Why did neither Napoleon or Hitler attenpt an amphibious invasion of Great Britain...

Why did neither Napoleon or Hitler attenpt an amphibious invasion of Great Britain? They waste millions of soldiers trying to invade Russia when England is right there. You can literally see England from France. It's called the white cliffs of Dover. That's where the name Albion comes from. White in Latin is albus. Was the English coastline fortified as fuck?

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>Was the English coastline fortified as fuck?

It wasn't never England's land army that posed a problem

England's coastline actually has been 'fortified as fuck' for centuries.

We're naturally superior.

>knows about Dover
>asks if the English coast was fortified


Napoleon wanted to attempt an invasion of Britain with his Army of England but he never had the opportunity to do so. Realistically, there was no way he'd be able to bypass the Royal Navy's blockades.


None of them had a sufficient fleet to perform à naval invasion

Didn't Napoleon have a plan to dig under the fucking channel if I remember correctly?

In both cases the Home Fleet of the royal navy had massive advantage, and in the latter case Hitler failed to counterbalance British naval superiority with German air superiority,

There was a French invasion at the Battle of Fishguard. It was embarrassing as you'd expect.

Yes, one of the ideas was to dig under the Channel and make a tunnel. Another one of the ideas presented was to have the army invade England on fucking balloons.

Why didnt napoleon just fly in with hot air balloons?

ur naturally delicious m8

>French military ingenuity

Its literally the definition of ingenuity though. Too bad they didn't went with it.

>Why didnt napoleon just fly in with hot air balloons?
Are you aware that howitzer and mortar exist?

Making a tunnel wouldn't work because it's extremely easy to just block the end of it that comes out in England. Flying in balloons wouldn't work because they can't carry many men and are easily spotted.

>it's extremely easy to just block the end

How ? What if the tunnel is really secret and the army advances as the tunnel is being built?

Imagine some fishermen tending to their business on the side of the Dover, and suddenly they see sand being sucked off in the sea, and immediatly a dozen of frenchmen rush out.

You would have to find a way of ventilating the entire tunnel though, the air would be full of dust from the mining and the soldiers would be breathing up all the oxygen that was left abd choking on the dust

It was the loss of Trafalgar that signed the end of Napoleon's project of Invasion.
He was training an army for this purpose before the third coalition (back then. British naval supremacy wasn't this obvious).
One can only speculate how well such an invasion swould have fared. British army was shit but you don't need a lot to make a naval invasion fail.
Supporting enough troops for parity with the British would have been a daunting task.

After the embarrassment of Fishguard he probably wanted to forget the whole thing ever happened

>Flying in balloons wouldn't work because they can't carry many men and are easily spotted.

A massive balloon invasion would've worked

Napoleon wanted to invade Britain using balloons

The armada would do it if it wasn't for spanish stupidity to appoint a commander that didn't know anything about maritime warfare when the original commander died.

It's an island surrounded by treacherous seas and was defended by the best navy in the world. The one place with calm waters in the south is naturally defended by massive cliffs.
Even if you manage to put an army in the south and maintain supplies across the channel, they brits can just keep backing into the interior, farther north where it gets colder and the terrain rougher, all the way to Scapa Flow where there navy is...
The navy's just gonna keep harassing you for control of the channel, and when they get it back, any army you have there is suddenly trapped. They're also in a much better position to control the air over and around the island as opposed to someone coming from the European continent..
No one would dare try to invade, even blockade britain in a modern war with these parameters.
Hitler and Napoleon both knew that...

Napoleon dedicated enormous resources, the better part of his career and even sold the Louisiana territory (good land, 4 times larger than France) hoping to invade England.
He was consistently counselled against it, his generals knew that the French army might withstand the sands of Africa or the endless tundras of Russia but could not reasonable hope to hold a single dover farm house with 20 miles of water between England and France - the Royal Navy's dominance was so absolute.

nice gif
is there other gif like this for other countries ?