Over 10k greeks hired as merceneries to fight in a persian civil war

>over 10k greeks hired as merceneries to fight in a persian civil war
>demolish all enemies in battle, but the pretender king that contracted the died with the persian portion of the pretender army
>a greek army stuck in the middle of enemy territory has to march its way back home in a quest full of betrayals, twists and heroic deeds
>absolutely no movie or game about it

Hows that unique or interesting


Sounds very cool to me honestly

Would like to see it very realistic not any 300 bs


If you want one so bad make it yourself.

You could say the same about British or American history


>absolutely no movie or game about it
This has also really bothered me ever since I read Xenophon's book on it. One would have thought that some semi-clever person would have taking it to some executives at the height of the popularity of 300, Spartacus or even Game of Thrones.
It would definitely have worked as either a historic GoT or an over the top cheesy violence- and sexploitation show.

excuse me, you mean Meds right?

So the Czech Legion?

literally this

the warriors was 100% based on that story


It gave king Philip II of Macedon the idea and confidence that Persian Empire can easy be defeated and conquered by a smaller well trained army


Fucking loved that movie. Never got to play the game though.

>"foreign army does army things in a realm consumed by internal conflicts" episde 2415531

how do I upvote this post? we need more of this!

>Hows that unique or interesting

In a time when most people didn't travel more than 3 miles from the place of their birth, you don't think this could be construed as something either unique or interesting? It's basically Tropic Thunder with Hoplites.

that is entirely my point, this topic is almost begging to become a movie, specially these days where everything out there is just rebooted garbage anyway

>In a time when most people didn't travel more than 3 miles from the place of their birth

you mean the entire peirod between agricultural revolution and 20th century?

>what are pre-agriculture nomadic civilizations

>nomadic civilizations



The problem with this particular scenario is that the average viewer doesn't know anything about ancient Persia or Greece from that period. Rebooting the same garbage can't fail because Joe the pleb will always pick a movie with magic shit or something about someone recognizable like Alexander or Ceasar over a movie about historical events he doesn't care about.

you gotta be fucking with me



America associates itself with Winning, they lost in the ancient world. Monarchical societies are better.

Films are tools for society to project themselves onto, it is our nature to empathize with our environment, Americans can't project themselves as insane tyrannical losers.


Andre Norton used it in her book Star Guard.

Absolutely perfect.

Hollywood generally doesn't care about gentile history.

high quality post

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