Just been told to stop working out by my mom

Just been told to stop working out by my mom

Is it possible to work out too much?

What did she mean by this?

She wants you.

who is that semen demon????

keksimus maximus likewise
Overtraining is something you need to be aware of but if you stick to plan that works then you are good

>brown eyes

That image of hotline bling drake going naw maybe with costanza shopped in instead.jpg

I wanna taste her mouth

Shes OK looking but who the fuck spells Rebecca with two B's?

stop it then.. its you mum bro

>two b's and one c

She probably doesn't know much and is assuming lifting is going to make you look like a dude. She's worried about you being attractive. That's bullshit though so keep lifting and you'll probably end up looking better.

Or if this is bait then L O N D O N.

Women are like that. They don't want you to do healthy things like that because

A nigger.

>Is it possible to work out too much?
not if you're natty

jokes on her i already have body dysmorphia

>your mom is jealous that you are more attractive than your dad

>tfw mom wants your dick

>brown eyes

I think you need to get your eyes checked, bro.

she don't wanna see her boi grow up and not need her anymore

mom loves you, but you need to do what's best for yourself

you sure played that witch, user

She jelly because your dad be mirin.

>Ever listening to your mother about anything fitness related

It's like you want to be a middle-aged cuck with bitchtits. Ya know, like your dad

Women by nature are gains goblins
Even your own mother. You cannot falter, lest you stay some skinny-fat twink forever

Why does that face look so fucking familiar?

Whats your faggot word for that shade of brown exactly?

If you average more than nine hours of exercise/training every week you may be working out too much, or if you're just pushing yourself unreasonably hard and sustaining injuries and fatigue that isn't going away. Otherwise, your mom is weird.

You say this, but I have body dysmorphia and am strongly considering using steroids

>amatuer boxer in contention for state title
>train 42 hours a week

as long as you get enough nutrients and water and you sleep at night, no, you can't really work out too much
>what did she mean by this
could be she thinks you'll look manly (assuming that's you), could be she doesn't like how you "don't look like her own child any more", could be your bone structure (those cheekbones are kind of prominent but it's nothing to worry about), could be the classic Jewish/Italian mother that wants you to "eat! eat! you're so thin!"