So I have to go to basic training in a few months and my running is fucking shit

So I have to go to basic training in a few months and my running is fucking shit

Currently at 12 minutes for 1.5 miles

Can anyone recommend a good intense program?

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it's not a meme, adjust it and just do it

Thanks I'll start today

You don't have to swim if you don't want or can't, you can row instead.

I have taken to bothering dangerous animals.

Should I bother if my job choice involves literally no swimming?

Depends on the country, and position tho. In norway you have to swim 200m in


With full gear on?

I think because I can swim 200m in 3minuts

Nigga, 12mins for 1.5 would get you on fat watch in my regiment. 8 seconds within the 8th minute and youre likeable. 7in the 7 and youre got tier professional. "2RGJ"

No one gets 7 minutes 1.5 miles

12 minute 1.5 is within the required time, though.

""""required time"""""

Everyone knows you need to be getting at least under 10 minutes unofficially

Not really. Obviously the faster the better, but you don't get kicked out for being within limits.

when ya gettin deployed?

I'm not in yet

Do you even into british military elite tier troopers?


Did you even read faggot?
He said he's going to basic training in a few months.
He literally posted 3 lines and your reading comprehension is that shit.

THE most deployed unit to date.

its not the worst mile ever, don't be so harsh

Uh oh para fag is upset.

They don't even exist anymore

1.5 mile

Bootnecks > Paras >>>>>>>>>>>>RLC> """""rifles""""

Amalgamation is a bitch. Cant argue the facts. More deps that most fags, highest % pass rate for sf units. Not moronic like paras "take body armour out, save weight, get shot, milk system" fucking redheads dieing because of stupid shit in sangin

Marines thinking they do anything but stand about for a few months and go home. Enjoy the shortest deployments to day 6monthers!!

first in first out

Don't need to hear this from cannon fodder