Veeky Forums, what do? You surprisingly give good advice

Veeky Forums, what do? You surprisingly give good advice.

>get qt femPajeet gf
>together for about two months
>everything going well
>4 weeks ago
>gets mad at me for doing something very small and insignificant
>so small I can't remember what it is
>happens every week now
>annoys me and distracts me from doing work
>"user, my TPMS says my tires have low pressure. Can you put air in them for me?"
>think "there's no way she'll get mad if I say no because I'm super busy and this is stupid she can't do it herself"
>have 4 exams, a lab final, and an essay on Monday/Tuesday
>"no, it's not hard. Just call me when you get there and I'll tell you how to do it"
>tells me to fuck off and not come to her sorority's semi-formal tonight
>thinking about breaking up with her because of this endless cycle of me doing small things that somehow piss her off

What do?

To keep fit related, what is your mile time?

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Either break up with her or grow a pair and tell her to stop being a cunt over petty shit.

I told her that.
>"user, this is normal and every relationship is like this"
>"it's normal to fight every week"

This is my first relationship, and even I know this is bullshit.

This is only going to get worse. Just break up with her. If she's tells you she's sorry and asks for another chance then you can take it seriously or not, up to you. This isn't going to go away on its own. She doesn't respect you.

She's trying to victimize herself because she's fucking some chad on the side and is unable deal with the guilt like a grown up.

Drop her after confronting her about this.


dude, grow a pair dont let semendemons control you!

>Uninvited to formal because of air in tires

user, she's trying to get you to dump her. Just dump her.

She may also just be stupid. In which case you still need to dump her.

She wants me to apologize.
I told her it's an endless cycle of her being upset by petty things, and the she says I hurt her. She thinks I'm unreliable and inconsiderate when every example she gave me was her fault.

>>"user, this is normal and every relationship is like this"
>>"it's normal to fight every week"

No it's not. If anyone says that, then that should be a red flag. It's only normal for people who are in toxic relationships. Do you want to be in a toxic relationship? If the answer is yes, then continue to be miserable for the rest of your life. If the answer is no, then dump her, focus on your studies and get through college.

This guy get it. She wants a bitch, nothing else

Never, ever apologise unless you genuinely think you've done something wrong.

Maybe you are unreliable and inconsiderate, for all I know. But if you are then this girl isn't going to change you for the better- you don't want to change for her and I don't blame you.

Personally I think she is either giving you shit tests, or trying to get you to dump her. I say you either dump her or go Brocas Helm's Skullfucker on her just to experiment and see how girls react to what.

In the off chance that she isn't trying to break up with you, she is either trying to follow a supposed norm even if it makes her miserable, or she is setting the norm for your relationship.
You absolutely fucking MUST go to the semi-formal. If you don't then you'll communicate to her that you are nice and neutered. Go and keep us updated.

In any case, fuck norms. Extraordinary isn't normal either.

>you don't want to change for her

I didn't really think of that until now. Thanks, user. I mean, I'll admit, I've had my moments of selfishness, but it's because I didn't think she'd actually get upset about it. But then she does and it's frustrating. I just don't find our relationship as important as she does since I'm trying to do well in school to get into medical school. She claims that she's understanding, but when I tell her I can't do something because I'm busy, she becomes upset. She claims "I'm so busy yet I still make an effort"; however, I feel that if she were truly busy she wouldn't be trying to hang out all the time.
She told me she wants a toned down relationship which I was totally on board with, but she keeps pulling stupid shit like this.

>she doesn't respect you
She's kind of hinted at this.
She basically said, "once you realize you won't be right most of time, the less we'll fight."

I think she's trying to control me, but since I'm not letting it happen, she keeps doing stupid shit.

I think I might break up with her.

this is so easy. don't say anything to her, just know you're broken up and act like it. if she reaches out to you to talk, then you say "I'm not having a relationship with someone who acts like this."

don't you respect yourself too much to be treated like this?

She took back what she said about semi-formal, and she wants me to go now, but I really don't want to anymore after this whole thing.

>shit tests
I thought this too last night. She told me her expectations of a relationship are based off of movies and TV shows. I don't know why I didn't take that seriously because I seriously thought she was joking.

She's testing your limits. She's picking at you little by little to see how much abuse she can get away with. Remember that women don't want an equal relationship, they want to be in control.

She's lusting for another cock and wants to get rid of you. She can't break up with you due to her weak lineage. Pajeets are a no go anyway, you know how much a shithole costs to build nowadays?

everything about you and this girl would have been fine apart but:
>She told me her expectations of a relationship are based off of movies and TV shows.

dump her like a stinky shit in a busy street

Dude, most chicks like drama and almost all women like getting you to do shit for them they could easily do themselves.

If you're too busy for it just move along, otherwise humour her and have fun, if it's not fun move along.

I'm in a similar situation OP, except it's long distance. I agreed to see her two weekends a month, she would come when she could. I was in college and working part time, she had a full time job. Two weekends a month quickly became every single weekend, and then she pressed me to stay until monday mornings instead of leaving sunday nights. This is a two hour trip one way that I have been making weekly but she would never visit me. Gets upset when I ask to stay home one weekend because of school work, broke down and went anyway and realize that this is now expected of me. When I ask her to visit me she claims that she can't afford to come yet she smoked, went to bars, restaraunts, and buys useless crap. Acts like it's not her fault, blames it on her gas guzzling car and bills. When she gets mad I'm suddenly not invested and don't make her a priority. She knows that Inhave sleeping problems but that won't stop her from trying to text and Skype me all night. We have fights over dumb little things regularly. Sometimes we'll discuss something opinionated and she'll get pissed that I don't feel the same, even though thw subject doesn't even affect us. It's miserable. We had some great times, but too much bad. You're lucky though OP. The girl I'm dating is my best friend of several years who is now in love with me, so leaving is really not easy.

Alright then. The point is to let her know that you want to have fun and that her wants aren't more important to you than yours. So what you're gonna do tonight is have fun without her. Go to a bar with a friend, play vidya, lift, whatever. Tommorow tell her (in a calm/friendly manner) that you had fun doing x last night, and when she asks you why you didn't go to the semi-formal, tell her "meh, I didn't feel like it".

But why the hell did you take interest in a pajeet in the first place? Never go below wogs.

>her expectations of a relationship are based off of movies and TV shows.

That's understandable for a 14 year old.

Post pics of your pajeet

I love pajeet girls

Not op but i can't be in a 'non toxic' relationship
I find myself doing things to wind up my gf and cause fights cause it gets my blood up
I'm like this with everything though
Like i can't just drink i have to compare scores with last time and try and get more fucked up
And when i drive i speed everywhere

I just think society is really boring i guess

She's headed out to DC tomorrow for the weekend, so I won't be able to talk to her about this until Sunday.

>weak lineage
She's actually fucking loaded. That was one of her reasons for dating me: "Since you also have money, user, I won't feel like you're taking advantage of my money." All I could think of was what a bitchy thing to say.


I'm sorry, user.

Don't buy into her drama, and she'll come crawling back or you'll find someone else that doesn't need their drama bought into. 360 WIN!!!

One of her best friends just called me and told me she's in the hospital waiting for a psychiatric evaluation.

Do I go? I have these exams and shit I was planning on studying for all night.

What do? I don't want to feel bad for not going but I feel these exams are kind of more important since they're med school pre-reqs.

>once you realize you won't be right most of time, the less we'll fight
I lolled.
Maybe this is your first relationship, this is obviously not her first. And seeing she had plenty, they cant have last long. Guess why?

So? It's pretty much a brain checkup. She isn't being checked for a life-threatening desease like cancer.

Exams are more important. They can have a lifetime impact, where a woman you don't much like having a simple evaluation doesn't.

I'm going to go see her for like 30 minutes to make sure she's okay. I'm breaking up with her Tuesday before I go home for break.

It's healthy for couples to fight but not over petty bullshit all the time. That's why people break up. I would say break it off.