump out of it onto a box that's about a foot off the ground.

how am I doing?

It's just something to keep your brain busy as well.. bodysquats are boring as fuck when you get high numbers.

>TFW no at latina fish eating taco smelling cow dung licking trail walking finger sucking car driving pool swimming trump hating carb loving gf

How the fuck are shrimp squats harder than pistols? Half the ROM, same weight. I do them after my normal sets of squats all the time, and I'm trying to work my way up to pistols, still not there yet. Sounds like you guys cheat the fuck out of your form on pistols.

I've been holding heavy dumbbells and doing lunges. No spine compression, works your forearms/traps, and for me it doesn't hurt my knees

You can do whatever you want. If your goal is to make no gainz then you should go for it

If I wanted no gainz I'd follow your programme