Do the Cree really qualify as a civilization?

Do the Cree really qualify as a civilization?

no, but we don't want to offend them

>be me
>playing as poundmaker
>get message from teddy roosevelt
>"we would like to trade twenty blankets"
s-should I accept?

Why do some of them like Roosevelt and Mvemba look more or less realistic and then some others look like ridiculous caricatures

IMO they don't, not even close

But if they put it as one, put the Incas and a ton of other historic nations there too

>there will never be a boer civ


Eh kind of I guess, I mean the Celts are there so the Cree probably qualify too. Certainly they WOULD have become civilized, had they gotten the opportunity.
>non-civilizations on your list

Two white, two yellow. Strange they left teh Zulu out, they've been in every version of this game so far.

I don't understand why they didn't go with the Cherokees, Creek, or Choctaw. At least they were descended from the Mississippian mound builders and successfully integrated Western technologies.

Or you know, the Sioux, Iriquois, or Shoshone who all have been in Civ before

Norway and Mongols are civilizations by any reasonable definition.

Or just have the Mound Builders themselves.

Today, sure, but in the time depicted by their leaders? I mean the surviving Cree are "civilized by any reasonable definition" too.

Would Sequoyah be a good leader for a Mound Builder civ or is that going into WE WUZ territory?

Honest answer? Because they were all meant to look cartoony but it had some backlash so the cartooniest of them were changed so now there's a wierd mushmash. All honesty, Philip II looks amazing in his cartoony style.

Norway had cities, culture, religion, and armies, at least when Harald Hardrada was around. Not sure about the Mongols, but I think they had a city.

Eh he'd be fine but really you'd want a mythical figure, like how they have Gilgamesh for Sumer.

It was more like a really big elaborate campground with a circus-sized tent for the khan and main meetings

>culture, religion, and armies
Really? Oslo was a small town, Harold himself didn't even live in a city, and his people were overwhelmingly rural and rurally-focused. I mean in civ terms they count, but this is a series that has had the Zulus as a "civilization" since the very first version so I'm not going to complain about Norway, but they'd be VERY far down on any list of civilizations I drew up, probably only a few spots above teh Cree and Iroquois.

It is "the Mongols" not Mongolia. The Mongols and the state's they made were definitely civs.

Then they should have picked Kublai, and not Ghengis.

They picked Catherine for France and Saladin with a Islamic golden age styled bonus, they don't care what makes sense.

They picked Ghengis because in terms of when people think of the Mongols, Genghis will always be the guy.

Thaeir portraits give me that "when the look at your pens" look

>Amanitore's sheer disgust

Pretty sure that's exactly what the person was going for with those screenshots

Weren't the Cree part of the 5 civilized nations?

They were a First Nation


This is the 6th game in the series, they've had Kublai before.
Catherine is fine, yes she was born in Italy but she's a monarch, they count as whatever race they rule over, and she's not the worst pick they've had for France, and the civ she leads is well-suited to the period she's from. Saladin, yeah, that's pretty nonsense but can you imagine the outcry from the Sjews if they'd given the Arabs a military bonus?


I don't even have a reaction image that quite conveys the kind of amused yet disgusted derision I feel right now, so this'll have to do

Yes, which is why I don't mind them. They never became civilized (unless you consider them descendants of the Mound Builders) but that's literally only because they were cruelly betrayed by the Americans, they really loved the idea and embraced it wholeheartedly.

You're so racist, nonhumans can be civilized too, bigot.

Honestly Arabia's bonus has almost always been oil-related

Has the games ever used a leader that was still alive?

No, the most recent leader is Mao who died in 76

they fought them hard, they fought them well
out on the plains they gave them hell

Well now i need to make a mod that plays the song when America is at war with the Cree

Oil and trade, never a single mention to their military beyond meme camel archers.

The Creek were part of the 5 Tribes not the Cree.

Im still mad as fuck about Korea

they kinda fixed her tho

You can play as The Boers in the Scramble for Africa scenario in one of Civ V's expansions (you can also play as Leopold II, which is kind of hilarious in a sick way).

How would a military bonus work for Arabia?

Do wh*Tes?
They only spread liberalism and cultural marxism so that everyone worships africans like they do.

>binland with mannerheim never

>Saladin was a good guy

when will this meme end?

>Open pic to see who that random guy of the hat is
>It´s Oceania´s some random Australian guy with a hat
>OP complains about Creek

Units inflict bombard damage on cities they died attacking.

>saladin was a bad guy
hey look guys i leapt to the other extreme :D

>john curtin
>random guy with a hat
look i know australias not a big country but hes pretty important

Sorry budy, he is just a random guy with a hat.

>With the announcement of Georgia, there are now more Asian civs than European civs
Oh fug

The Boers mod for Civ V was rather popular, so there's a chance. Besides, If fucking Georgia can get in, I don't see why the Boers can't.

Fuck Portugal, the Celts, the Ottoman Empire, the Byzantine Empire, Carthage, Incas, Mayans, the Holy Roman Empire, Austria, the Huns, Mali, Siam, Songhai, Italy, and Sweden. Finally Civ 6 gives us the one faction we've all been waiting for: Georgia, led by Queen Tamar. I can't believe it took this long.

Georgia is in Asia m8

Fine jeez.

Do people consider Georgian "asian"? I always saw them and the Armenians as "Europeans", despite Georgia not speaking an IE language (neither do the Basques, the Hungarians, or the Finns)

I would tie it their religion in some way, maybe a bonus when near one of your own shrines (defensive jihad) AND when near one of your own missionaries (offensive jihad)

OH SHI- I was assuming it was just a variant spelling of Creek but nope, civ has added a "civilization" made up of LITERAL savages (people who lack agriculture). What in the actual fuck.


Jeez a lot of the female leader choices are shit.

you're just a random fuckwit with a cock in his mouth

It's not like they had a big pool to draw from.

>they made Tamar look Armenian
I sure wonder how Georgians will react to this.

she looks Indian

>Catherine de Medici as the French leader
Blunder of the century.

The Boers were just a bunch of farmers that didn't do jack shit.

why are they all so incredibly ugly

Uhh user that Cree leader was from post euro contact

More so than feudal, slave-holding and relying on endless conquests to survive european cradles of bureaucratic barbarism.

>yes georgia but why the fuck does she look indian
Based on the youtube comments. Firaxis has some retarded artists given some the shitshows they've released. Was it really that hard for them to google what Georgian people look like?

>literally invented music

why do they all look like disney characters


in case you're wondering
they're adding certain less fitting civs because of TSL, true start location start
they add literal savages because they want to make TSL in multi more balanced

because it's literally a mobile game

fug, of all the civ 6 leaders i hate wilhelmina the most

>have excellent leaders like William of Orange, Maurice of Orange, Oldenbarnevelt, William III, William II (the reboot)
>no, let's pick the queen who is most famous for fleeing from the germans in 1940 instead
pic related would unironically be a better choice

>de Medici
>hundreds of years of french history
>chooses a spaghetti nigger

i am more offended by the fact that they used an ottoman tune for saladin