Two squat racks at local gym

>Two squat racks at local gym.
>Long wait for racks.
>First month doing 5x5 ICF.
>Do 5x5 squats with 7 minute rest between.
>Do 5x5 OHP with 5 minute rest between.
>Do 5x5 Deadlift with 10 minute rest between.
> Do 3x12 Rows for Accessory with 4 minute rest between.
>Everyone gives me bad looks when I leave the squat rack.

Was my form that bad?

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You deadlift in the squat rack??? Not gonna make it

Its probably because you were takin up both racks

>still falling for the 'not deadlifting in the squat rack' meme

obviously b8 but you literally dont need to rest longer than it takes to get your breath back and pulse down. this 5, 7 minute shit is full blown broscience

>only one squat rack at my gym
>be 6'7 big guy (4u)
>have to put the bar as high as it goes
>load up 4.5pl8
>put on knee wraps, belt, lifting shoes
>pace around and clap my hands
>mouth the words to my music
>swing my arms around
>when someone asks me how many sets I have, chuckle and say "A few more"
>offer to let them work in
>they always decline because they don't want to lower the bar and take off weight in between sets
>repeat the above for 90 minutes
>mfw I have a knee injury and can't squat without excruciating pain

2 to 3 minutes for strength, 1 minute or less for hypertrophy.

horse puckey.

That's complete horse shit. Shorter rest times aren't beneficial for strength or hypertrophy.

>needing more than a 3min rest

yeah youre wasting everyones time

>that dyel guy in the gym with a belt who loads up the leg press with 12 plates and does 5 half rom reps and takes 10 minute breaks

I know you post here

how do you know?

Actually they are for a lot of reasons. They increase metabolic waste accumulation and cross-sectional stress which directly leads to hypertrophy. The metabolic waste accumulation, specifically H+ ions and lactic acid, increase Gh, IGF-1, MGF, PEG and a bunch of other growth factors. There is even tertiary effects through hypoxic stress leading to vascularisation adaptions along with adding even more to hypertrophy. Doing heavy weights with low rest also boosts test and the activity of certain androgenic enzymes, so the best for hypertrophy is probably ~90%1RM for 1-2 reps for 12-20 sets with

No-one who is actually strong will survive a week training like that, let alone a full program.

It's 3-5 mins. Everything else is broscience.

You're supposed to rest long enough that you can do your next set. If you rest 2 mins and can still do it, you aren't pushing yourself hard enough

All the broscience. Link me an article bro

You've never done strongman aye

Unless you have huge vo2 max.

>has never trained for strength

>people who haven't read any studies where 3min rest groups have superior growth in both muscle mass and strength to 1min rest groups.

Keep getting memed guys, LUL

>It's 3-5 mins. Everything else is broscience.
if i don't rest 8 min between sets i can't do all the reps. is that broscience?

Don't OHP, deadlift, or row in the squat rack. Shamefur dispray.

How are you supposed to OHP without a squat rack?

> He can't clean what he can press