Cardio vs Lifting for fat loss

I've been at the gym since February this year and have 25 more pounds I need to cut before I can properly bulk. I've been lifting the entire time with a 15 minute cardio warmup to start

Should I switch things up and do 30-45 minutes of cardio 5 or 6 days a week instead of lifting the same amount of days like I have been? If I lose a little bit of muscle mass that is okay, I'm just sick of having a belly

Already know how important diet is so no need to mention that

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nigga just do both and shut up

Do both OP.

Just do both. If you're losing weight you can't gain muscle besides noob gains, honestly focus more on cardio than lifting at this point even. Losing the body fat is the most important thing until you can bulk.

t. Someone who wasted a lot of time in your same predicament


>t. Someone who wasted a lot of time in your same predicament

Iktf, I've been at the same bf%for 4 months now

>>everyone else

>Do both

45 minutes of cardio and then lift? That would be pretty hard unless I'm just jogging or something

Lift and do cardio, if you don't lift you'll just become a skinnyfat dyel after your cut.

Do more cardio on your rest days

Think about your negatives as a positive.

Pretty much the only time you can lose weight and gain muscle at the same time without steroids is when you have excessive body fat.

You can do both and reap the benefits of both.

don't do cardio only or you'll end up looking like me

t. ex 290lbs fatty

dem titties

I look like this but worse mantits /gyno after cutting from 295lb to 185lb. My forearms and calfs are half decent, if i could gain an inch on them id look beast in those areas but i could do with cutting another 30lb before i lift imo.

I still seem to have 20lb left on my stomach/chest/thighs and maybe 10lb on my biceps and calfs.

Thinking maybe i should eat 100g protein a day and start shit like high volume bench, ohp, pushups situps once i hit 175lb as i cut to maybe 160 lowest.

How much for a titty fuck, big boy?

>high volume

High reps i mean, as i cut to 160 and increase the protons.

Then if i can hit 160 up to 150g protons a day and go high weigh low rep high repeat lifting as i bulk

Bout three fiddy

post pic

As someone who recently got both left elbow and left wrist tendonitis and had to stop lifting for a few weeks and still cutting (without losing muscle mass yet), it really doesn't matter; it's easier eating less than doing more cardio.

>If you're losing weight you can't gain muscle

Yeah for real. Reddit has better info than this shit hole. This is coming from someone who's been a channer since 2007 (aka a loser)

>...besides noob gains
if you're going to be autistic then at least quote the whole fucking sentence dumbfuck



Cardio isn't about burning calories

Here is what I did/do:
Wake up an hour early and walk 45 minutes in the morning. Go to gym in the evening, Lift heavy. 20 minutes of incline treadmill walking.

Next day in the evening (or morning to change it up) HIIT cardio. Jump Rope for 20 seconds/Walk for 20 seconds. I do this 12-14 times. Then I walk for 20 minutes immediately after that.

Walk/Gym/Walk - Monday, Wednesdays & Fridays.

HIIT Cardio on Tuesdays/Thursdays.

I suggest Keto Diet to start for at least the first 3 months.

Watch your fat just melt away.

You are on Keto right.

Post pics pls

You don't need to exercise to lose weight, you only need to consume calories at a defecit.

Not OP but curious if Keto is a meme

It werks. I went from 6 ft 250 to 200 in 3 months on Keto.

Just join an MMA gym, do cardio fitness training, Muay Thai and most importantly Jiu Jitsu. Then you'll start getting gains and usefulness and thinning. Bike places more in the summer ore/e too,".
You Veeky Forums guys seem to do too much conventional gym training and not enough sports/ dancing/ etc.

What are your macros/deficit?

He is obviously doing stuff wrong if he's still fat. Not intensive enough inner or outer-gym activity, and not Interval training.
High Intensity Interval Training is the key to true fitness, it tricks your body into leaning out for optimum performance. Otherwise you'll get used to what you do and end up slacking or eating too much. If you can pace yourself through your whole exercise routine, it's not good enough. You need to gas out multi-times and feel like puking if you're not fit already.

>first 3 months

How do you move away from a keto diet and reintroduce carbs without regaining the weight?

Thanks mang needed to read this today, got 20kg fat to lose (lost 35 so far), getting drained but i have renewed desire to keep going

I've been doing weights only 6 months. Gone from 264lb to 231lb, still lots of work to do but I reckon I've lost even more fat, it's just been replaced by muscle. I wanna get down to around 180lb-190lb but I'm just taking it slow to try and avoid loose skin.

I would add some cardio but I don't like walking and I don't want to do running or HIIT and fuck my knees at this weight, maybe once i've lost more fat I will start that.

3 sets of cardio a day for 10 minutes a piece

Spread it out however you want

Do both but do more cardio.

I work out 5-6 days a week, I do lifting for about an hour a day (I have the time at work to do that though) then after work I go to the gym and do cardio for another hour or so. Combined with a good diet that took me at 5'8" manlet from average of around 160 to around 148. Still a fatty though. Another 8-15 would do it.

Tfw wanna play DDR for cardio but no arcades around me with it.

Just jogging is cardio....

Not him but I've been on Keeto since mid June and have lost 65 pounds. I've been eating less than 20 carbs a day for the most part but have recently started going up in carbs to about 30 a day now. I would think just going up slowly would help your body adjust.

If you're thinking "how tf you lose 65 pounds in a few months" I've been eating very little in general. I've had maybe 4 weeks of eating a regular and balanced diet but only when the scale isn't moving much.

How do veggies work when it comes to keto? I'm getting around 60g of carbs just from veggies (200g broc, 200g cauli, 200g sweet potato, 200g brussels sprouts) but I wouldn't want to cut veg from my diet as I use it to fill myself up.

I usually make lots of soup. I'll use a can of broth with a half can of water and a couple pieces of bacon and some random ass veggie like zucchini or bell pepper or asparagus with onion. I'm really not eating much and haven't been for a long time. Sweet Potato isn't a veggie either, it's a starch and that's where most of you carbs are coming from, next would be brussel sprouts. I usually eat cucumber as a snack and celery with a mini babybel cheese. Maybe an fried egg and some bacon. Most of my meals have chicken in them since it's so easy to cook.

I would recommend water to fill yourself up instead. You should drink like 4 bottles a day anyway and I usually do that with a couple cups of hot tea.

not 100% related to what OP asked but if i want a perfect bottom body, i assume doing lifting and cardio is the way to go right?


literally kill yourself

Do low-impact stuff like biking or swimming.

Get on the elliptical if you want low impact. I do 4miles (about 45min for me) per workout on that and spend about 30mins doing lifting or whatever I feel like. On the elliptical change direction every 5mins and watch that time fly by like nothing.

I've gone from 380 to 250 since January 4th this year, but I've only been going to the gym since 297. The first 80lbs I walked around outside for 40mins a day and that was it.

congrats keep it up

cardio kills gains.

Nothing is going to change unless you fix your diet. Count your calories and then eat 500 less. Lift and then do some cardio after.

It's not fucking rocket science. Diets fail because you eventually have to come off them. Instead of drinking coke, drink a fucking coffee or diet vitamin water or some shit. Just substitute small things. If you just cold turkey that shit and make drastic changes, chances are you will fail. It's not rocket science. If you're big, just eat less.

I love fatties who pretend they have big biceps, but then have some 10 inch forearms

Cardio every day if you can and lifting what you can in a sensible way every other day.

Oh, and nutrition.

Outstanding progress.
What's your goal?

Lost 40 lbs over a summer from playing DDR, shits fuckin legit.

Download Stepmania, you can get songpacks of pretty much any mix you want, and a USB softpad.

I was thinking of getting a metal pad. Does the soft pad move around a lot? I used to play DDR a lot in an arcade but tried getting a soft pad for home and it was just really unresponsive.

Not him, but I have a softpad and it moves quite a bit. It's a cheap one I got for the equivalent of 8 dollars though, better ones could be different.

At least for me, going cold turkey on sweets really helps reduce the urges. Whenever I start eating too many sweets (to the point where I have to maybe skip a dinner to keep the calorie limit), I go a week without any sweets, and it's suddenly a lot easier not to eat them.

keto uses net carbs (total minus fiber)